Chapter 36: Another Conversation with Truth

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Me and Ed were separated in the light of the door. I was pulled away from him and he was pulled away from me. I was thrown into a white room. Oh great. I get to see Truth again.

"Hello Nicole." Truth said sadly. Woah. He can sound sad? 

"What are you gonna do this time?"

"I just need to speak with you." He said calmly. I snorted. 

"Yeah right. What do you really want?" Truth sighed.

"I don't want anything Nicole. I need to talk to you about why I brought you into this world." He said calmly. I slowly stood up and brushed myself off.

"Why do you want to talk about it?" I asked extremely confused. I felt a slight breeze and an image showed up out of nowhere. A picture of when I was younger. Being hit by my mother. 

My black hair was in a ponytail and I wore a little dark blue shirt with black pants. My mother. Light brown hair and blue eyes. A green shirt and blue jeans.

"I've been watching you your whole life Nicole." He said. A new picture came up. Me with a black eye. Watching FMA on my phone. I was twelve then. My black hair was longer. Poison green eyes fixed onto the screen. A small smile on my face.

"I know the pain that you've gone through. I'm the one who directed you to this 'anime' as you call it. Because I knew one day you would wish to go there. And when you did, I would let you see the Truth. I would take something of equal value but smaller then a limb."

A third picture showed up of me being bullied at school. That was last year. I was being tripped by an auburn boy with nearly black eyes. He wore a blue, long sleeve shirt and brown pants with all those pockets. 

I was wearing my usual attire. Black everything. Black shoes. Black pants. Black shirt. Black sweater. 

"I didn't bring you here for a game Nicole Brown. I brought you here for a new start." He explained. "I saw how much you looked up to Edward and his brother. I planned on sending you here when you wished for it."

The images faded away and we're replaced with ones from only a few days ago.

"Yes, the homocului want you for thier plan but, I didn't send you here to get and keep the story on track. You can lead them to where Father is and destroy him now if you wish." 

One of the pictures was when I first met Ed and Al. In the hospital room. 

The second was when Ed hugged me in Rush Valley by the cliff. 

The third and final one, was Ed kissing me on the roof after he told me they knew about my scars. Tears still in my eyes.

"Why would you go through all this for me of all people?" I asked. Truth sighed.

"Because I've never seen someone so isolated look up to fictional characters as much as you did. They were the ones that kept you from thinking suicide are they not?" I nodded.

"Yeah. They had the confidence I never did. I mused it."

"Exactly. You don't have to follow the story exactly the way it was supposed too." He told me. "I sent you here for a new start." I nodded again.

"But there are so many more kids out there with the same problem I had. What made me special between them and me?"

"They talked suicide. You never did. Because of those boys." An image of Ed and Al showed up. Ed with a silly go stupid grin with Al holding a cat.

My eyes teared up but I blinked them away.

"You see? You can start a new life here. With Edward if you wish." He told me. I only nodded.

Was he pulling my leg? No. He couldn't be. How would he know how my mother looked that day? I saw the truth. I could preform alchemy. Without a circle. I could talk to animals- Wait. 

"Wait, how can I talk to animals?" I asked.

"You need to be from your side of the gate and see the truth." He explained quickly.

"I knew it!" I said placing a finger on my chin. I totally knew it! 

"Would you like to go back to your side of the gate?" He asked. My head shot up to look at the white outlined figure.

"Hell. No." I said instantly. Truth smiled. Not his creepy smile. A nice, kind smile.

"Then you can go back to the brothers now." He waved his hand and a portal opened. I started towards it but I stopped and took a deep breath. I turned around and smiled at Truth. 

"Thank you Truth. You saved me from the pain I would surely be feeling now if I were with my so called parents. I appreciate it a ton." I bowed politely. Truth chuckled.

"It seemed like the right thing to do. The last time I sent someone to this side of the gate was years ago. Before it was turned into a story."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because she was in pain too."

"What was her name?" I asked curious.

"Amilia Elric. Edwards great grandmother." My eyes widened. If it weren't for Truth... the brothers never would have existed. Wow... they're partly from my world. That's pretty cool. "But don't tell them. They could become even more upset then they already are right now. They're looking for you."

I nodded at his outlined body with a small smile.

"I won't. I promise." I turned and ran at the small hole in the ground. "Thank you!" I called as I fell. Truth chuckled as I fell through the hole. Not evilly. Like he was being genually nice.

I landed with a soft thump on the ground and I heard the brothers calling my name. I smiled. Truth meant it. He was a really nice guy. 

I stood up tall, with a confident grin on my face. I was going to lead them to Father. But, first we had to find Van Hoenhiem. I didn't want to but we had to. 

Then Al could have his body back.

This time, I was going to win.

We would win.

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