Chapter 13: Greedy Greedy Greed

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Let's recap the last two days.

Ed and Al got back from the Island. The next day Al was kidnapped. Ed had gone back to central for his yearly state alchemist check up thingy majig. Ed still wasn't back. Then a few hours later, I get kidnapped. By fricking Roa. He was the one mixed with a bull. I think...

Yes! It was a bull! Which meant it he was a bullshit kind of guy.

Get it. BULLshit kind of guy? No...


I was walking around, trying to find the Devils Nest bar so I could get Al back but instead, got fricking kidnapped.

Now? I was waiting to meet Greed. He still hadn't seen Al apperently. Martel was in Al. She was the snake.

Dolcetto was sitting on a crate playing with his sword. Then Greed came in.

"You got both of them!?" He said happily. He squatted down to my eye level.

"You know you sound like a kidnapper?" I asked deathly calm. "Wait. You are." Greed laughed with a creepy grin.

"Well, Sweetheart, I'm a Homoculous." He showed me his hand then flicked my forehead.

"A Homoculous!? But that not possible!" Al cried. I sighed.

"But it is Metal Head." He told Al.

"Now you sound like a rapist." I said looking up slightly.

"A rapist? Why would I want to rape someone when they all want me!?"

"Not all of them." I told him. He squatted down to my eye level again and placed a finger under my chin.

"Listen here Sweetheart. I'm greedy. That's why my name is Greed. I want Women. Money. Power." He explained. "I want everything."

"I got the impression you were greedy when you called me Sweetheart." I told him. He cupped my face on his hand and pushed my head up a bit. What came next didn't really surprise me. Izumi came barreling in.

"Anna, Al, are you two alright?" She asked with a look that could kill.

"Yeah. Just stupid here is getting on my nerves." I told her.

"And who the hell are you?" Greed asked. Oh shit.

"I'M A HOUSEWIFE!!!" She yelled punching Dolcetto in the face who ran at her. And who wins the award for the largest amount of stupidity?

Dolcetto! That's who! I laughed when he fell to the floor.

"Ow!" He yelled.

"Loser!" I yelled at him. Teacher went up to Greed and punched him in the face. Her knuckles started to bleed.

"Teacher!" Al cried at the same time I cried "Miss. Izumi!"

"How many fingers did you break?" He asked smirking. "Three or four? I can't tell."

"Teacher!" Al cried. "Just go get brother!"

"Alphon-" She started.

"Brother has what he wants!" Teacher nodded and walked out with Sig.

Oh man! I just realized I started calling her Teacher in my head! I sound like Ed! Son of a bitch! See? I can say other words besides shit. Dammit! I'm trying not to say that anymore! Oh well. Too late now.

"So what do you want from Ed anyways Greed?" I asked. He chuckled.

"I want to know how to transmute a soul to armour. Like Al here. Al 'paled'.

"That's why I'm stuck in here!" A voice came from Al. Martel...

I scrambled back pretending to be freaked out.

"You're hollow!?" I screeched. Al started to panic.

"Anna! Don't be scared please! It's not that bad! I wanted to tell you on the train but I chickened out!" He explained. So I was right...

I took a deep breath to supposedly calm myself down.

"I understand why you didn't tell me. Just try not to freak me out with something like that again please." I asked 'paling' myself.

I mean I did pale, but it was a fake kind of pale to show that I was- nevermind. It's not important.

"WHERE'S MY BROTHER!!" A voice screeched.

"He's here~!" I sang quietly. A door transmuted itself on the wall and Ed smashed through it. I sweat dropped. Damn. It was hard enough when he was mad. He was completely pissed off.

"YOU TOOK OUR FRIEND TOO!? WHAT THE HELL!!!" Ed yelled. Dolcetto ran at him and got a faceful of metal fist. I laughed again. This time the doggie didn't get up.

"Good boy." I said sarcastically.

"How'd you know he was part dog!?" Martel asked From inside Al.

"He's a dog chimera?" I asked deadpanning.

"Yeah." Martel answered. Her voice kinda sounded echoy. The sound of Military personnel filled the air.

"Get them out of here Roa." Greed ordered at the sound of the military. Roa nodded and picked me and Al up. One of us on each of his shoulders. Dolcetto was under his arm.

He went right for the sewers. Gross...

I caught a slight glance of Ed and Greed with Ed in the air, ready to punch the bastard. Well, Ed was gonna feel that in the morning.

Soon after we entered the sewers Dolcetto woke up.

"Have a nice nap stupid?" I asked smirking a bit.

"Shut up!" He told me as Roa set him down. The sound of the Military filled the sewers now. Great... Roa and Doggie boy ran far enough then set us down

"Take care of Martel no matter what happens." Roa ordered. I nodded not feeling like getting punched or something for refusing.

"What!?" Martel yelled as they ran. She tried to get out. "Let me out!" Al held his helmet in place as we started to slowly move away. "They're all I have left! I've lost my family once! Don't make me loose it again!" She cried.

Soon enough, Bradley found us. Wrath or hopefully Pride, came into view. I think he was Wrath because we didn't find the lid on the island. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit!

He said something that I ignored before he stabbed his sword thingy into Al, killing Martel.

All I saw was the blood.

A memory, flashed through my head. Of blood. Like a crimson river, flowing free.

I barely heard Al's yell to me as I started to fade into the darkness.

Well this sucked, was my last thought before nothing.

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