Chapter 14: What Do You Mean He's-!?

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I slowly opened my eyes. All I remember was blood. Oh shit. I was gonna be sick...

"Anna!" A voice cried. I turned my head to see Al and Ed asleep in a chair with his arms crossed over his chest. I tried to sit up but Al held me down.

"No, I need to sit up." I told him. He let go and I sat up rubbing arms. "I think I might be sick..." I said placing a hand over my throat. Ed groaned and sat up.

"Your awake!" He said a little loud. 

"And I think I might be sick." I repeated louder. Al grabbed a bucket and I told them to get out. Well, there goes whatever the hell was in my stomach...

"Son of pixie fairy." I muttered. Ed came back in with a glass of water. "Thanks." I said tying the bag that was in the small black garbage can. "I suggest you not touch that. I will take it out later." I told him as I sipped the water.

"How are you feeling? The military found you passed out with Fürher Bradley and Al was covered in-" I cut him off.

"Don't say it unless you want whatever is left in my stomach on you." I warned.

"Do you not like it?" He asked.

"At the metion of it, I have memories and then I feel nauseous. Easy as that." I explained. He nodded.

"Good to know for the future." He said. "Were leaving back for central when you feel better." I nodded.

"Where's my bag?" I asked.

"Teacher's been holding onto it for you." I nodded again. That was good. Couldn't have anyone looking in it. I told her I was from the other side of the gate. Obviously I have things from that side of the gate in my bag.

"Okay. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be good to go." I told him swinging my legs over the side of the bed and rubbing my face. I pulled on my shoes that were next to the bad as Ed left. 

I felt like shit... but I can sleep on the train if I need to. I just don't want to see how upset everyone would be for Hughes dying... and Winry would know I knew. Oh I felt like a total jerk!

Perfect! I'm just an awesome person! I rubbed my face again and ran a hand through my knotted hair. I want downstairs carefully. Miss. Izumi's house.  I asked for my bag and pulled out a hair brush and brushed my hair quickly. I then put my sweater on again and we went off. Ed and Al had asked about the philosophers stone to her while I was out. Good for them.

I said bye to Izumi who smiled and pat my head. I smiled my fantastic small smile and followed the brothers to the train station. 

The ride was quiet since I slept the whole time and only woke up when we had almost gotten back in central. How that was possible, I had no idea. We were only about an hour away from the big city now and Al and Ed were playing a card game. Blackjack I think...

Key words are 'I' and 'think' in that sentence. I don't play games like that. I find them stupid! What the hell is the point of trying to get a whole bunch if certain cards!? 

Plus, Ed always cheated and Al didn't know. Stupid cheaters. Cheater cheater pumpkin eaters...

Yes that'd be a cliche term! I understand that!

Now I was thinking about Hughes. I wonder how Elicia and Gracia are holding up...

I felt so bad! I should have said no and stayed to try and save him! I'm so stupid! 

I liked out the window and placed the side of my head against the clear window. Dammit! I felt like such a jerk.

"Hey Anna?" Al asked snapping me from my thoughts.

"What's up?" I answered not looking at him. I watched as house came into view. Almost to central...

"What's have you been thinking about since you woke up?" He asked.

"Everything I guess." I told him simply. "I'm a bit confused right now and I'm sure why." I lied easily. I felt bad for lying... 

And I'm over it.

"You've been thinking about everything?" Ed asked budding in. Dumbass jerk...

"No. I've been thinking about how to hide your body when I dispose of you." I told him.

"That's sounds really wrong." Ed commented. I turned and glared at his tomato red face.

"You know what I meant and I know it." I growled.  "And yes, I've been thinking about a little bit of everything. Food. Life. Death. Alchemy. How I'm gonna kill Mustang. The whole nine yards."

"Did you say alchemy?" Ed asked. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. CRAP!!! 

"No." I said immediately.

"Yes you did." Al pointed out while he placed a card down on a pile on the small table they had.

"Fine. Izumi was teaching me a bit about alchemy while you two idiots were on the island." I explained looking out the window again. Oh dear god...

"That's so cool! You might be able to do what me and Ed do!" Al said happily looking at me. I looked back at him as Ed pulled a card from his sleeve without Al noticing.

"Yeah." Wass all I said while I looked out the window again. The buildings were getting bigger. I couldn't do this. I was gonna snap.

No! Bad Nicole! Bad! I can't snap! Stay strong! You're almost to central and them when you find out Hughes is dead, you can bawl your eyes out! I yelled at myself again. I totally need to get a life. 

But, I'm starting over on this side of the gate. So yay. New life over here. Cool. 

The train stopping slowly,snapped me put of my thoughts. I grabbed my bag and sling it over my shoulder while Ed and Al quickly put their cards away. We all left the train and stood on the platform. I turned to look the other way and what I saw was a blessing.



How that the hell is he-!?

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