Chapter 17: Choices

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Envy... Envy was here.

"You gonna speak Kid?" He asked.

"What do you want from me?" I asked quickly. He smirked and chuckled evilly.

"Well, I was told to come get you. Apparently, your supposed to be one of us." He grinned evilly and pulled out red stones.

"The philosophers stone!" I said quietly.

"That's right Kid." He squatted next to me. I move back; trying desperately to get away. He grabbed my arm.

"Let go!" I said pulling my arm.

"Come on Kid." He put one up to my lips. "You never know if you like 'em until you try." I held my mouth firmly shut. "You're lucky I can't kill you Kid." He said pushing stone between my teeth and into my mouth.

No! I don't want to be one of them! I'll turn into a killer! I tried to spit it out but Envy clamped a hand over my mouth. I felt the stone start to disolve. I pushed against Envy's chest in attempt to get his hand off so I could spit it out. It didn't work and soon, they're wasn't any stone left at all.

My stomach twisted and it felt like my throat was on fire. Envy removed his hand and I coughed fiercely.

"See? It tastes good doesn't it?" He asked. A pain started to flow through my brain. No. No. No! No! NO! It did not taste good at all!

Okay, it did taste kinda like chocolate, But at the same time like barf. I Coughed harder and I started to taste blood.

Envy grinned.

"It's working. Father was right. You are one of us." He smirked and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. He then grabbed my bag and slung it over his other shoulder.

Then I blacked out.

**Ed's POV**

"Hey!" Ed yelled as Nicole ran up the stairs. He ran after her and burst into her room. The window was open and the drapes were blowing slightly in the slight breeze. Ed growled and when he turned around, Hughes was there.

He was pissed again. Hughes slapped him across the face. Ed's head snapped to the side.

"Hey!" He yelled. "What was that for!?" Looking back at the military personnel.

"For being an idiot!"

"She lied to us! Too all of us!"

"And why did she do that!?"

"Because she was afraid of how we would react." Ed said quietly, as he realized Anna's good intentions.

"Exactly! Now go find her!" Hughes ordered. Ed nodded and hopped out the window. "You could have used the front door Ed!" Hughes called from the window as Ed started to run.

Al was still confused but jumped after his brother.

"Same with you Al!" Hughes called again.

Ed and Al started running. Looking in every nook and cranny they could find. They asked the few people that were littering the road if they had seen a girl with black hair and blue backpack. Not one person had.

They were about to give up and search again in the morning, but they heard vicious coughing and someone murmuring. They shot off in that direction.

They turned one last corner and saw Envy with her over his shoulder along with her backpack on his other shoulder.

"You!" Ed yelled. Envy turned confused and saw Ed. Then he smirked. "Put her down!" He screeched. Envy simply dropped the girls bag and her next to it.

"If it isn't the Fullmetal Pipsqueak." Envy sneered with an evil smirk. "What brings you here?"

"To get Anna back!" Ed yelled.

"And why would she want to go back with you? You tried to kill her." Ed gasped then turned serious again.

"You don't know that!"

"But I do Pipsqueak. I saw it happen." Ed growled and ran at Envy who simply kicked him back a few feet.

"Brother!" Al cried as he went up to his brother. Ed slowly stood up holding his stomach.

"I'm fine Al!" He called without looking back. Ed ran at Envy again. Envy sighed and dodged a bit before punching Eds jaw sending hi to the ground. Al ran at Envy and was kicked back a bit farther then Ed had.

Envy picked Nicole or Anna up again and ran; disappearing within seconds. Ed pushed up off the ground and punched it with his automail hand.

"Dammit! I'm such an idiot!" He yelled at himself.

**Nicole/Anna POV**

My brain hurt. It was as if it was on fire inside my skull. Envy forced me to take that philosophers stone... I wasn't awake yet. But, I was getting there.

My lungs felt like they were filled with water. I could hardly breath. My heart felt different. It felt... dark. Evil almost.

My eyes opened and I gasped a huge breath of air. I was lying on my back so, I turned onto my side and coughed vigorously like there really was water in my lungs.

"Glad to see you live." I looked up and saw Father. Shit. He looked like Hoenhiem. Just like him. Okay. This is going to end the way Brotherhood did. Just perfect. I looked behind him as someone laughed.

"Where am I?" I asked trying to sound calm. Father chuckled and placed a hand on my shoulder. How the hell did he get that close!? He really scared me sometimes!

"With us." He said simply. Four figures stepped out from the shadows. Lust. Gluttony. Envy. Wrath. Oh shit. "Sloath and Pride couldn't be here unfortunately. They're both busy at the moment." Father explained.

"Why am I here?" I asked pulling away from his evil and cold touch.

"You are one of us. Only half, but still one of us." He explained. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my arm forward. List used her finger knives to cut my arm. Blood started to trickle out. I felt sick again...

Father pulled out a small vile. The philosophers stone in the form of a liquid. I struggled to get my arm away as he poured the red juice into my cut.

"Welcome Dark. Welcome to your new home." He said. My chest began to burn and I screamed at the top of my lungs.

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