Chapter 28: Near Death Experience

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I peered around the corner. We had been watching the Brothers for most of the day. They turned down an alleyway and disobeying Lust, I went down to watch them closer. 

My hair fell to my side. Ed looked up and his eyes widened. 

"Anna!?" He cried. Crap... I quickly turned and ran down the street with my feet thumping across the pavement. I heard the clank of Al's armour. They were following me. I looked back and watched them run after me; Ed with a face of relief and fear.

I smirked at him making him gasp and run faster.

"Anna!" He cried again. I took a sharp left. I turned another left and pressed my back against the wall with a smirk on my face. I had been with the homocului for roughly a week. 

I could feel the evil growing in my veins. I liked it! It made me feel better! Made me forget about the pain my so called parents bestowed upon me!

Father was right! This is power!

"Anna!" Ed cried again. I smirked. He ran around the corner and looked my way so I kneed him in the stomach. Oh that felt great! He fell the ground then looked up at me. I heard the clanking again and turned to see Al.

"This is perfect!" I said. Ed's eyes widened as he slowly stood up. Vemon poured from my voice. "Both here at once! Terrific!" I cried placing my hands on my hips.

"Anna! What's going on!?" Al cried. I snickered. Then doubled over laughing evilly. 

"What's going on?" I repeated. "What's going on is my name isn't Anna! And I thought you might of wanted to say goodbye!" Al gasped and took a step back while Ed widened his eyes again with fear filling each pupil.

I laughed again.

"Say goodbye!? Goodbye to who!? Cause it sure as hell isn't you!" Ed yelled. I spun around and placed a finger on my chin while the other stayed on my hip.

"That's what you think Edward. I finally found my true family. They care about me. Enough to try to keep me from doing this." I said smirking.

"Anna! This isn't you!" Al cried again. I turned back to face them and flipped my hair over my shoulder and crossed my arms.

"No Alphonse. This is me. The one before wasn't real." I explained quickly. Ed growled and clapped his hands; making his automail arm into a blade.

"Don't make me kill you Anna! I don't want to do that!" He yelled taking a step forward. Al gasped.

"Brother! You wouldn't! You can't!"

"I will if I have to Al!" I snorted a laugh.

"I'm a homoculous boys." I moved my hair away from my neck to reveal my tattoo on the side of my neck. "Well, only half, but it's still a homoculous." I moved my hair back and looked at Ed's pained face. "I can't be killed too easily. I may have only been with them for a week, but in two of those days, I've learned that there is so much more to life. Like power. And I don't need anything else really."

"Anna! What the hell!? This isn't you!" Ed yelled at me again. Just then, Lust and Gluttony jumped down from the roof and landed behind me. I turned to look at them.

"Hey Lust. Gluttony." I said calmly.

"I thought I told you not to confront them like this Dark." Lust told me.

"You're not the boss of me Lust. I may be youngest but I can take care of myself." Lust sighed and flung her hair off to the side.

"You're so much like Envy it makes me not like you." She told me.

"Deal with it." I told her blankly.

"Anna!" Ed yelled again making me look at him again.

"What is it?"

"What is it!?" He repeated. "What the hell are you doing with them!?"

"They are my siblings Edward." I told him. "Like I said, I'm a homoculous."

"You're half a homoculous Dark. Don't try to pull off being a full homoculous." Lust warned me.

"I've already let them know." I said sighing.

"Can we focus here!?" Ed yelled again. I swear, I was gonna pop off his head. No matter how big of a sacrifice he was.

"Can you stop yelling? It's giving me a headache." I said calmly.

"Gluttony and I will go back. I expect you to be there within the next hour Dark." Lust told me. I nodded.

"Sure. I've been itching to spill some blood for the first time." I said smiling darkly at the brothers. The power I felt was amazing! The fear in Edwards face! It made it all worth while!

Gluttony and Lust left me to grin sickly at the brothers. 

"Anna," Ed started taking a step towards me. "Remember what happens when your me scared." He told me.

"Scared?" I asked. "I'm not scared. I'm overjoyed to have a family that cares about me." I told him as a gust of wind blew; moving my hair to reveal my tattoo. Ed gasped. I touched my neck. 

The tattoo felt like a little indent in your skin. I didn't find it.

'Where the hell is it!?' I thought. 

"How did you do that!?" He yelled.

"Did what? I guess this is one of the downsides of being half a homoculous. My tattoo can come and go." I told him casually lowering my hand to place it on my hip again.

"Anna, please." Al begged.

"Please what Alphonse? Go back to before?" I asked. Ed took another step forward.

"Yes! Come back to us! You're like a sister to us!" Ed tried. I snorted a laugh as he stepped a little closer. I felt my heart soften. 

Wait! He's the light to my dark! If he gets too close... I'm gonna loose this philosophers stone! Father will be so upset if I waste this stone! I've already wasted one! 

"Anna, please. This isn't you." Ed said walking slowly towards me. I took a step back. 

"Don't come any closer." I warned. My skin started to glow a light red. Ed ignored my warning and came closer. My skin glowed brighter. My stomach started to burn. My throat tightened. I fell to my knees.

The power was draining out of me. Al started to come towards me too. Ed stopped him.

"Al! Get back!" Ed called. Al did what he was told and went around the corner. Ed kept coming closer. The pain grew as he grew closer. His hand touched my skin. That's when all hell broke loose. 

It was like I exploded. No. Everything around me exploded. Ed was sent flying back. For a minute, I knew myself again. I knew what Ed was talking about. When my vision became less fuzzy, I saw Ed. His back was turned to me and he was lying on his side.

"Ed?" I said quietly. "E- Edward!" I cried. What had I done!? I scrabble over to him as Al came back in the alleyway and ran over too. My eyes were filled with fear. I knew they were. 

"What have I done!?" I whispered to him. I pressed my fingers too his neck an day eyes widened. There was no pulse. There was no pulse! There was no pulse!! I had killed him! He's dead because of me!

"No!" I cried. Al knelt next to me.

"Brother!" He cried. 

"It's all my fault." Tears threatened to spill over. I stood up and backed away. 

"Anna! It's okay! It's not your fault!" Al told me picking his brother up.

"I don't want to hurt you too Al! I'm sorry!" I said running. "Get him to the hospital! See if they can save him!" I called while running. The darkness was coming back. I let it. I didn't deserve to be me. I deserved to die too. 

Only one thought ran through my head at the speed of light:

I had killed Edward.

I killed him. He- he was dead because of me. I killed him. I killed him. He's dead. And soon enough, so will I.

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