Chapter 18: Bad Girl Gone Evil

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I woke up with no pain in my body. But I felt different. Like... like I wanted to kill. But that wasn't who I was. Was it? No. It wasn't. But I had that eurge... that eurge to spill blood.

I couldn't wrap my head around it. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room where I was. White ceiling. Dark walls. Dark bed. I liked it. It was me.

"I see you're awake again Kid." I turned my head to the sound of the voice. Envy stood with his arms crossed and leaning against the wall. A smirk filled his face.

"What did he do to me?" I asked darkly. I didn't mean to say it like that!

"He gave you a philosophers stone Kid. You're one of us." He explained. I sat up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I slowly stood up. "Never seen one of us get up that fast before." Envy commented.

"Why do feel like I want to kill?" I asked firmly. The feeling- the need- was getting stronger.

"That's why you're called Dark. You do dark things Kid. Killing. Injuring. Damage. What we do and more." He explained. I walked passed him and tried to leave but he threw me back in and into a wall. I landed with a thump but the thing is, it didn't hurt.

It was like someone hit me lightly with a pillow. I simply stood back up.

"Let. Me. Out." I said calmly. Envy chuckled.

"This is why you're called Dark. You have a dark aura." He ignored the damn demand. The little shit. I wanted to rip out his heart and stomp- woah. Where the hell did that come from? I needed this stone out of me. Soon.

"Let. Me. Out." I repeated. "I'm not one of you. I won't kill. Even if I have to kill myself to keep that promise to myself." I told him. He just laughed. I clapped my hands and made a sword from the minerals in the ground. Iron to be exact.

He stopped laughing.

"How did you do that!?" He yelled. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Same as I don't know how I did this." He looked puzzled.

"Did what?" He asked confused. I clapped my hands again and created a cage around him out of stone, steel and iron.

"That." I told him. "The sword was a distraction." I said calmly. I clapped my hands for the third time and touched the wall next to me. Envy tried to slash his way out of the cage. I noticed my bag at the end of the bed so I grabbed it and ran through the hole I made in the wall.

Then I ran. As fast as I could. I wasn't going back to the Hughes house. No way in hell. I would go somewhere I couldn't hurt anyone. Wait, what about the place that Ross was supposed to hide when she was convicted of murdering Hughes in the story?

That would work! I think it would! I'd stay there for awhile! But,what would I do about food? I don't know if homocului eat. They never did in the show. And I'm only half homoculous. Not full.

So maybe I did have to eat still. And they never showed how Maria Ross survived out there! There goes plan A. Plan B! Another country! Xing? Maybe. Other random country I don't know the name of? Probably not. The only country I know about near Ametris is Xing. So most likely. I can't stay here.

Füerur Bradley or Wrath, would have his soldiers look for me night and day. Plan B is probably the best option. What was plan C you ask? Plan C was to find Ed and Al. I doubt they want to see me again though.

I lied to them. They're probably happy I'm gone.

**Ed's POV**

"We've looked all over the city!" Ed yelled collapsing onto his be din the Hughes house.

"We'll find where that person took her." Al told his older brother.

"She probably doesn't want to see me again. I tried to kill her Al! She's probably still in the city! She's probably hiding from us!" Ed yelled into his pillow. Al sighed and sag on the other bed in the room.

"Brother, she was kidnapped. We don't know why she was unconscious or how she got that way." Al explained. "She's probably being held captive."

Ed rose his head from his place on the pillow and looked at his little brother.

"You're right. Let's go do another lap of the city." Ed stood up and opened the door once again. He and Al ran down the stairs where Hughes stopped them.

"You boys going for another lap?" Hughes asked.

"Yeah. It's my fault she's gone." Ed said.

"Well,you boys should get something to eat while you're out." Hughes ordered. "You can't starve yourself looking for Anna." Hughes smiled at the boys and Ed smiled back.

"Yes sir." Ed and Al said at the same time before running out the door to continue their search. They stopped for lunch in a small diner. When they... well, when Ed was done, they walked out of the diner to see an all too familiar dark blue backpack. The boys looked at each other then back st the figure carrying it.

The figure had a black shirt with dark blue jeans.

"That can't be her Ed right? They have short hair. Anna has long hair."

"She could be hiding it under that hat she's wearing. I know it's her." Ed said firmly as he started towards the figure.

**Nicole/ Anna's POV**

Okay. Get away from the monsters? Check. How to get out of the country? No freaking idea. How to get the feeling of wanting to kill it of my system? Nada. This isn't me. I know it's not. I'd never hurt or kill anyone!


I'd never kill anyone!

I had our my hair up in a tight bun and put it under a baseball cap I had in my bag. Lucky I shoved it in before escaping down the fi

Don't ask why I had shoved it in my bag...

I just did okay?

Anyways, I found my way back to central and I was walking with my backpack on my left shoulder while I clenched my opposite fist to contain the eurge to randomly kill someone. That was a huge mouthful. Sorry about that.

"Seriously, what the hell?" I murmured to myself. I had looked at myself in the mirror in a public washroom too. My eyes were still poison green and not violet like theirs so I'm good for that.

Only problem was I craved to watch the life drain out of someone's eyes. I didn't want too though. I wanted to be myself. Not be some killer I'm not.

But, Father put a freaking philosophers stone into me! That's probably my core now!

Wait, he said I'm half homoculous. Not a full one. So maybe it just minimizes pain. So I can still die. I think...

I signed and kept going. I turned a corner and I saw a cute cafe across the street. I smiled softly but kept going when I got a creepy vibe. I shivered slightly and clenched my hand tighter into a fist.

Oh man, it was getting harder to keep under control.

I needed to get away from people before I attacked someone randomly. Even if it was Ed or Al. I couldn't hurt someone. Unless they were mugging me or something. Then I would hurt them lots. And whenever I said I was gonna rip off someone's head or 'tried' to kill someone, I was kidding! I wouldn't- no. I couldn't kill!

Oh man this was getting worse. I took a deep breath and someone tapped my shoulder. I turned. Who was there? The two people I didn't want to see. In fear of attacking them.

Ed and Al stood there. That'd who stood there. And they looked so happy they had found me. And what did I do next? I freaking ran. As fast as I could.

**Ed's POV**

Ed watched Anna or Nicole or whatever her name was run. And he did the only thing he could; he ran after her with Al trailing right behind him. Why was she running?

'Oh yeah!' Ed thought. 'I almost killed her!'

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