Chapter 12: The Island (duh duh duh!)

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It had been a few days since we arrived at Izumi's and I had finally told her about how I was from another world and... about Truth.  She asked to prove it and I told her about how she and Sig met. She was convinced right away.

She asked me if I could clap my hands and transmute but I told her I didn't know brace I haven't tried yet. Great right? 

Now Ed and Al were fighting like maniacs. Miss. Izumi had enough and took them to the island. I was in the boat with them and Ed was complaining that I didn't have to go with them.

"She didn't do anything Ed. You two did." Miss. Izumi said as Sig rowed away. When we were far enough, Miss. Izumi started to talk about alchemy.

"Do you know anything about alchemy Anna?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Equivalent Exchange. What's given must be taken." I stopped for a second. "Wait. It's the other way around. What's taken must be given." Miss. Izumi smiled.

"Good. Do you about science?" I sighed.

"Yeah. But only because I have a photographic memory."

"That's still good. What's the body mostly made up of?" She asked. I looked up.

"The human body is made up of 70% water and 30% elements." She smiled as the boat hit the main land again. She hopped out and I hopped out after her and finally Sig hopped out. 

"What's rock?"

"All it is, is a large amount of compressed dirt."

"Name three elements you find in the earth."

"Iron, Copper and Cobalt."

**Time Skip**

I. Hate. Science. 

We've been going over science shit for what, two hours? Maybe three. I sighed and kept answering all the questions she asked.

"How is electicity conducted?"

"Through a conducting rod. Negative to gain positives and loose negatives. Positive to gain negatives and gain positives." She smiled and crossed her arms.

"Alright. Let's go test out if you can preform alchemy." She said I looked up at her with a confused look on my face.

"You're gonna teach me alchemy?" I asked. She nodded. 

"What was the point of those science questions if I didn't want to?" She asked. I stood up with a small smile.

"Thank you... Teacher." I said. She smiled wider and her eyes softened.

"Let's go." She said walking to the backyard door. I walked out behind her. "Okay," she said kneeling to the ground. "Just clap your hands," she demonstrated. "And think about what you want to make and out of what." She touched the ground and a blue light emitted and a small statue of a bear came out of the ground. Made of rock. 

I nodded and did the same. I thought about a guitar. I meant to make a feather. Oops...

"What is that?" She asked. 

"It's called a guitar. It's from my world." I clapped my hands and destroyed it, before making a feather out of rock.

"Alright. Just try not to create things from your world. They will become suspicious." She told me. I nodded.

"Will do."

"Good. Now try and crate something bigger." I nodded again and clapped my hands. I thumped then on the ground and a large, detailed hand rose from then ground. Shiiiiiiit. It looked like my father's when he was about to hit me. I quickly clapped again and made it disappear.

"What was that?" Izumi asked. 

"Uuuuum... a hand." I told her confused. She frowned 

"It was a hand that your parents hit you with wasn't it?" 

Holy mother of potatoes and pixie dust. She was that fricking good at that. I nodded at her.

"Yeah." I whispered looking down.

"They can't get you here. You're safe on this side of the gate." She said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you Teacher." I said smiling my signiture small smile at her and clapping my hands. I touched the ground and a figure of a medium sized dove with a little plant in its beak. 

"You're really good at alchemy. I've never seen someone learn this quickly." She said smiling. I smiled back.

"Well, you haven't taught a student from the other side of the gate before have you?" I asked picking up the small dove. I placed it back down and clapped my hands for the fifth time; creating a stand for the animal. I handed it to Miss. Izumi.

"For you." I told her. "As a thanks sort of thing."

"A thanks for what?"

"For understanding." I said smiling. "You didn't freak out when I told you I was from another world. Or about Truth. I appreciate it." Miss. Izumi took the small sculpture and stood up. I stood up after her.

"Let's go get some dinner." She placed a hand on my head. At first I flinched. But once she gently placed her hand on my head, it was soothing.

"Teacher?" I asked. Ugh. I sounded like Ed.

"Yes Anna?"

"Can we keep this from the guys please? I'm just afraid how they'll react is all." I explained.

"I won't say a word." She promised.

"Thank you." She ruffled my hair and walked inside the house. I smiled and jogged after her and helped make dinner. I wonder how Ed and Al are doing. 

I think Bradley is Wrath not Pride. I hope it's the other way around.  Pride is scary as shit in the Brotherhood. I shivered. Man... this is awesome and stupid.

**Ed's POV**

Ed and Al sat around a campfire with three fish roasting over it in the forest. 

"This is boring." Ed complained. "Just like last time!" 

"Brother, stop complaining. It's only for a few days. Not a month like last time." Al told his older brother. Ed simply groaned and checked the fish to see if they were done.

"Yes! They're done!" He said before biting into one. Al laughed 

"What do you think Anna's doing?" Al asked giggling a little still.

"Maybe Teacher is teaching her a bit of alchemy." Ed suggested.

"Maybe. That would be pretty great if Anna could use alchemy like us."

"Yeah, but I've got some doubts about her."

"Like what Brother?"

"Like how she lost her kidney. It's kinda weird to have no kidney."

"Maybe she donated one to someone else who needed one." Al tried with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"The would do was fresh Al. It was as if it just disappeared. Like my arm and leg. And your body when we did the transmutation." Ed took a big bite of fish.

"I guess you're right Brother." Al said with a sigh.

"We'll have to ask her later." Ed told Al biting more of his fish.

The brothers would get answers from Anna.

Or should it be Nicole..?

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