Chapter 11

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.


I hopped out of my mother's petite vehicle, exhaling heavily while doing so. I was finally home from the animal clinic. And, with a lot more knowledge about myself than when the eerie night had begun.

Once my black converse hit the cemented driveway, I feverishly grasped the wooden box. Not exactly sure how to feel about the peculiar situation. Although I knew more about myself and what I was, it didn't take away from the fact that I wasn't anywhere near normal.

One thing that astonished me immensely, was that thinking of Stiles controlled my abilities. My mother nor father came to mind when my body was undergoing the horrendous transformation. Possibly due to the simple fact that I wasn't around them as much. Stiles was with me almost all of the time, as well as actually be there for me.

Before I had departed the animal hospital, Deaton informed me that the person I had thought about was my so-called anchor. Someone I had a strong connection to. Someone I loved.

So then, something dawned upon me. I loved Stiles. Not that it wasn't obvious already, I merely hadn't thought about the topic before as much as I would have liked. Due to the whole skinwalker ordeal. 

But, I was infatuated with every little thing he would do. Such as fiddle with his fingertips and stutter when he's seemed to be nervous. The way his button nose would crinkle when he laughed contagiously. And how he somehow had the time to constantly make me feel happy within my atrocious life. I loved him.

I was grinning sheepishly to myself all while I fumbled lazily with the keys in my palm. The buzz of amusement circulating throughout my veins. Until, unfortunately, it diminished. An audible hissing sound emitting from behind my slouched figure.

Reluctantly, I froze. A horrified whimper escaping my agape lips. My quivering body turning towards a sinister animal. About dying at the mere sight of the horrific thing.

It was absolutely hideous. The scaly, seemingly moist, disturbing creature lurking in the dark before me. It's lizard-like form making me want to vomit profusely about my driveway. I had not been prepared for possessed reptiles to be roaming the streets of beacon hills. I presumed werewolves was enough torture.

The wooden box obtaining the pin and my keys fell from my hands and clattered about the dirt.

A blood curdling scream fell from my mouth all while I tugged onto the handle of the door, hoping it would somehow open. The monster merely inched closer, it's sharp rows of teeth threatening me with each growing second.

Although I didn't want my mother to be horrifically greeted into the dark world of the supernatural, right now would be a wonderful time for her to wake up. For, help was much needed at this particular moment. I was appalled that she hadn't heard my pathetic screech of desperation.

Once a bit of sense was knocked into my shaking figure, I shifted my head to the opposing side. Eying a stack of wooden planks. Why they were there, I had no earthly idea. But, hey. The universe decided to grant me a truly gracious gift. Therefore, I refused to complain. Hastily grasping onto the hunk of tree, I swung it in a counter- clockwise direction. Smacking the creature upside the head.

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