Chapter 35

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.

Stiles, Scott, and I were all currently littered about Deaton's office. Countless sighs escaping my lips as I grew more and more impatient.

"A few days ago, I remembered this time from our childhood." I started, watching as the two boys absentmindedly moved their heads in my direction.

"We were all so young." I smiled, "All of our parents were there."

Stiles chuckled, sighing a bit afterwards "The good days."

"Yeah." Scott smiled to himself, most likely looking back on one of the nice times from our childhood as well.

I swung my legs off the elbow of the chair, my combat boots connecting with a clank. "It's so crazy how fast time changes. Like, one day my mom and dad are talking about how expensive it is to go to Disney World, and then in the blink of an eye my mothers never home and my fathers gone."

I glanced up at the two boys, who were nodding their heads. Listening to every word that was flung out of my mouth.

I began to realize that I was most likely stirring up bad memories in Scott and Stiles' heads. They were probably both silently wishing for me to shut up so they would no longer have to think about the lack of guardianship in their households.

"Oh my gosh." I raced a quick hand through my hair, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to like, make anyone remember anything they didn't want to."

"No–no, you didn't." Stiles quickly stated, raising two hands by the side of his head, "Not at all."

"Yeah, it was actually nice looking back on everything." Scott continued to grin, both boys making me feel like I hadn't committed a crime, thankfully.

The door then opened casually, Deaton walking in with barley a smile on his face. Always so serious, and I'll always wonder why. Apart from his still facial features, multiple things were gathered in his hands.

He was about to show us how we could collect this Kanima, hopefully no one killed in the process. For not only would it just add to the list of problems we had, it's also that all of these deaths are making me sick to my stomach. But, in the town of Beacon Hills, matters can only get worse.

Deaton simply began ushering us over, the three of us doing as told and scrambling over to the familiar table Derek about lost a limb to.

"This will help with your Kanima problem." Deaton smiled proudly, holding up what I think was a syringe in between his fingers along with a small bottle.

"Ketamine?" Scott rose an eyebrow, inspecting the bottle a bit further.

"We're not going to sedate this thing, right?"

"We are. It's the same thing we use on dogs, just a higher dosage." Deaton looked a bit unpleased at my remark, but quickly brushed it off, staring back at the clear bottle, "It should slow him down enough to buy you some time."

"Sand?" I questioned, picking the bottle up momentarily and studying the black sand-like substance piled inside the small object.

"Mountain Ash." Deaton clarified, watching carefully as I set the jar back down onto the operating table. "This is some of what you will use to create the barrier, the other part is for you Stiles. Only you."

The expression on Stiles' face was beyond worried, he plucked the bottle up from its place, memorizing every particle. "This seems like a lot of pressure. Do you think we can find a slightly less pressured filled task for Stiles?"

"It's from the Mountain Ash tree, which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural. This office is lined with ash wood, making it difficult or people like...Scott to cause me any trouble." He stated almost sympathetically, knowing that Scott would never do anything to hurt the veterinarian.

"So, then what? I just spread this around the building and then Jackson, or whoever is controlling him can cross?"

"They'll be trapped." Clarified Deaton, a nod following his statement.

"Well, that doesn't sound too bad."

"Not always." Deaton shook his head, "just think of it as gun power; it's just powder. Until the spark ignites it. You need to be that spark Stiles."

"If you mean light myself on fire, I don't think I'm up for that." Stiles groaned, placing the bottle carefully back onto the silver table.

Deaton chuckled a bit, actually cracking a smile for once. I'm not sure if it was because of Stiles' stupidity or the fact that he was stuck here explaining Mountain Ash to a bunch of teenagers. Well, actually; I believe that would make a grown man cry, not smile.

"Let me try a different analogy. I used to golf. I learned that the best golfers never swing before imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind and their mind takes over. It's pretty extraordinary what the power of you're own will can accomplish."

"Force of will." Stiles groaned, not averting his eyes from the bottle.

"Hey." Deaton finally caught the pale boys attention, "if this is going to work, Stiles, you have the believe."

This chapter sucked and was short, sorry.

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