Chapter 21

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.

My body slouched lazily against the black chair located within the computer room. Stiles was beside  me, latching onto my pale palm. Attempting to gain a little bit more strength back into my body.

Scott was actually at the school to retrieve a flash drive, not to save the trio in the water. The drive was where Allison's family kept their records, and the so called "bestiary" was actually some sort of recipe book of some sort. Everything was contained onto the flash drive.

We were now all staring intensely at a laptop screen. A bunch of Latin words clouding my vision.

"It's called a Kanima." Derek stated from behind us, now standing up with full feeling in his body along with his side kick, Erica.

"So you knew that the whole time?" I remarked, my breathing still a bit fast and unsteady.

"Only when it saw its reflection." He dead panned, rolling his eyes.

"So it doesn't know what it is?" Asked Stiles, raising an eye brow and squeezing my hand tighter.

"Or who."

"But it's like us?" Questioned Scott.

Derek shrugged uncertainly, "A shapeshifter, yes. But it's- it's not right- like a-"

"An abomination." Stiles finished.

Derek nodded as I shook my head.

"Look. We need to get rid of that thing. Because whatever it is it's not going to stop hurting and killing people. And if that means teaming up together to do it, then I think we need to." I sighed, smiling nervously.

Stiles chuckled, "She's right."

"Even if that means telling the Argents." Scott clarified. Causing Derek to whip his head around to face him angrily.

"You trust them?" The alpha screamed, firmly crossing his arms.

"Nobody trusts anyone! That's the problem. While we're hear arguing about what side we're on, there's something scarier, stronger, and faster out there than all of us. And we don't even know what it is!" Scott yelled back, clearly aggravated.

"I know one thing, I'm going to find it. And I'm going to kill it." Derek growled, turning on his heel as him and Erica dramatically exited the building.

"Stiles." I sighed, turning my head to face him. "I'm exhausted."

He nodded, "So am I, I'll take us home. Scott, I'll see you later buddy."

"Later man." Scott sighed, continuing to scroll through the hard drive.

Stiles and I lazily walked over to his blue jeep. Which he had some how retrieved from the police, who claimed it was evidence. I'm not sure how, but he accomplished getting it back. So way to go for him.

I hopped into the car, clicking my seat belt on and laying my head against the cool window.

My mom, obviously, wasn't going to be at home tonight. She was once again working an all nighter. So I was not looking forward to spending the night at my house alone with a monstrous lizard on the loose. Which by the way knows where I live, hint to the night where it almost murdered me. So, the question was, do I ask Stiles if he can sleep over.

I turned my head to face the boy, his hair still damp and his hands clutching onto the black steering wheel carefully.

"Stiles?" I smiled nervously, his eyes trailing to me momentarily.

He nodded, "Yeah?"

"I have a question."

"Mhmm?" He hummed calmly, his voice at the moment low and soft.

"Can I sleepover?" I rushed my sentence, sighing at the end of it. Relieved that I had gotten the asking part over with.

"W-what?" My boyfriend stuttered, "You want to sleepover?"

I swallowed nervously, my heart dropping a bit at his response, "Yeah, my mom just isn't going to be home tonight. And that lizard thing is on the loose. And it knows where I live. And I'm just a little bit paranoid that it's going to come back to my house and eat my face off. And, I'll feel a little safer if you're around."

He chuckled a bit at my statement, his face soon falling into a frown. "Wait. How should I convince my dad?"

I shrugged, shaking my head. "I have no idea. But- I swear It's okay, I'll be completely fine alone."

He grabbed my hand, squeezing it momentarily. He then made the jeep stop in his driveway with a halt.

"I'll just use my mad convincing skills." He said proudly, clearly ignoring the statement I had just made.

"Mad convincing skills?" I chuckled, "Stiles you have absolutely no convincing skills."

He put a hand over his heart and gasped dramatically, "I am actually a great lier thank you very much."

"Stiles." I sighed, opening the car door and launching myself out of it. "You couldn't lie to save your life."

He jumped out himself, laughing to himself in the process.

"Thank you for the overwhelming support." He grabbed my hand, leading us both into his comfortable house.

I always loved entering the Stilinski household. It's always so warm, comforting, and inviting. Unlike mine, which is the complete and utter opposite. My house is usually cold, bland, and quiet. I'm not saying that quiet is bad though. I'm all for peaceful silence, but it's just that the silence is my house isn't peaceful. For It's somewhat lonely.

Once the door flew open, Mr. Stilinski almost instantly caught sight of us. A small smile appearing on his bright face. Attired in his full sherif uniform. He looked as if he was just about to leave.

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