Chapter 12

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.
Short chapter, I'm sorry kiddos.

and yep, thats the kanima if you don't watch teen wolf.


Stiles and I strolled carelessly throughout Beacon Hills High School, hands interwinded alongside a dopey grin enchanting the both of our features.

"Okay, fine. What about this one?" Started Stiles, pondering to himself for a brief moment before he put together the correct thing to say, "Batman verses Superman, who would win?"

I thought about it for a second or two, taking time to enjoy our fun, yet geeky, little game, "Batman."

His mouth dropped, head shaking vigorously at my child-like response, "No way, Superman would so beat his sorry, little, as–"

"Stiles, you're so wrong." I cut him off hastily, hiding a smirk, "All Batman would have to do, is jab the guy in the stomach with some kryptonite."

Stiles pursed his red lips, raising an eyebrow, "That's not allowed. That's cheating."

"You never said there were any rules."

"Well I do now." He attempted to hold back a grin, failing miserably, "No kryptonite."

"Oh whatever, give me another one. Keep em' coming." I chortled, the two of us proceeding to wander the seemingly endless hallways.

"Yourself, verses Chucky the doll."

"Oh my gosh, me all the way. I'd step on that things dinky head and crush it's little plastic scull." I declared with enthusiasm, earning a questioning look from Stiles.

"His head is plastic?"

"We have a problem." Allison whimpered, cutting off Stiles and I's humour filled game. Scott arriving beside the brunette not more than a second later, alongside the erratic nod of his head. 

"Problem? How bad of a problem?"

"Like. . .a reptilian one." Scott heaved, the events from the prior evening dancing about my mind as if it were a terrifying horror film.

"Are you guys talking about a homicidal lizard? Because one payed me a visit last night when I came home from Deaton's."

I was taken back, for they all began to speak at once. Taking me a moment to process their interrogations.

"You saw it?" Allison started.

"You went to Deaton's?" Scott awed.

"There was a homicidal lizard at your house?" Pressed Stiles.

I sighed, teeth clambering onto my lower lip. "Yes I saw it. Yes I went to Deaton's. And yes, I saw a homicidal lizard at my house."

Mocking their previous actions, the questions proceeded. My mind jumbled with numerous phrases in which I struggled to obtain all at once.

Allison nodded, as if she had been through it as well, "Did it try and attack you?"

Scott rose an eye brow. "Why were you at Deaton's?"

Then, Stiles finished it off. "Are you okay?"

I answered Stiles first, for not only was it the easiest to comprehend, but my heart swelled at his concern. "Yes, I'm fine."

I then turned to Allison, "Yeah, did it attack you and Scott?"

"Mhmm," she hummed, "It ran off before we could get a good look at it, I think Scott scared it away." She glanced over towards the werewolf, her finger jabbing outward.

"Wait, why were you at Deaton's?" Ignoring Allison's gesture, the teenage boy cocked his head to the side with confusion, restating his question.

"Do you know about the whole pin thing?" I asked, keeping my sentence quite vague in case they happened to be clueless. In which was not all that likely. For, although I hadn't been the one to explain anything to them yet, I presumed Stiles had that taken care of.

Scott nodded without any further hesitation, jabbing his slim finger in the direction of my boyfriend, "yep, Stiles told us basically everything."

Shocked, Stiles' expression portrayed the utmost bewilderment, "dude? I thought we agreed on not saying anything until she was ready to tell you herself?"

Scott shrugged, "well she obviously was, or she wouldn't have mentioned anything."

"Yeah— well way to rat me out," Stiles grimaced, turning in my direction, "look I—"

"Stiles, I'm honestly glad you told them. I didn't feel like explaining it anyways," I chuckled, licking my pursed lips, "sorry that I didn't tell you guys sooner. With everything that's going on there really wasn't a time nor a place to explain it all."

Scott nodded in understanding, as did Allison. Brushing the situation off as if it were no big deal. In which I was thankful for. Due to the fact that I wasn't capable of having yet another burden on my shoulder. Especially one that involved my best friends being angry with me. And, it's not like I would be surprised if they had secrets of their own that had yet to be uncovered. 

Beginning from where I had left off, I spoke, "okay, so I asked Deaton what I was, and he told me I was some sort of skin-walker. That means if I touch the fur of an animal, I can turn into it?" I shrugged, the sentence coming off as more of a question rather than a statement.

"Whoa." Scott grinned with noticeable enthusiasm, "that's awesome."

"Isn't it?" Stiles nodded his head erratically, gaze burning into the side of my head. I rolled my eyes, smiling at the pale boy all while the bell released a scream of authority. Commanding that we all were to get to class within the span of five minutes.

As I turned on my heel, prepared to ponder in the opposing direction, Stiles latched his palm around my own. Gently persuading me to stay behind a moment longer.

As the halls became a bit more vacant, and the loud sound of locker doors shutting ended abruptly, Stiles rose his bushy eyebrows with interrogation, "Are you crazy? You didn't think it would be important to tell me that you almost got mauled by a tiny Godzilla?"

"What was I suppose to say?" I recoiled, "Hey Stiles, don't worry about it, but I almost got murdered last night by a supernatural lizard."

"Yes!" He exasperated, "something along those lines would have been nice."

I sighed, "Look, I didn't want you to worry. Besides, I'm fine now."

He yanked me into a sudden and unexpected hug, the halls now silent and empty.

"I love you, Melanie." He mumbled into my hoodie. "And I just can't loose anyone else. Especially you."

Stiles' mother entered my mind. She truly was an amazing woman, and he absolutely adored her as did his father. I mourned with them, and I know he missed her dearly. I missed my father as well, so I knew exactly how he felt.

"I love you too Stiles. And, I promise you, I'm not going anywhere."

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