Chapter 17

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.

The werewolf brawl in which took place the night prior was somewhat of a catastrophe. Sure, Scott had gotten off to a good start, defeating both Isaac and Erica with ease. Yet, once Derek intertwined within the disagreement, the bushy haired boy was left bleeding upon the ice.

Of course, Boyd had been voluntarily kidnapped and eerily transformed into the dog-like creature. And, my mind couldn't help but ponder the fact that maybe he was better off this way. For example, Isaac was saved from his father, and Erica's epilepsy was miraculously cured. Therefore, everything Boyd was going through, could have presumably vanished. 

As for Stiles, fortunately, he was alright. Although, Erica had disheveled his old jeep. So, the two of us were currently somewhere to get it fixed. Light conversation enveloping the whispy night air.

"So, what happened at the ice rink?" Stiles pressed, cocking an eyebrow all while he on-looked a mechanic fiddle with his vehicle.

"Hmm, let's see," I exhaled, "I briefly was a wolf, Scott defeated Erica and Isaac, Derek concurred Scott, Boyd is now a werewolf."

"Well, good thing I didn't miss much." Stiles sarcastically murmured, "Is everyone okay?"

"For the most part, I guess. Right now, Scott is at Deaton's. His chest is torn up pretty badly, but he promised that he'd be fine."

Stiles nodded acceptingly, "Good," he paused, "how was being a supernatural creature?"

I laughed, "Interesting I guess? I just wish I didn't have to deal with it really. But, it's nothing much. I just turn into a dog when I please, not that bad at all."

"Well, I'm glad that you're okay. And, not a werewolf." The pale boy smirked.

I rolled my eyes, laughing lightly, "I know, I can deal with not shifting uncontrollably under the influence of the full moon." 

"Now." Stiles grumbled, proceeding to ponder over towards his car. "Let's make sure this guy isn't screwing up my jeep."

I nodded in agreement, walking over to the man inserted underneath Stiles' bent up car.

"Hey, hey!" Stiles screeched, catching the male's undivided attention, all while he yanked himself out from under the vehicle. "What do you think you're doing? All I needed was a starter."

"Well it looks like you're whole exhaust system has to be replaced."

Stiles sighed dramatically, "How come it feels like you're slightly overestimating the damage?"

"Probably going to run you around twelve hundred for the parts and labor." The man stated swiftly, ignoring the pale boy's prior statement.

A few more technical terms and banter were exchanged between the two before Stiles merely tossed his palms into the air, yelling the words, "Just fix it."

Stiles and I then sluggishly wallowed over towards a petite waiting-room-like structure. The boy beside me hastily wrapping his fingertips about the doorknob, before retracting his hand in disgust. A clear substance coating the metal knob, making my nose scrunch up with dissatisfaction.

My boyfriend rolled his eyes at the inconvenience, proceeding to open the door all while he wiped the gruesome liquid off on his sleeve. 

As we stood in the petite area, I breathed out a short breath of air. My eyes boring into the glass in which separated us from the garage. Watching unamused as the mechanic continued to work.

"Hey, Stiles," I began, teeth clambering onto my lower lip, "do you want to go get food after this?"

When he didn't reply, I cocked a brow, turning to face the freckled boy. And, when I did so, I saw that he stood in terror. Watching as his entire body quivered erratically. Fear swimming about his hazel iris'.

I placed a palm on his shoulder, coming to his aid. "Stiles, what's happening?"

Instead of responding, he collapsed to the floor. A groan of anguish emitting from his parted lips, all while I knelt down beside him. 

"I can't feel anything." He rapidly exhaled, squeezing his eyes closed in discomfort, "I think it's that stuff on the doorknob, don't touch it, Mel."

I shifted my gaze over to the glass window. Taken back as I caught sight of the large lizard creature hanging maliciously above the working man. It's sharp teeth dripping with the translucent saliva. 

It's gnarled tail swung around hastily, slicing the back of the mans neck. It wasn't long before he mocked Stiles, not being able to move anything whatsoever.

I let my eyes collapse from the window and onto the tiled floor. A moment of thought racking about my mind, before I soon took action. My palms quickly making their way to my back pocket, snatching my cell-phone from my jeans. 

I diled 911 in fear. Letting my cellular device come in contact with my ear. But, as I opened my mouth to speak fretful words, my lips wordlessly clamped shut.

The lift in which was placed above the paralyzed man began to lower menacingly. The mechanic's groans of fear and discomfort radiating off of the garage walls. 

Without thinking, I let the phone clatter towards the ground. My body maneuvering over towards the glass, wanting to assist the male.

As my orbs dropped down to the doorknob, I caught sight of the dangerous goo. Something I presumably wasn't capable of touching. For, ending up like the two people before me wasn't exactly something that could help. And, even if I were to make it outside, what was I suppose to do? Turn into a dog? For, the supernatural being a few yards away seemed much stronger than I would ever be. Therefore, I wasn't sure what I was suppose to do in order help.

I turned in the opposing direction, refusing to watch as the lift fatefully came in contact with the man. The loud crunch sound erupting from outside the door, my mouth releasing a pitiful whimper, realizing that I had let the mechanic die.


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