Chapter 26

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.

Scott had easily taken out Boyd and Isaac, Allison shooting Erica with a bow covered in Kanima goo, paralyzingly the werewolf. Which was extremely intelligent of the master of bow and arrows.

We were all currently cowering–I meant standing behind Scott. His stance confident and proud, staring at Derek, who had his arms crossed in annoyance.

"I don't know why you keep refusing me Scott." Sighed the Alpha, shrugging slightly. "You're not an omega. You're already an alpha, of your own pack. But, you know you can't beat me."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "What makes you so sure?"

Derek smirked, putting his hand up. Claws instantly sprouting from his fingernails, making just about every one of us jump in fear.

"Whoa now, let's not get too excited here." Stiles laughed nervously, taking a protective step in front of me.

I averted my eyes from the Alpha, the faint sound of sirens in the distance. And I was almost one hundred percent sure Lydia was the one responsible for calling them. But, I wasn't complaining. For I flashed Derek a smirk and raised my eye brow, "Well we can at least hold you off until the cops get here."

His face instantly dropped, obviously noticing the sound of the familiar police sirens that he's probably heard a lot of lately.

He was about to reply, but he got cut short when he averted his eyes from us and stared longly at the roof.

We all craned our necks upward, catching sight of the disturbing kanima creature we have been seeing a lot of lately.

It's eyes somewhat narrowed at us as it let out a fearsome hiss. Continuing to crawl about the McCall household.

Derek glanced at his fallen pack members, un-crossing his arms and looking at us frantically, "someone get them out of here."

But, nobody had a chance to do anything. For Lydia emerged from the small house, screaming immensely. Wet tears were trickling down her face as here eyes remained blood shot and glossy. "Can someone please tell me what is going on here!"

She basically just proved to everyone here that she was not the humongous lizard currently sprawled on the roof.

So if it wasn't her, nor Allison, Scott, Derek, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, Stiles, and I. Then it only left it possible to be one person in particular.



After that, everyone had basically fled the scene. There really wasn't much more information to it. Literally, we may have lasted two seconds at the McCall house before we all parted ways.

Until Scott called Stiles and informed him that we needed to meet him at the jungle. At first, I was quite confused at the fact that the werewolf wanted to meet us in some sort of exotic forest, that was no where near here. But, after we arrived there, it was clear that the jungle was just the name of some sort of bar.

But I still was confused on why we were at a club.

Apparently, to find a bloodthirsty lizard, who also happened to be an acquaintance, who wanted to have some fun.

"Did you find him yet?" I asked Scott, who was whipping his head in all sorts of directions.

"Lost him." He replied simply, not averting his eyes from the building.

"Well, as much as I would love to see Jackson as a lizard eating drunk underage teenagers, I'm going to have to pass on this one." I smirked, turning on my heel and beginning to walk back to the familiar blue jeep.

Stiles' arms wrapped around my waist as he placed me right back in front of Scott, who was raising his eye brows.

"We need all the help we can get. People are in danger, and we have to protect them."

"I know, I know." I sighed, racing a quick hand through my hair. "But after this I'm going to sleep for about three days."

"Can't you get his scent or something?" Stiles asked, gripping my hand.

"I don't think he has one."

I groaned, putting my hands to my face momentarily. "This lizard really likes testing us."

"Yeah, I can tell its Jackson." Huffed the freckled boy, rolling his eyes. "So what are we going to do?"

"Keep him from killing people." Scott deadpanned, continuing to search the perimeter of the night club.

"Ah." Stiles scoffed, "Good. That explains the fangs, and the claws–"

"And the evilness of his soul." I added, shivering slightly at the constant blowing of the wind.

Stiles momentarily scanned his clothing for a jacket, being un-successful and letting out an annoyed huff. I just chuckled and shook my head. Informing him that I was in fact fine and wasn't in need of a jacket.

"Does it even know what it is–or who it is." Stiles questioned Scott, sucking on his front teeth with annoyance.

"Uh–I don't know." Scott groaned, glancing at the boy briefly, before continuing his search for the lizard.

"Jackson was tested right? And he passed? How is that even remotely possible?"

Scott, obviously fed up with the questioning, yelled out a loud, "I don't know!"

"Well. When is a kanima, not a kanima?" Asked Stiles, making me raise my eye brow at his mildly confusing word choice.

"When he's Jackson."

Stiles was about to reply, when his attention was drawn else where. Specifically, the roof of the jungle.

"Uh." Stiles' voice cracked, his hand pointing up at the reptilian tail. "Do you guys see that?"

"He's going to kill people." I stated through gritted teeth, my eyes narrowing at the feathering creature.

"Not people. Person." Scott barley whispered, nervously glancing at the two of us. "I know who he's after."

Stiles flailed his arm spastically, "Wait–what? Do you smell something?"

Scott simply nodded, biting his bottom lip in frustration, "Armani."

"Danny's cologne." I whispered more to myself, giving both boys a terrified glance.

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