Chapter 16

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.


None of us had any knowledge as to why Lydia had freaked out the previous day. For, Allison merely drove the traumatized girl home, her poor hands shaking immensely as whimpers and cries escaped her mouth.

I think it all had something to do with the bite. I had been effected by it, so that sure means Lydia could have been effected as well.

All that I know, is that whatever that girl saw in the ice, scared the living crap out of her. And I felt for her, for I know what the feeling is like.

I was currently trotting behind Scott, we were at the ice rink. And I'm about to explain why.

We had found out that Derek was going to Boyd, and giving him a decision. Giving him the drastic choice of the bite. And Scott and I were here to stop it. Derek wasn't going to help him, he was just creating an army. And creating more danger for the town of Beacon Hills. We'd be lucky if they came out of this alive.

Stiles was going to Boyd's house, just in case he was there. I was a bit sad that he wasn't tagging along with Scott and I, but I was trying not to seem...what's the word? Clingy? Even though I was yearning to spend every single second with that pale boy.

We busted through the unlocked ice rink door, charging straight to the where Boyd was placed on his huge Zamboni.

Scott put one foot on the ice, beginning to walk towards him with ease. I shrugged, thinking that walking on the ice with normal shoes wouldn't be as challenging.

As I stepped both feet on the ice, I wobbled unsteadily. Still making my way over to where Boyd was, but not as graceful as Scott.

"Boyd, we wanna talk!" Yelled Scott, flailing his arms. But, Boyd clearly ignored his calls, just continuing to ride the large vehicle.

"Ah c'mon Boyd, please." Scott groaned, "did Derek tell you everything? Not just going out of control on the full moon, I mean everything."

Boyd stopped the Zamboni with a halt. His eyes glaring at Scott and I.

"He told me about the hunters."

"Listen to me Boyd." I sighed, racing a quick hand through my tangled hair. "Whatever you want, there's other ways to get it."

He looked at me, sadness and some sort of distress written all over his face. "I just want to not eat lunch alone every day".

I averted my gaze from him, my eyes now focused on the glassy ice. This wasn't about having glowing eyes, or super strength. It's about wanting things to be different. All that he wanted was a chance at a new life, and I honestly couldn't disagree.

He would spend every day completely alone, no one even acknowledging his existence. And if things go awful at school, I bet there isn't anything different at his house.

From the way Erica looked, and how everyone started paying so much more attention to her. Boyd yearned for that. That's all he wanted.

"I'll be you're friend, Boyd. We can all be you're friend. Anything is better than joining Derek. He's not trying to help you, he's only helping himself."

"That really hurts." A deep voice boomed behind me. I groaned, rolling my eyes and shifting my body so I could catch sight of the alpha.

"You're doing this for yourself." I scowled, balling my hands in a fist.

He ignored me, continuing on, "if you're going to review me, then at least take a...consensus. Isaac! How's life been sense we've last seen each other?"

The beta shrugged, a dark smirk crossing his face. "Well, i'm bummed about being a fugitive but other than that I'm great."

Derek looked over at Erica, who still looked flawless. And that was not helping my case. "Erica?"

"In one word I'd say, Transformative." She then extended her claws and fangs, letting out an enormous growl which shook the building briefly.

That reminded me of the wolf pin resting in my back pocket. I had taken it with me, just in case anything happened. I mean, there really wasn't much I could do. I basically just transform into a dog. Meanwhile Derek transforms into a man-eating psychotic monster.

I rolled my eyes, scoffing, "Gosh, didn't think you'd have time for education while scarring all of the freshmen's minds."

"Would've scarred you're boyfriends too, but all he got was a bruise." She smirked, my blood instantly boiling.

"What did you do." I paused, focusing all of my attention on the golden pin in my pocket.

Deaton said that if it was on me, it should work. And I knew he was correct, for the slight stinging sensation began to come into play. I felt my teeth evolve into fangs, my mouth hanging agape so everyone could witness them. And I bet you my eyes were shifting into the clear blue I witnessed in the mirror.

Derek looked confused and surprised, Scott looked terrified and astounded, Erica looked taken back and angry, Isaac looked worried and frightened, and Boyd, well Boyd was on his Zamboni.

"To Stiles." I finalized my sentence, a growl humming throughout the ice rink.

I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, my attention now focused on Scott.

"Don't." He frowned, shaking his head.

"But I-"

"Oh c'mon, try and fight me." Erica bluntly chuckled, my head snapping right back to her. I let out a fear-some bark, it echoing throughout the building.

"Melanie." Scott turned my head back to him, his eyes flashing a demanding golden color. I sighed, taking my hand out of his grip and shifting out of the wolf-like state.

"Now step back." He growled, turning into his full werewolf form. I did as told, knowing even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to defeat any of them.

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