Chapter 6

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.

oh my God sorry is the gif is so stupid

+ I know I say this every time but this is not edited. I have a truckload of homework to do, so hopefully this is alright for now.


My dull eyes wearily glared down at the malicious pin. In which was now laying about the floor directly in front of me. Confusion swirling throughout my disheveled thoughts, all while I attempted to compose myself.

I hadn't touched it again. For, the object was no where near tempting, nor attractive in any manner. Of course, I was curious. More fearful, yet it would be a lie if I denied the hint of curiosity swarming throughout my mind. I wanted to know what I was, or rather how I could control it.

Although diving deeper into my newfound self meant touching the horrendous thing again, so be it. I could be putting the people I love at risk, and there is no way I am going to cause anymore strife than already encountered.

Just thinking about it made my eyes glossy and chest burn. I didn't want to loose anyone else, if that wasn't clear enough yet.

But then, I began to wonder. Why did my father even own that pin? And why was it just lying on his desk? Out in the open. And why does it have this affect on me? Did it have the same affect on my father? And, most suspiciously, how did Peter Hale know?

Maybe my father actually didn't die from a heart attack. Maybe something happened, all having to do with that pin. It's such a small thing, yet it holds a lifetime full of mysteries.

I swallowed hard, pointing a finger out hesitantly. I began drawing it dangerously close to the golden circle. My heart thumping loudly, echoing throughout my head.

And then I touched it. The same electricity feeling bolting throughout my veins.

I glanced up to the mirror, watching horrifically as I turned into the same white figure as before.

But, I didn't withdraw my finger. I watched carefully and hesitantly as the turning continued. I wanted to see the full process, I merely wanted answers. The answers I deserved.

It just got worse. More dog like features coming into play. The white coat returning as well as the glassy blue orbs. My eyes were glued firmly onto the mirror. Watching every action, memorizing it carefully.

I squeezed my eyes shut momentarily. The pain searing throughout my body, boiling my blood.

But as soon as it came, it stopped. All at once. It was as if I was withdrawn my finger from the pin, which I hadn't.

I cracked my eyes open with fear. Afraid to see what was staring back at me in the forsaken mirror.

And once I had seen the figure staring back at me, I wish that I could have erased the memory from my mind.

I was nothing like Scott. He at least had some human-like traits left in him. Where as I was the exact replica of whatever was sewn on that horrific pin.

I feel silly even thinking the term wolf. For it, in my mind, is impossible that I could even turn into such a thing. But, fatefully, I couldn't deny the figure staring back at me.


I was sitting in my bed, still wondering what the actual heck I was. It had been awhile sense I had touched that pin, and it still bothered me. As it would any normal person.

But suddenly, I didn't care anymore. When an ear piercing scream rang throughout the neighbour hood. I instantly leaped out of my bed, running down the steps and to my front door.

Was I really about to open it? Did I honestly want to see what was going on outside the door? And who had screamed?

Well, obviously my heroic mode had kicked into action. For, without any further hesitation, I flew the door agape and quickly scoped out the area.

It was pitch black outside, and I couldn't see a thing. Only the lonesome light of the solemn lamp post to the left of me. As well as the vibrant moon.

"Dad!" A raspy voice called out, clearly in some sort of distress. My breath hitched as my feet somehow now had a mind of its own. Running ramped throughout the street, I attempted to find the mysterious source of the voice.

There were many problems that came with following the noise. But, most importantly, not knowing what I was going to do once I got there, nor what I was going to face.

"Hello?" I yelled, stopping slightly. Glancing around and sighing with the utmost defeat.

I looked down at my feet, noticing my eerie silhouette becoming more noticeable. A ransom bright light illuminating from behind me.

I rose an eye brow, shifting towards my right. I instantly put my hands in front of my face, attempting to shield the blinding light. It look me a second to realize the dark car speeding towards myself.

Without reluctancy, I screamed, launching myself towards the damp ground and covering my head with my frail arms.

My breathing erratic and heart pounding, I slowly rose to my knees after a few second of silence. Racing a quick hand through my hair as I glanced around the street. Watching as the car disappeared, not hesitating in the slightest.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered to myself, shakily standing up and wiping my hands on my jeans.

I looked around one last time, making sure that no one was dead or anything. After I thankfully found no injured bodies, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me back home.

I don't think I've ever been happier to step back onto my cold, dull, hard wooden floor. Slamming my back onto the worn down door, sighing in relief.

To: stiles (:

hey, you're at home right? so is Scott?

I texted my boyfriend, making sure that he didn't have to do anything with the screaming and yelling outside. Thankfully, he replied back almost instantly. A bit odd for it being one o'clock in the morning on a school night.

From: stiles (:

yep! I just texted Scott. he's home too. everything okay? need me to come over?

I chuckled to myself, shaking my head. At least it wasn't him nor Scott. I wonder who it was?

To: stiles (:

nopee, everything's fine! just making sure.

From: stiles (:

alright, see you soon Mel (:

I smiled and tossed my phone to the side, sighing making a mental note to self: don't run out at like 1am in the morning when you hear someone screaming, you could be murdered. Also, don't run out in the middle of the street, for you could get run over by some crazy driver.

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