Chapter 6 - Cumplianos Feliz

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I usually wake up next to Nathan in the morning, but that's not exactly what I woke up to.

"OI LOVEBIRDS! IT'S TIME TO GET UP!" Tom came in and yelled as Jay and Maggie came in and jumped on the bed where Nathan and I were still sleeping, along with Siva and Max banging on pots and pans. We both groaned and hid our heads under the pillows as we were still tired.

"Come on little Nath! Big Kev called you into the studio! You can't be late!" Siva remarked.

"When is he ever on time?" Jay remarked which made the room erupt with laughter. I suddenly felt something move when I heard someone get hit by something, I opened my eyes a little to notice Nathan threw his pillow at Jay which made sense on why Nath now was laying on my pillow.

"Just get ready mate, you got an hour!" Max told him as they all left the room. Once everyone left I opened my eyes to see Nathan's face so close to mine as he was on my pillow.

"Can I go with you today?" I asked, not really having anything else to do.

"Of course," he replied back with a smile before kissing my forehead and climbing out of his bed.


"That was exhausting," Nathan commented as we walked out of the building at 5pm.

"Why did they need you there the whole day?" I asked, but Nathan shrugged.

"Do you want to go out to eat?" Nathan asked. We were both hungry from only eating breakfast.

"Sure, I'll text Maggie to see if the boys made anything or not," I told him before texting her just that, in which she replied saying they ordered pizza.

"They ordered pizza," I told Nathan. He nodded his head before we headed towards the car and went home.


We walked up the walk and Nathan opened the door and allowed me to step in first before he came in and shut the door behind him. The room was dark which didn't surprise me, but I noticed a few stray balloons.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Nathan complained as he turned on the lights.

"SURPRISE!...BITCHES!" Echoed through the room, leaving us to laugh at Tom for putting 'bitches' on the end. Both Nathan and I were definitely surprised as we looked at each other and everyone else and smiled.

"Did you know about this?" He whispered in my ear.

"Not at all," I replied back to him. He smiled at my response and I could tell he wanted to kiss me but we were interrupted.

"What the hell, lets eat cake first!" Max commented as everyone headed to the kitchen. Nathan's arm slid around my waist as we walked into the kitchen.

"Close your eyes!" Jay commanded up both to do.

"It's cake mate?" Nathan commented, but Jay just gave him a 'just-do-it' look. We both closed our eyes and I could hear someone setting something in front of us on the counter. After a couple of seconds I heard the clicks of a lighter being used.

"You can open your eyes now," Siva happily told us. We both opened our eyes and looked down at the cake that had one good picture of me sitting on Nathan's lap and smiling, along with Nathan smiling. There was also icing on it that read "Happy Birthday to the Lovebirds! xx". I couldn't stop smiling at how cute this really was. I was interrupted by Nathan moving so he was hugging me from behind now.

"Do you think Tom ordered the cake?" He whispered into my ear, making me giggle. I could tell what he meant when he asked if it was Tom. Tom always calls us 'lovebirds' if we're a pair.

"It's definitely a nice gest-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY TO YOUUU! YOU'RE YOUNG ONLY ONCEEE! SO GO OUT AND PARTYYYY! BUT DONT GET TOO DRUNKKKKK!" They all started singing, which only cracked us up even more. Nathan and I weren't planning on drinking anytime soon, if anything they would be the ones drinking.

"Now lets eat!" Maggie shouted. Max came up with the knife and cut up the cake and served it to Nathan and I before we went out to the backyard and sat on the steps and ate our cake.

"I have to say, this has to be one of my favorite birthdays of all time," I commented and Nathan chuckled.

"I'll have to agree, this definitely beats the bouncy house party I had last year," he remarked, which made us both laugh.

"A bouncy house?" I laughed, he nodded his head.

"The boys thought since I was called 'Baby Nath' that I should have a babies party," he chuckled.

"So what makes this party better if there's no bouncy house then?" I asked.

"I'm not going to be cheesy about it but yo-" he was interrupted by the smack of a water balloon in his face. He looked around frantic before he saw the four boys doubling over in laughter.

"YOU BOYS WILL PAY FOR THIS!" Nathan shouted at a sniggering Tom. He stood up and left his empty plate in his seat as he ran after Tom, I just laughed.

"I love these boys," I muttered.

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Joey Graceffa, be mine already. xD Yes, the famous YouTuber made a cover to this wonderful song with his friend Meghan (sp?) and Anthony Padilla's (from Smosh) girlfriend Kalel. It is such a good music video so I recommend you check it out. :) I'll try and put it to the side!

ALSO WHO COULD FORGET?! THE WANTED LIFE IS PREMIERING TONIGHT! :D I don't even care that it's a school night, fuck it. I'm watching my idols. ;) I actually watched a detailed video of what will happen during the season and I have a hint... ((NOT A SPOILER!)) I also have to say that this is why I'm uploading today and there probably won't be an update tomorrow, sorry. :/

Besides Nathan and the boyfriend to one of the girlfriends, the boys don't get along with one of the girlfriends. ;)

Sneak peek pictures to the side, NO SPOILERS!

Love you guys! - :Dylan x

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