Chapter 11 - Too Stuffed

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"Try this one Nathan!"

"This one's delicious Dylan!"

          Dylan and I were currently sitting at one of the most famous bakeries in downtown  London where bakers from all over the country were shoving samples of their cakes in our face for us to try. I could tell Dylan was starting to look sick.

"I think we're done for now everyone," I announced and everyone left the room we were in. I turned to Dylan and started rubbing small circles in her back to sooth her from all the stress as she grabbed a bin and spit out the piece of cake that was in her mouth.

"That bad?" I chuckled.

"There was baking soda bits in it," she remarked, making a disgusted face. I chuckled even more when she had grabbed my water bottle that was on the table and drank out of it instead on hers. She sat the bottle back down after a second and put the cap back on.

"Some of those were quite horrendous..." I commented, trying to keep myself from laughing as Dylan looked up at me and let out a small laugh.

"I did like one though, it was probably the only one that wasn't burnt, raw, or not prepared right," she commented as she gestured to the plate she had set aside with a bit chocolate cake still on it. We both tried the piece of cake again and decided it was the one we loved that that we wanted a cake like it again. We took the plate and walked into the other room where all the bakers were standing around talking and immediately quieted down and looked at us.

"Number 44?" I called out as he read the number on the bottom of the plate, which matched up to one of the bakers in the room. All of a sudden, a little old man came walking up in front of everyone and he looked at us with a smile. We arranged our order for the cake and wished the man good luck before leaving to go do the next planning; flowers.

"Did you have any flowers already in mind?" I asked Dylan, not really caring what flowers we had.

"Maybe like red roses for center pieces, and something else colorful for the bouquet," she replied. We got to the planner's office and set up that arrangement quickly before leaving, in which I decided to treat both Dylan and I out for some lunch.


          I was very happy with the fact that we had gotten more of the wedding planned today. Nathan and I were both excited for the wedding which we planned to be in September.

"No offense or anything, but I think I might be happy when all this planning is done," Nathan told me. I let out a small laugh.

"Definitely. It really is a pain," I sighed.

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Sorry if this chapter sucks, I have to stock-pile chapters so I have chapters easy to update with when I leave for vacation and when I come back. :)

How's everyone in the UK liking The Wanted Life? Episode 3 tonight! That's where they argue about the fan event, intense!

The US fans just saw episode 5 which was pretty freaking crazy as well with everyone in the Bahamas. ;) BUT THE NEXT EPISODE IS THE SEASON FINALE! WHAT?! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?! I mean, I expected a series finale, but not after 6 episodes! And that episode is even more crazy because of everything that's happening with Nath. :P anyways, have a good day everyone!

Love you guys! - :Dylan x

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