Chapter 8 - Birthday Surprises

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I talked to the boys last night when we were outside about me taking Dylan out today for her birthday. Yes, we did just celebrate our birthdays yesterday, but I just wanted to take her out like we did for my birthday, although I had a different setting in mind.

I took her shopping earlier today to pick out a nice dress and a bikini and all, since she'll need it for where we're going.

"Nathan, I already have a bikini and a dress!" She whined. She was so cute when she complained, and even more when she was mad, but I'm not trying to make her mad.

"I want you to wear them for tonight! Plus it'll just be part of your birthday present from me," I told her. She sighed before finding a two-piece and a dress she liked before heading into a changing room, shutting the door in my face.

"Let me in!" I commanded.

"No, you'll just have to wait for tonight to see how they look on me," she replied.

"Fine," I gave in.


It was now 3:00PM and I was hurrying Dylan around to get ready to go.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" She shouted as I yelled at her again to come on. We got in the car and she sat in the passenger seat. I laughed everytime she would try and ask me questions about where we were going and how she would want hints. After awhile we ended up where we needed to be and I parked.

"We're here!" I informed her and she looked up, her view looking along the sandy beach.

"How come no one else is here?" She asked curious.

"It's a exclusive beach for celebrities, only celebrities with passes can get in," I told her as I pulled out the beach pass I had managed to let Martin give me.

"Aww, Nathan! That's so sweet!" She cooed before she kissed my cheek. I smiled back at her.

"Thank you," she told me.

"It's your birthday! No need to thank me!" I told her as I opened my door and got out of the car. I went to the boot and got out the picnic basket I had packed along with a blanket. After I shut the boot, I went over to the passenger side where Dylan was still sitting, now looking on her phone, and I let her out. We stopped close to the tides and I spread the blanket out before Dylan sat down.



I thought that Nathan's idea was so romantic! I loved being here honestly, and I was glad I had Nathan to keep me company. I sat down on the blanket Nathan had spread out and set the picnic basket on, expecting him to come join me, but obviously Nathan had other ideas. He began removing his shirt and stood there now in only his swim trunks.

"Are you coming?" He asked me, I gave him a confused look.

"Aren't you coming swimming?" He rephrased the question. I nodded and took off my dress to reveal myself in a cute two piece bikini, revealing the top half to be a big red bow strapless top with navy blue bottoms with white anchors on them. I smiled over at Nathan and noticed he was still raking his eyes over my body and what I was wearing.

"Stopppp!" I whined and slapped his bared chest with my hand. I wasn't prepared when Nathan immediately threw me over his shoulder, causing me to scream, and ran towards the water. I squealed as the temperature of the water changed and it suddenly became freezing. Nathan had now shifted my body so I now had my legs around his waist and I was leaning against his chest as he held me in his embrace.

We both locked our eyes on each other as we were now leaning in. I slowly began to untangle my legs from his waist as we grew closer and closer and just as Nathan closed his eyes, I took off swimming underwater. I tried swimming as fast as I could, but obviously I was never good at trying to hold in my laughter and swim at the same time. Suddenly I was pulled up from the water to reveal Nathan laughing and his hair wet and tossed every which way, making him look irresistible.

"You owe me a kiss," he informed me with a smile spread across his lips. I smiled myself and connected my lips with his. After that we decided to get out of the water and eat since we were both practically starving. Nathan and I were both wrapped in the only and only large beach towel he'd brought (he accidentally picked up one thinking it was two, but he didn't mind sharing to say the least.) and eating some finger sandwiches Siva made for him to take, along with us drinking out of a thermos of tea.

It was getting later now and the weather was starting to die down. Thankfully we weren't in pitch black thanks to the many exclusive hotel and resorts and were shining lights down too. I put my dress back on in hopes that maybe that would warm me up, but it didn't.

"Are you cold babe?" Nathan asked.

"A little," I replied, he chuckled.

"I packed some jumpers in the car, I'll be right back," he explained as he kissed my forehead and ran off to go get the jumpers. I felt kind of scared being out here alone at night, not knowing who could be lurking out there. Soon enough Nathan returned back with his 'MAYBE' jumper that I always love to wear, and obviously a plain black hoodie for himself.

"I know it's your favorite hoodie, so I wore it around earlier today," he explained when he handed it to me. I smiled and took the jumper and put it over me, smelling the sleeves once my arms were in and Nath wasn't looking. They smelled so much like Nathan's cologne.

"Want to take a walk on the beach?" He asked me. I nodded and he pulled me up with his hand. This is the best birthday ever.

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Sorry it's such an awkward ending, the chapter was getting really long and such. xD Dylan's birthday outfit is to the side! ----------->

Sorry this chapter is legit crap. :/ I'm trying to get a certain scene in this story and a certain scene in the other story I'm writing so that when I go to write, both chapters will kind of have the same feel to it if that makes any sense? :)

Fun Fact: I learned today there is a legit instrument called the "didgeridoo" and that it's easy to play awkwardly enough. xD

Love you guys! - :Dylan x

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