Chapter 34 - Toilet Paper

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"Yes mum I love you too....okay, see you in a bit....bye," Nathan spoke as he hung up his phone call and put his phone down on the counter, running a hand through his hair.

"My mum asked us if we could bring some biscuits for dinner tonight," he told me. Nathan's parents had invited us over for Christmas dinner and right now we were just getting ready to leave the house before his phone rang.

"We'll buy some at the market on the way there," I replied as he nodded in agreement and picked up Ella in her carrier as I had Caiden, and we went to fasten them in the car and take off.


"I think the biscuits are over here," Nathan stated as we walked down the aisle and didn't end up finding any biscuits. We both sighed before looking up at the signs above our heads.

"Maybe they're in the bakery?" I guessed.

"We can go look," Nathan replied as he continued pushing the cart that contained both Caiden and Ella in their seats. Trying to get to the bakery was almost a pain since Nathan kept getting recognized and he would politely stop and take pictures with fans and such. I waited patiently for Nathan each time. We were almost to the front of the store where the bakery when we could only see people running in our direction panicking.

"What's going on?!" Nathan asked as he started to get worried. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him before we figured out what was going on.

"EVERYONE TO THE BACK OF THE FUCKING STORE!" A tall, intimidating looking man shouted as he was pointing his handgun at everyone around him. Just then, Nathan pulled us into an aisle as he was quickly trying to get Caiden and Ella out of their seats.

"We have to get out of here!" Nathan spoke loud enough to get my attention over the many screaming people.

"Nathan just go! Take the twins!" I demanded. He looked at me strangely.

"Dylan come on, we can make it!"

"Nathan there's no time. Just take the twins and find a way out, keep them safe! I'll be fine as long as you call the police," I told him. There were loud thuds on the tiled floor as the shooter was now checking aisles to make sure everyone was in the back.

"No, this should be me-"

"Nathan please! I want our kids to live!" I started crying before he quickly kissed me and ran off into an "EMPLOYEES ONLY" door. I watched him until he was gone, and then once he was out of site, the noise of a gun being cocked was heard. I turned around to then see the man standing there angrily, holding me at gunpoint. I put my hands up in defense as I stood there speechless.

"Go! back of the store lady!" The guy instructed as he pointed his gun in the direction. I slowly started walking that way when he pushed me to go faster.


I was quickly running through the back room looking for an exit. I was looking around for awhile before I found a door that led to the outside. I busted through the door before I began running around the side of the building to the parking lot and finding our car once more. I fastened Caiden and Ella into their seats who just looked at me, unaware of what was happening. I shut the door to the drivers side once I was in and tried to catch my breath. Once I had calmed down enough, I dialed 999.

"999, what's your emergency?"

"Yes hello my wife and many others are being held hostage in Miller's Market," I told her as calm as possible. I didn't think it was needed to say the address since there was only one.

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