Chapter 23 - The Fourth Month

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It was now December and it was one of the coldest times of the year. I hated the fact that the weather was changing and my body was too, which meant I had to wear bigger sized sweaters that were normally my lounging sweatshirts out into the cold since they were the only thing that could fit me now. Nathan and I were currently going back of to the boys' place to help Jay and Maggie plan for their wedding. (I also mentioned they were engaged in the beginning of this book, but I forgot until now.)

"Watch your step!" Nathan told me sternly as I stepped out of the car and onto nothing but ice, and this ice was slippery. Nathan wrapped his arm securely around my waist and helped me walk up to the front door and get inside. We all greeted each other with 'hello' 's and hugs before we sat down at the dining room table that I once ate at to now looking at yet more wedding catalogs.

"I'm speaking the truth for both Nathan and I when I say this, but this was never fun when we had to plan our own wedding let alone help plan someone else's wedding," I sighed as I closed another catalog and set it to the side. We sat down and suggested catalogs to look at and things that our wedding consultant recommended to us when we were getting married.

"This is all too stressful," Maggie sighed as she finished yet another catalog.

"Can we take a break?" Jay whined. Nathan and I nodded along with Maggie since we were starting to get bored also.

"I'm starting to get hungry," Maggie chimed in.

"So am I, I'll go grab some take-in for us all?" Jay offered.

"I'll go with you mate," Nathan spoke. I figured he would go with Jay since it would be awkward staying with two girls in one house. Maggie and I were still talking about little things about the wedding while the boys slid on their jackets and shoes. Nathan came over and leaned down to my level and gave me a quick kiss.

"Be good!" Nathan yelled back to me as he walked towards the door after Jay. I rolled my eyes in response and stayed inside the warm house with Maggie.We moved our conversations into the living room where we caught up on everything. Maggie even offered to make some tea also. We were in the middle of laughing at something she had just said when the doorbell rung through the house.

"It's probably just Jay, he can't be bothered to find the key!" She laughed as she walked over to the door and opened it. As soon as I saw the person, I immediately got out of sight of the door and the windows and hid in the corner of the living room.

"Alex?!" Maggie gasped as she looked at him in the doorway. I began to crawl slowly and quietly behind the couches as I was beginning to make my way to the bathroom.

"The one and only," Alex remarked in a sly tone as he let himself in. Maggie noticed me from the corner of her eye and thankfully bought me some more time.

"So how's life?" She started the conversation as I continued my way towards the bathroom where I hid in the supply closet. I took out my phone and dialed Nathan's number in which my heart was beating faster and faster with every ring until he picked up.

N- Hello?
D- Nathan you have to come home right now! (I whispered into the phone as I panicked.)
N- Why?! What's wrong?!
D- Alex! He's here! Maggie answered the door but he's definitely looking for me! (I told him as I could hear my name being thrown around in conversation. Just then I could hear Nathan telling that they needed to get back, and now.)
N- Jay and I are on our way, just stay hidden. I won't let him hurt you. ( he replied before the line went dead.)

I tried not to panic and to calm myself at this point, but just then I could hear footsteps walking into the bathroom and the light had turned on also. I covered my mouth and tried to keep myself as quiet as can be.


"Drive faster Jay!" I shouted at him.

"I'm already driving fifteen miles over the speed limit mate! I can't go any faster!" Jay replied. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair for the millionth time.

"He almost killed her last time Jay, and I don't know how she made it out of that mess to this day yet. What I do know is, is that not only is my wife at risk, but so are our unborn children! and it only takes a second to kill them!" I vented to Jay who now looked like he was getting tears in his eyes. We finally pulled up to the house and I jumped out of the passenger side door before the car was off and ran inside. The house was complete was dead silent except for Maggie who was crying in the corner of the living room. I ran over to her and crouched down by her.

"Jay's coming in in a second. Where's Dylan?" I whispered.

"T-The bathroom she managed to let out. I got up to my feet and sprinted towards the bathroom, which was open, and saw Alex crouched down by Dylan and was close to her face as he tried to hold her chin straight so she would look at him. She refused to look at him due to the fact she was crying and she refused to look into his eyes. I felt my blood start to boil as my hands clenched into fists.


The closet door swung open immediately and I was met with the face that I had seen in my nightmares before. Alex crouched down to where I was sitting and just gave me a smirk.

"Well, it looks like your choices have once again failed you Dylan," Alex remarked. I could feel his eyes burning into me as I was looking straight down at the ground.

"We could've been something Dylan. I could've made you even more happy then you are now," he spoke before we sat in silence again until he spoke again.

"There's still time you know. You can leave Nathan, he was a pathetic excuse for a husband anyways. We can get married and have kids of our own," he told me. (Alex doesn't know she's pregnant either.) At this point I was now crying, at the thought of leaving Nathan, and Alex not even knowing about the kids I'm already having. Suddenly my chin was harshly pulled over so that I was now facing him.

"What do you say?" Alex asked again in a calm voice. I tried to move my head in another direction but it wasn't possible. I looked anywhere possible besides his face as the words I wanted flowed through my head.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" A familiar voice shouted. I looked over to see Nathan just as angry ad he was when Tom's sisters were messing with me. He violently grabbed Alex and pulled him out of the bathroom and I could only hear him shoving him against the wall and whispering threats to him. At this point I was trying to stop myself from crying, but had no use once Nathan came running back in the bathroom to come hold me. I sobbed into his chest as he tried everything he could to calm me down.

"Shh, babe, everything's better now," Nathan whispered as he held me securely in his arms. I started to calm down in knowing that I needed to stop panicking since it was bad for the babies.

"He didn't hurt you or them, did he?" Nathan asked as he placed a hand on my stomach, representing who he meant by 'them'. I shook my head no and pulled away from his chest as he wiped away my tears with his thumb.

"Let's go into the living room," Nathan suggested as he helped me off of the bathroom floor and back out into the living room where Maggie was laying in Jay's lap as she continued to cry. I could tell she had red marks on her neck from where Alex obviously had got to her.

"I think we're just going to go home," Nathan told Jay in which he nodded before we walked out the door.


"It's so beautiful," I whispered to Nath as I was cuddled into his chest on the couch and we sat there with nothing but the Christmas tree lights to light up the room.

"Just think, this time next year will be the kids' first Christmas," Nathan stated with a grin on his face. Nathan had a hand on my stomach which was quickly removed, I gave him a confused look to his sudden reaction. My hand immediately flew to my stomach and I smiled when I felt something in my stomach.

"What was that?!" Nathan asked as he freaked out.

"The babies, they're kicking," I replied with a smile as I looked up at Nathan. Nathan replaced his hand on my stomach as one of the babies managed to kick again which made Nathan smile.

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You're welcome for the long chapter by the way, just saying. ;)

I legit had no plans of Alex showing back up until I was at the point where the boys left to get food...and I didn't feel like just having Dylan and Maggie talk because that's too boring. xD

Also, a couple of you were wondering what I write about in Journalism, and basically we have to write stories for the school newspaper, so basically whatever you write about has to be about school, and it's hard to write because you're constantly trying to be careful on what to say because you don't want someone to be offended by what you write. :P but yeah, that why I suck so terribly bad.

Hopefully if I remember, I'll post a picture of what the new house that Dylan and Nathan are living in, it's so cool! :) Also next chapter is month five! you'll then know the genders of the babies!

Love you guys! - :Dylan x

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