Chapter 24 - The Fifth Month

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"Why are you so nervous?" I asked Nathan. I had just taken his hand as we were walking into the hospital yet again for our appointment about figuring out the gender of the babies and his hand was more clammy than usual.

"More excited than nervous really, the suspense is just killing me," he replied as we walking through the automatic doors of the hospital as I took a seat in a chair in the waiting room as Nathan went over to the desk and confirmed that we were here for our appointment. He came down and sat next to me with a smile as we sat and talked about whatever, and even got recognized by a few people in the waiting room also.

"Mr. and Mrs. Sykes?" the nurse asked as scanned the waiting room. Nathan and I immediately stood up and followed her into the back room. We continued walking down a long hallway until the nurse turned into a room and flipped the light switches on.

"You can lay down on the bench Mrs. Sykes, the doctor will be in shortly," she explained politely before shutting the door and leaving the room. I walked over to the bench and struggled to get up before succeeding and propping myself upright.

"I swear every month it gets harder and harder to get on this damn thing," I muttered so only Nathan could hear. He let out a small chuckle before kissing the top of my head.

"Only four more months," he pointed out. Suddenly there was an abrupt knock on the door before our doctor walked in.

"Hello!" She greeted Nathan and I cheerfully. "How have you been Dylan?"

"Alright, just getting fatter," I joked and she laughed. She continued to do the same procedure that has been done every time I come here, which was spreading the cold gel on my stomach and setting up the monitor before grabbing a certain tool and rubbing it on my stomach before she smiled.

"Right here," she stated as she pointed to both of the babies that you could see clearly on the monitor.

"They both seem to be healthy, would you both like to know the genders?" She asked. Nathan and I both smiled and nodded before looking back up at the monitor.

"This one right here is a boy," she stated as she point to one of the two babies on the monitor. "and this one is a girl," she said as she pointed to the other baby. I was ecstatic to be having both a boy and a girl since Nathan wanted a boy, and I wanted a girl.

Once we finally left our appointment, Nathan and I got back in his car and we were getting ready to drive to the studio since Nathan had rehearsal. Out of no where though, Nathan leaned over and kissed me, and it was a long, passionate kiss. I was confused by his actions once again as he let out a chuckle.

"Thank you for being able to give me a lovely son and daughter," he explained, which then made me smile.




Dylan and Nathan were currently running a little late since they had an appointment at the hospital to see how everything was, and to figure out the genders of the babies.

"What gender to you think their kids are going to be?" I asked.

"They should have a son named Max," Max pointed out with a smirk.

"What about our names?!" Tom complained.

"They're having two kids yet, one can be Max, and you guys can fight over the other one," he clearly stated. Just then the doors opened and in came Nathan and Dylan with a smile on their faces.

"So?" I asked. They looked between each other for a moment before smiling.

"It's a boy and a girl," Nathan announced. Everyone was happy and cheery except for Tom, who was throwing a fake Tomtrum about not having a child named after him. (The boy won't actually be named after Max by the way, they're all just joking. ;) )

"Have you told the fans yet?" I asked once again and then the smiles wiped off their faces and turned to worry.

"You haven't told them yet mate?" Siva gasped.

" We were terrified to!" Nathan replied.

"I think you should Nath, you've let it go on too long," Jay sighed. Nathan nodded before pulling out his phone and typing on it quickly before putting it back in his pocket. I pulled out my phone to read the tweet:

@NathanTheWanted: Thank you to @DylanLoretta for giving me a son and a daughter. :) #lovethem.

And attached to that tweet, was an ultrasound black and white picture of the two babies.

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Hello lovelies! :) Sorry it's been awhile, I've been having a terrible week! So stressed!

So the whole Ariana thing...yeah...I'm sorry but I'm not a fan. :P I was just never a fan of Ariana and I feel like Nathan may/may not have commitment issues already and she's kind of the type to date and then trash later so I dunno. :/ plus it kind of effected my writing so sorry if the second half of this sucks. :P

But I swear, band lately has been taking over my life. xP I only have two more weeks of rehearsals and then I can have a life again! :D but I've had to memorize like 6 songs to play on the saxophone, and I feel like if you screw up a note, the section leaders will think you don't know any of the music and make you run laps, which...I don't run. xD

But Journalism is going alright I guess, I was thinking of possibly making an book of all my writing pieces on Wattpad for people to read if they're interested maybe? I dunno, comment below if you are, but I think they suck personally. :P

Love you guys! - :Dylan x

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