Chapter 33 - Stay Home

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I woke up the next morning to see I was cuddling a pillow. Why? It's simply became a habit of mine since Dylan started sleeping in the same bed as me. Every morning when she would get out of bed, she would wiggle out of my arms to go do something different, and I always end up cuddling a pillow instead. I moved the pillow away from me as I sat up and heard a loud bang from downstairs.

"Dammit!" I heard Dylan curse in a whispered voice from the kitchen. I immediately jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs to the kitchen to make sure she was alright.

"Dylan?" I asked as I poked my head into the kitchen where Dylan was no where to be found. I walked back out into the living room to see a small figure laying down on the couch. I walked over to see Dylan was laying down with a damp wash cloth over her forehead. I walked over and sat on the side of the couch.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I laughed as I lifted up the wash cloth from her forehead.

"My head is killing me, my nose is out of control, and I feel as if I could be sick at any moment," she explained before coughing a bit. I raised the back of my hand to her forehead to feel that it indeed was warm. I was sort of nervous to know Dylan was sick. With her being sick, that left me to be in charge of two newborns.

"C'mon, I'll take you upstairs," I whispered and carried her upstairs back to our room where I laid her on the bed.

"Just rest here babe, I've got the twins today," I assured her as she smiled. I quietly grabbed the baby monitor that was in our room and turned it off so she wouldn't be woken up. I then softly kissed her forehead before walking over to the door and shutting it quietly. I then walked downstairs and pulled out my phone and dialed Jay's number.

J: Hello?
N: Hey mate, it's me. Are you and Maggie busy?
J: No, we just woke up (he replied with a yawn)
N: Do you guys think you could come over and take care of the twins for awhile? Dylan's sick and I need to take her to the doctor's.
J: Sure, we'll be over in 30min.
N: Thanks mate! See you then!


I laid in bed with my eyes closed, but nothing was working, everything that was going on was preventing me from falling asleep. Just then, there was a knock on the door and Nathan poked his head in before coming in.

"Hey, there's been a change of plans," he told me.

"A change of plans?"

"Yeah, I was think you need to see a doctor, so Maggie and Jay are coming over to stay with the twins while you and I go to the doctors," he explained. I was kind of worried about leaving our twins at home with two people that aren't as experienced with children.

"I don't know Nathan, I think it's too early to just up and leave the twins with a babysitter," I replied.

"I'm sure it won't be that long babe," he told me. I sighed as I sat up out of bed.

"Just get ready to go while I get the twin's stuff around for Jay alright? You have thirty minutes!" He replied as he left the room.


"And here's their bottles. Is there anything else I'm forgetting?" I asked as I checked everything over for the tenth time.

"Babe you've covered everything, we need to get going," Nathan pushed. I sighed as I slid on my coat and Nathan helped.

"Please call if you guys need anything," I begged them before I walked out the door with Nathan. He then put his arm around my shoulder as we walked over to the car and climbed in.

"It's just the flu Nathan, do I really have to go?" He chuckled.

"Everything at home will be fine Dylan, don't worry! and I just want to make sure and get you some medicine just in case," he assured me as he took my right hand and held it with his.


"It's just a bad case of the flu. Mrs. Sykes should be okay here in a week or so if she stays on top of the prescription I'm prescribing to her," the doctor concluded.

"I'll make sure she does," Nathan replied as he smirked and winked at me.

"Alright then! it looks like you're free to go! Have a great day Mr. and Mrs. Sykes!" The doctor called back to us as we were then leaving the building.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Nathan asked.

"I'm just ready to go home and see the twins," I muttered in which he pulled me close and laughed.

"We're going baby, don't worry," he laughed.

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Hello my darlings, how are you all today? :)

Ugh, that reminds me of how this chick in journalism used to teach us training stuff! and she was just annoying and used to call us her 'little birdies' like no. xD

Hope you liked this requested chapter, it isn't exactly how I wanted it to play out but what the hell, it works. ;) it's a bit late since it was so long, but you don't mind right?

My schedule this trimester...not feeling it. :P I barely see any of my friends, and I never see #oomf (which is like a twitter nickname for your crush) anymore. :(

...aaannnndddd my night has been ruined by remembering I had Algebra homework...crap.

Love you guys! - :Dylan x

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