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( I made this a couple days later than I thought but here it is kind of. Updates will probably be like the screwed up schedule that I used for richstuck. but anyways, heres the first part.)


Dave's mission was clear. Earth's kingdom was weaker by the day and the kingdom of Alternia was growing higher in the ranks. Alternia was trying to reclaim their lost colony, but the rightful heir to the newly established kingdom of Earth had a better idea. Dave Strider was to rescue a princess who is the heir to Alternia. She is said to not be as powerful as the current Empress, Her Imperious Condescension, but she can hold her ground due to the genes. As long as Earth gained the princess' trust, she could be a valuable asset to their fight to control Alternia. With the small Peixes as their ally, they may have a chance.


Karkat's mission was clear. Alternia was becoming stronger by the day and Earth was falling. Soon they will be able to take back the land that they once controlled. Karkat, the head knight of his kingdom, was to rescue the princess that Her Imperiousness had locked away for fear of being challenged. Her Imperiousness has only now changed her mind because she realized how weak her spirit actually is. If Alternia was to re-recruit her, they could retake Earth. "Knight Vantas, behave yourself and do this right, and I will spare your life. Don't disappoint me, or you will end up like your weak ancestor that I culled all those sweeps ago. Now go. If you are not back within 96 hours, or four days for your simple mind, then you will be tracked and culled on the spot; princess or not, unless you're already dead." Her Imperious Condescension does not go back on her declarations.

-Dave's POV- 

"Good luck brother. I have full faith in you." I strapped on my last piece of armor as my sister said her goodbyes. "I know you do Rose, and that means a lot coming from you; you're the smartest woman I know." She smiled "oh, I'm flattered." The newly appointed king entered the room, his crown shining high on his head. "Come to say your farewells too my liege?" John walked forward and handed my sword over. "Of course. You know I'm opposed to this mission, but I had no choice. I just...I just hope you're safe out there. I know how you are, don't take any unreasonable risks, and-and Jade's in the forest waiting for you. Try to make it there by sundown please? Make sure you stay bundled up at night, it gets cold, and-" He was still talking as I walked away.  My sister waved me goodbye and, towards the end, had to drag John back inside before he ran after me saying that this whole thing was no longer necessary.

~Karkat's POV~

Everything came in the same order as usual. The only friends I ever saw in the castle was Terezi Pyrope and Kanaya Maryam, and that's only because Pyrope was the second-in-command judge next to Her Imperiousness and Maryam is one of ten keepers of the oldest mother grub. 

Kanaya was the only one to wave me off. Business as usual.

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