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Stupid ass bitch fuckin shit head Karkat kiss my ass Vantas. I don't even want to go back to Earth without Feferi! What will my friends think? WHAT WILL MY FAMILY THINK!? That was dramatic. Literally my only family is Dirk, Roxy, and Rose, and only Rose will be there to punch me in the face due to my failure. I pray to the fucking sword in my hand that Dirk won't be back when I show up, though you can never tell; those alpha squad missions are really intense and drawn out. It's already been a week since they left! Maybe they'll never come back so that I don't have to witness the look of horror on their faces when the find out we're DOOMED! Oh the IRONY! The strongest knight in the kingdom of Earth, fooled by a mere mutant blood from Alternia! Woe is me. 

Finally reaching the front gates of the kingdom, I prepare myself with a deep breath, returning to the kingdom empty handed and without glory. I'm a disappointment. I step one foot down on the ground and then the other for landing. As soon as I'm firmly placed on the dirt the orange wings disappear into the air, leaving no trace that they were even there. I strolled up to the gate and pulled down a secret entrance block, entering immediately instead of having to wait for a guards approval. I don't need your damn approval. As soon as I entered the secret passageway I spotted my boy John sittin around looking tired. He usually does this, staying up every night until I come back. He's stupid so I come back as quick as possible so that I don't affect his mental state. Wouldn't want a bro to get tired out when I'm not there. That's not right. His picked his stupid princely self off of the barrel he was on and shook my hand to welcome me back. "Please....don't mention my appearance. You make fun of me every time and I think I might have to take down your self esteem a notch if you don't quit it." John  awkwardly grinned. I didn't say anything, just looked down solemnly. He probably already knows that I didn't get the princess if I didn't walk in with her. It's all over now..."Yo, Dave? What's the big idea? Why the sad face?" He asked. I mumbled, "I thought it was pretty obvious...." John quirked his eyebrow; he obviously wanted to know. "I.....I-I failed. I met a troll on the way to Jade's house and I ended up taking him prisoner but then I left him untied overnight and I started to trust him and then...when we found the princess he ditched me after I passed out. I'm sorry..." John just opened his eyes wide and then laughed. "W-what? What are you laughing at!" He burst out laughing but died down once he saw my red angry and sad face. He smiled and said "Oh, Dave! You don't have to worry about that troll or the princess!" How does that make any sense? "Excuse you?" He nodded his head, "Follow me!" He gripped my hand and took me through the other side of the wall into the kingdom. Everyone was bustling around in the square per usual, except this time there was one long horned troll playing with a bunch of children. Instead of her maid dress, that she had obviously sewn herself,  she wore before, she wore a long elegant dress. It was white and covered in flowers. Many children were putting her long black hair into one giant braid, the rest were tossing flowers all around her. Sure, we had some trolls here, but Fef's horns and bright pink eyes just stood out. She waved to me and I swear I shed a tear. 

She's here! She's actually here! I took a leap and bound into her arms. Oh my UGHHH I'm so happy. I just sat there for awhile;not believing that she was actually there, and I wouldn't let her go until she became severely uncomfortable and John had to pry me off so I didn't scare the children.

Eventually, I came to the realization of Karkat Vantas. "By any chance, was there an angry, short, annoying, little mutant troll around here?" Feferi looked at me sadly, "Karkat sure is here but...Dave, I don't think you should talk to him at all. In the end, he did try to betray you and all of humanity. Sure, he did come here, but only after he found out he was to be immediately culled upon his return. I didn't trust him so we had him put in a cell for safe-keeping." She's right, he did try to betray all of us, but I'll change his mind about humanity; I will. Surely he can't hate us, right? "Which cell? I'd like to change his views on a few things...."


Fuck you Earth you assholes! I bring you this fresh as fuck piece of meat princess and then you shoved fuCKING BROCCOLI IN MY FACE! I kicked the cell wall in frustration. I chewed at the bars. I did this for hours until I heard someone walking down the stairs. "Whoever you are, fuck you!" Then the face became clear in the torches light. Shit. Dave looked horrible. His face was red and he had a few deep scratches on his face. Maybe he was attacked between the time I left until now. Maybe I could've done something if I was there....

"You should be very afraid right now Vantas, because if this were any other case and you wouldn't have come back here in the end then I would've beat all of the air out of your body."

If I still had my gear maybe I wouldn't feel so intimidated but without any of my armor, or sword, I had to gulp. "Listen, Dave, I apologize for leaving in the night but I thought my life was in danger. Turns out I was in danger anyway so I might as well come here." He shook his head back and forth while taking off his armor, "See, that's the thing. I bet you don't even like humans that much...in fact, you probably hate them," he's right about that in some ways. He slipped off his last peice of armor and stood there in a simple red shirt, his cape, and the usual tights for undergarments. "-but even if you do hate us...I'm more than willing to change your mind."

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now