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"Yay, Dave!"

Lousy humans. Their interactions are quite disturbing. Following 'Charles' was a silly idea (Although I now know his name is actually Dave, not Charles Mason) I believed that I could easily defeat this witch before I saw her almost take down the knight in one swift motion. She could potentially be the end of me if I decided to fight her. I am content with just spying for now. The Earthian knight was far ahead of me now. His long legs gave him an unfair speed advantage. I had to scuttle through a million bushes just to catch up to him. This Dave human is a horrible masterpiece. It reminds me of the Mona Lisa. Beautiful woman, saddening frown. Not that he's beautiful or anything.

Dave stopped suddenly in the road. His head was spinning in various places, but mostly towards my location. Could it be that he heard me? Once he continued walking, I branched off a bit. I know where he's going, there's no need to bring unwanted attention to myself. Except now I was the one hearing bush scuttling. He has tracked me down. He knows. I just have to know when he decides to pounce on me. It's as the academy always told me 'The humans hold simple fighting patterns. Count to five and they'll be ready.' One-nothing, two-same, three-extra shuffling, Four-he jumps out from the bushes. THE ACADEMY LIED. I wasn't completely prepared! Even so, I managed to block his simple sword attack. My sickle takes kindly to blocking. We stared eachother down as he spoke "I know that you are no runaway now. Leave, go back where you came from, or prepare to strife!" I knit my eyebrows to the middle of my forehead. "Go back where I came from? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you are in Alternian territory!" Dave the human just stared at me with a disgusted face. Nothing I'm not used to. "Listen, Dave human. I want to let you do your own thing, I really do, but my life is on the line. I have to do this. As much as I hate Alternia, right now I hate you more." He pushed me into the ground head first and got on top of me in a rather compromising position. Maybe humans don't have any perception of hot and not. "You listen here, Karkat Vantas-" I see, he knew me from the start. Looks like all he needed was a little walk down memory lane to get his thoughts going. "- you are scum. How dare you fight against Earth when you of all people should promote the underprivileged." I see where this is going. "Karkat Vantas-" "yes that's my name." He scowls down at me. His facial expressions are almost his entire being.

"-I now take you prisoner in the name of the kingdom of Earth." I'm not going to put up a fight. I can honestly just sneak of with the princess in the middle of the night once he gets her. For now I will earn his trust, make him think that I'm starting to join his cause. But, in reality I know where my priorities lie. I will carry out my redemption of my ancestor's sins against the kingdom. His debt will be paid through me.


I have to tie him up. There's no way that I'll just let him go. He's dangerous. Luckily, I got him on the ground; this should be easy enough. "Okay Vantas, I'm taking you prisoner. Turn over so I can tie you up." He scowled at me and then turned his mouth towards my arm to bite me. He only got a scrape before I slammed his face into the ground. "No way am I letting you ruin our chances to win." I grabbed my climbing rope from an iron hook on my waist. He put up no fight while I tied his arms back. I left a long rope behind his heavy ties so that I could carry him along on a leash. It also works for mocking him. "What's up with you? Lost hope?" His face got tighter when I said that, but he took a deep breath to keep his anger issues under control.

"Actually Strider, I'm thinking about something so it would be great if you could leave me alone." Could it be that he's actually considering helping me? It's likely, but I can't be sure. His motives are undefined. "Sorry, but one of my jobs is to be annoying. I can't have you thinking on me. It's just another threat. If you want to think then you better think out loud." He looked off in the distance for a second before answering. "Okay, fine Dave. I was thinking that maybe Earth won't be that bad. I want to see it with my own eyes." Well, he's only gonna see the pathway to the prison at this rate. "Listen loser, maybe if you behave during this trip then I won't put you in the slammer. Remember the chance that I gave you; don't ruin it." Karkat scrunched up his nose like I was a smelly dead skunk; he's not being very nice. "Alright Vantas, up up. We're going to make camp real soon so it's best to get as far as possible before that last little sliver of light disappears." I pointed towards the almost completely consumed sunset. Karkat picked himself off the ground, which was hilarious to watch with his hands tied back. Once he did actually do it I was already laughing as loud as a cow. "I hope you know that your laugh sounds like a flailing chicken you piece of garbage." Ahahaha that's a good one Karkat, but it just so happens that I hate the sound of your voice. I kicked him back on the ground. "Do it again prisoner."

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now