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Rose threw her hand over Vriskas shoulder. "That's enough." Vris kicked the cell some more before yanking her hair, "NO, SCREW THIS GUY HES HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!" Dave laughed, "I think he's kinda chill." Chill? That's all I get? I'm being verbally harassed right now, with no backup might I add. "Vriska we all know your situation with Karkat Vantas, but we can't have you killing him. After tonight he'll be another part of the complex system of people that make up the kingdom of Earth." I stood up from my dark corner and stepped into the light. I feel much less confident without my armor but I'm not gonna just sit here and take all of this crap. "Hey, Serket. I see they got you all fixed up here." Her eyebrow twitched at me in response, "Yeah, no thanks to you, you 8astard..." I knitted my eyebrows in a faked confused face, "You see, Vriska, last time I checked you were the one harassing me. You had your little accident coming to ya." Vriska clenched her robotic arm and hissed at me through jagged teeth. "Actually, Vantas, that situation didn't have anything to do with you."

-one sweep ago-

The darkest midnight I'd ever seen was occurring. I whipped through the back alleys in the main square and thought about what Sollux had said earlier, "II Don't liike theiir viibe2, man. The2e giirls are getting out of iit. IIf 2omeone doesn't do 2omething 2oon then there'2 no telling what wiill happen next! Keep an eye on Vriiska, 2he'2 the 2cariie2t of them all..." Vriska... I heard the scream of a woman. The worst part is that I recognized the voice. I turned the corner to find Sollux with his eyes glowing blue and red. On the ground was the almost unrecognizable body of Aradia Megido. Sollux turned to me and he began to aim at my own body. "Sollux, don't! It's me!" Suddenly his eyes went dark and a blue circle shape left his head. He fell to the ground unconscious as a dark figure fell from a nearby rooftop. "Karkaaaaaaaat. You really weren't supposed to see that..." Her voice sent a shiver down my spine. With nothing but a flimsy sword to protect me, I took a stance. Vriska shrugged me off and began putting some of Aradia's ashes into a small bottle hooked to her belt. "What are you doing you treacherous woman?!" I seethed. She waved a hand at me. "Karkat, relax. This is for a later revival. I'm giving her time to think her next move out rationally!" I rolled my eyes, "Sure, by controlling her matesprite to kill her?" She plugged up the bottle and let it rest against her belt, "Okaaaaaaaay! You caught me! So, I had a little fun with it. Why make her death 8oring? You and I 8oth know she deserves a HUGE 8low-out for her death!" I bared my teeth at her and got ready to charge when a voice from the shadows spoke up. "Karkat, don't." I recognized that voice anywhere. "Terezi? You went along with this?" She stepped out into the light, "I'm sorry, Karkat, but we want to leave and Aradia was just making it hard..." Vriska stepped in, "Right. See Karkat? TZ's coming with me 8ecause she's the 8est morail ever!!!!!!!! There's no need to worry. With the sta8les near8y we'll 8e there in no time!" Pyrope's pupils turned to the floor. I guess it's time for me to prove my knowledge of TZ to everyone again. "Vriska. Terezi wants to stay here. Can't you see that? Just leave her alone." Vriska opened her mouth in an O shape and viciously said, "She wants to come with, Karkat, so just 8ack off!!!!!!!!" It seems that I had no choice but to fight. I threw my sword forward and Vriska pulled out a small dagger, fit for a petty theif. We clashed swords as Terezi watched silently and regretfully in the corner. "Your tyranny ends now Vriska!" I slammed my sword against a stone pillar nearby. It began to make the building around us crumble. I grabbed Pyrope and bolted out of there, leaving Vriska. "DAMN YOU KARKAT VANTAS. DAMN YOU TO HELL!" Off of her belt she whipped out a mirror and pointed it towards us right before we escaped. The light went past me and missed its target, but hit someone else instead before Serket disappeared under the rubble. The rocks stopped falling and there was silence. I set Terezi to the ground and checked her eyes. Her yellow was quickly being replaced by red. In no time her beautiful teal eyes were covered in Crimson, and she never saw a thing ever again. 

-Current time-

"Saying it didn't have anything to do with me is bullshit! You know she's my matesprite now, right? We had a connect then, too! It's always been my duty to bring about justice through power, especially for her!" Serket put her hands around the bars of the cell and stuck her head threw the cell to yell at me, "I was her MORAIL! We did everything together! I knew her like no one else did!!!!!!!! She would've 8een happier here!"I shook my head, "maybe now, yes, but back then she had a lot going for her, including you. The conditions of Alternia weren't even half as bad then than they are now! It's different and you know it!" Vriska dropped her head in defeat, "SIIIIIIIIGH! You're right...she used to have everything going for her! Who in their right mind would've left? Still, there was really no reason to cut off my arm and eye! We could've talked it out rationally!" I squinted my eyes at her, "Really? It's fairly obvious you don't listen to reason and you had just gruesomely killed Aradia! Not to mention you blinding Terezi..." Vriska turned her head and scoffed, "8linding Terezi was an accident and Aradia's fine now so who cares? In the end I did what was right yada yada yada I win again."  I just sat back down and relaxed. In all honesty, she is so stupid in the smartest way. Rose lifted herself from her chair and gripped Vriskas arm and began taking her upstairs "I apologize for leaving you here like this, but it should be dark in a few minutes and we're anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kanaya Maryam. She should also be arriving by sundown. I'm glad you two worked it out. Karkat, I'll send Kanaya your regards." The two women began to walk back up the stairs. I heard Vris talking to Rose on the way up, "Wow can't w8 to see Kan again! Old morail represent!" Rose giggled, "well you were the troll who insisted on recommending her." I heard Vriska say in a barely audible voice from the distance "Well! She'd 8e perfect for our team!" The cell was silent for a while before Dave spoke up, "Sooooo, that was interesting, huh?"

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