Life: The Aspect of the Caring

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Light. Light is the word I would use to describe the scene before me. A short girl with a bright red jumper stood before me. My wounds were gone. My thoughts were gone. I thought that I was gone...but I was...and now I'm not. I was back. The girl that stood before me had a giant golden trident. The trident was covered in fuschia blood. Her Imperiousness was dead; death by trident. The girl let the body of the queen fall limply to the wet grass. The sky was still dark but the rain had slowed to a halt. "Citizens of Earth!" She yelled. "I am Jane Crocker! Daughter of the Egbert family and heir to the Throne of Alternia! It would seem that my "mom" has fallen to natural causes and I am next of kin! I propose a truce! Kingdoms unite! Rejoice for your queen has arrived!" Silence fell over the crowd. Everyone stopped in the moment. It was hard to take in, the queen dying and this random kid claiming to somehow be related to John. Everything was spinning. Who is this chick? Her red outfit bared a I don't know what is was about her but I felt drawn to her charisma. I would even say that I could trust her now. Everyone was staring at this woman. Was she being serious or was she bat shit crazy? She lifted her trident with the blood of The Condescension and everything froze once more. The trolls of both kingdoms were the only ones affected. The humans dropped their weapons. All at once the most powerful warriors of Earth made their way the the top of the hill where the girl stood. I myself took the few steps to stand next to her. We all shook hands and John cried. He never knew he had a sister. Her name was Jane and she was now a part of our family. I was distracted though. There was something I was forgetting about but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Death sure does mess with someone's memory. I turned around and looked for something that I wasn't sure existed. That's when I saw blood trailing from my feet. Karkat. It all cam flashing back. I lifted him in my arms and wept. He's dead. He's really dead and there was nothing I could do about it. Jane came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder. It may not be raining anymore but inside of me felt like a storm.  That's when my hands started to glow. I turned around to Jane and saw her smiling softly, her body glowing the same color. White. "He must be important to you..." She whispered. My tears dried once I realized what she's doing. Karkat will come back to me.


My eyes fluttered open, slowly at first, then all at once. My arms had trouble moving and my legs were numb. Where am I? I heard steps towards the door to the old wooden room I was in. Dust flew everywhere as the door revealed Dave. Is this heaven? Dave run up to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. He seemed so happy. It's too bad I'm dead. "You're back..." He muttered. "I'm so glad." I'm back..? Am I dead or not? I ran my fingers across his cheeks and realized this is real. I'm alive and this is Dave and I'm here with him. There's nothing that can take us down now. I motioned for Dave to lift me up so I could look out the window. He drew the curtains back and I lost my breath. The bright sun shone down across a town full of trolls and humans. They were playing together, trading together, even just TALKING together. The town is alive. I feel alive.


Heyo! It's been awhile I know I'm stupid but high school is hard. Anyways I'm kind of drifting from homestuck right now which I never thought I would but it seems my creativity has spread to broader characters and stories. At the moment I'm actually planning out a KageHina Haikyuu AU fanfic because I've literally been stalking for new ideas. Please don't hate me but I don't think I'll be writing new homestuck anytime soon. Sad times. 

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