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I opened my eyes to see a bright ass sun shining it's happy rays into my face. Fuck off. After last nights events I almost immediately passed out. Dave kept rocking me back and forth talking about how much he loved me, it was just so soothing. We were still on the hill under a tree. Dave was slumped next to the trunk, already awake. "Morning princess." He chuckled. "Dick head." I responded. I scooted towards him and leaned my head against his shoulder.i

 I could feel the wind blowing past my face and, even though it's the middle of the day, the sky was gray. It'll probably rain soon. "Hey Dave?"


"I love you."

"I love you too."

I gripped his hand in mine. I don't ever want him to leave me. The wind began to pick up a bit. "So, Dave, what's on the agenda for today?" I felt him shrug in response. "I'd like to relax for a while before something later on." I quirked my eyebrows at him. "Something later on....?" Then I felt the ground shake. The sky had now turned into a light drizzle, clouds darkened overhead. "Dave? What's going on?!" You could hear the panic in my voice. "Looks like it's not as late as I thought. We gotta move, quickly." He had no fear or hesitation in his voice and the image of Dirk at the tavern flashed into my mind. That must've been it. An attack from Alternia. We ran down the hills, hands still together, and into the armory. I easily slipped into my armor while Dave took a little longer. Once he was fully suited, he held my hand in front of us. "Nunc finis." I lifted myself to his face and kissed him before we headed out. We separated hands at the middle of the gate and parted towards to front. "I love you, don't die out there!" I yelled, my voice still shaking with fear. He laughed and waved towards me "Like hell I will!" 

I went through the side door of the wall to the front of the gate. There stood the strongest warriors of the kingdom, said to possess extremely terrifying powers. John Egbert suited in blue, Jade Harley dressed in a simple black dress, Jake English decorated with only clothes fitted for a dunce, Dirk Strider in a full suit of pink armor, Rose Lalonde with a long orange dress, Roxy Lalonde with a mask and petty blue clothing, and Dave Strider in a suit of red armor. Vriska Serket and Feferi Peixes stood at the top of the wall as backup. All of these people bore their original signs that they've had since the minute I'd met them here. Maybe the human mutants could win this. All of the fleshies turned and smiled at me, especially Dave. Looks like I was a little late to the party. A huge Alternian army stood before us and at the front stood cloaked figures. They resembled the ones that we had seen at Feferi's pub before we confronted her. They must've been Alternian spies sent to capture her. It's good we got there when we did. "Hey dweebs!" I heard yelling from the back of the giant army. A huge pink goddess with flowing black hair flew above the crowd with flashy blue and red eyes. "Oh heeey Karkat! My buddies here told me about your little betrayal. I'd love to keep havin you around but it would seem you're too dangerous now. We've come to reclaim our princess and destroy this petty little sorry excuse for a kingdom." She snickered mid air. Her snicker turned into full blown laughter which turned into dead silence. She pointed down towards her army of trolls, mostly of the colors blue, purple, orange, yellow, and teal. "Omnes interficere!" She screamed. The entirety of the army began rushing toward us. There was a simple nod between the children of the kingdom of Earth. We began our run towards the crowd. 

We were clashing swords furiously, I could no longer see the rest of my team. I saw bits and pieces of wind blowing trolls far away and green blocks turning into multiple different objects. The rain got in my eyes as it turned into a full blown storm. I swung my sword through an orange blood and slashed my blade across a blue blood. My armor was now a plethora of colors ranging from low to high. The poorest and the strongest I bet. I felt no regret in my killings. These people are as ignorant as I once was to the beauty of the kingdom of Earth. I've only experienced a few days of it, but it really hits you. These trolls will never have a chance to ruin this place's pure intentions. Die scum bags. 

The ground shook once again and the sky was colored in red and blue. The front gate burst open and a chunk of the Alternian soldiers flooded inside. I turned to run inside to protect the people when I felt a tug on my arm. "Karkat, no!" Her voice cracked. Terezi. I turned to see the cloaked figure reveal herself, her red eyes tearing up with regret. "Please, don't..." Another one of the cloaked trolls pulled down their hood, along with the person next to them. "Pleath kk. Juth come back with uth." Aradia nodded next to him, "If we take you back now Her Imperiousness said she might still forgive you!" Another figure pulled his cloak down to reveal his stupid hipster glasses. "Please Kar! We really don't want to lose you!" Terezi yelled over the sounds of war, "This isn't worth your life! Please, Karkat we're begging you! Come home! Come be with your family!" I felt Gamzee and Eridan grip my hands, "Live on with us Karbro!" "Give up on thith petty placth Kk." "We're right here for you Karkat so please, just come home." 

I took in a deep breathe of air and ripped myself from them. I can't afford to be with ignorant people. "Karkat, wait!" "Fuck off!" I yelled behind me. I sprinted into the kingdom and saw houses on fire. I heard children screaming and saw rampaging high bloods. I saw Earthian trolls risking their lives to protect the weaker humans. I ran down the street being sure to kill of as many Alternians as I could. I turned a corner into a dead end and saw a small troll child holding a wooden sword up to a big high blood Alternian. Behind her stood about 5 human children, all male. I recognized the little girl as the magenta blood from yesterday. Her fins were stretched out in anger at the high blood and she took a swing. Before it hit, the high blood also took a swing, his was stronger. His blade went right through her, cutting her in half through the stomach. Magenta blood flew all over the friends she tried to protect. "You motherfucker!" I couldn't control my anger. I jumped on top of the high blood and snapped his neck. Once he fell to the floor I repeatedly slashed at his face. "I want to be just as strong as you one day Mr.Karkat!" the words flashed into my mind as I swung. I slashed and slashed as purple blood covered me from head to toe. Once my energy finally gave out I looked up and smiled at the children I had protected. Their faces were horrified. The began to run into a cellar that was hidden in the floor. I solemnly walked away, hoping they'd be safe in there, even if they hate me. 

My eyes stung from the water in the sky. "Oh KARKAAAT!" I heard the Condescension squeal. That fucking bitch started all of this. And I, I will end it. I followed the voice of her callings and skid through several corridors. I came upon a huge street filled with Alternian soldiers and burning buildings. The Condescension stood at the back of the line calling for me. I gripped my sword and ran past all of the other trolls who were in the way. As soon as I was about to hit my blade straight to her face, she grips me by the throat and lifts me into the air. "Oh." She seethes. "There you are." I felt her grip tighten and begin to cut off my air. I swung my sword wildly trying to get one, if any, hits on her. It was no use. My arms began to go limp through lack of oxygen and high levels of frustration. "Karkat!" I heard a familiar voice yell to me. I turned my heard and held my arm out towards Dave who stood at the top of a nearby rooftop fending off giant blue bloods. "Karkat no! Please, just fight!" He shouted. But it was too late. The Condescension giggled in my ear and whispered, "Goodbye." A sharp pain ran through my chest and red blood covered her hand. My heart stopped; because it was no longer in my body. It was in Her Imperious Condescension's palm.

(I hope this shit pulled your heartstrings because he's fucking d e a d)

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now