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This is the story of a young girl. This young girl was born into the world during a time of abandonment in the kingdom of Alternia. Alternia was quickly losing its working class of genetic mutations called humans. This young girl just so happened to be a human. This young girl was born with a brother and they were kept together in a large group of babies. The group was eventually prepared for transport so that the children would grow up in a safer environment. During the night, before the operation took place, Her Imperiousness caught word of this plan. She silently made her way to the group of babies, eight in total. They were all sound asleep while the Condescension plotted their deaths. Her Imperiousness lifted her arm with the intent to kill when one of the children begins to wail. It's the young girl. In order to not draw attention to herself like cutting the babie's cries off suddenly by killing her, Her Imperiousness elected to take her to another far away room and dispose of her. The Condescension took the baby several rooms away and grinned viciously down at her. Right before Her Imperiousness ripped the child apart, she heard a distant conversation. Deciding to investigate, she took the now silent baby to where the conversation was being held. By the time she got there the conversation had ended and the room was empty. The worst part about that is that the room was the one holding all of the children. Her Imperiousness had missed her chance to murder all eight children of the human's rebellion. In anger, the Condescension began to shake the small girl in her hand up and down by her leg. The child began to scream again but the Condescension didn't care anymore, if she couldn't kill them all then at least she could kill one. But, before Her Imperiousness completely obliterated the child, she had a thought. She could use this child to learn new information about humans and if they truly do have powers after all.

The young girl suffered a dead leg after that incident. She was amputated on and given a prosthetic leg that was pumping with Her Imperiousness' blood. With the help of the Condescension, the young girl nurtured her talents and worked under the queen's control. The young girl became the kingdoms secret weapon, known only by her doctor and Her Imperious Condescension. Her Imperiousness began to sense herself in the girl. The queen modeled the young girl after herself, giving her a trident that resembled her own. The girl even had glasses, and black hair. The hair was kept short for fighting purposes, but the glasses were round just like Her Imperiousness. The girl was passive about everything, never showing passion for what she did. Her dead eyes showed nothing, the young girl, no longer young, felt no mercy for her victims and no pride even after getting praised by the Condescension. She had nothing.


What do you do when you see the love of your life ripped apart before your very eyes? It's hard to describe the feeling, really. You feel like shit, knowing you didn't do anything. You feel...sick. I threw up; I couldn't help it. But most of all, you feel anger. Anger towards yourself and towards the person responsible. I turned my eyes to the source of all this wickedness; Her Imperious Condescension. Karkats body fell to the ground, getting trampled by various trolls. It was obvious that he was dead, so no one bothered to walk around him. That made my blood boil. I slashed my sword through dozens of high bloods on the roof and ripped a red bottle from my belt. While I began to open it, I made a beeline towards her Imperiousness, bursting through millions of trolls. I could feel my fists burning from my grip on my sword. I could feel my feet hurting from slapping against the ground. Most of all, I could feel my fury bubbling with the heat of a thousand suns, but I didn't care. Covered in blood, I jumped into the air, unhinging the bottle's cap. I looked into the Condescension's frightened eyes and whispered "Hasta La Vista bitch."

A red appendage flew from the bottle turning every which way. It had no control, but it turned on the person closest to it. Her Imperious Condescension looked horrified as the red mile circled around her and stopped at her back. As a desperate last attempt she tried to flee, but she was too slow. The red mile pierced through her back and she coughed up pink blood. I was also splattered with Fuchsia blood, but that wasn't my only back lash. The red mile went right through her back and out her stomach...and then right through me. It was like a shush kabob for talented fighters. It hurt pretty bad, I'll admit. I'll also admit that I knew I was gonna die. It was pretty obvious. However, Her Imperiousness looked like she could recover. I weakly reached for my belt again, gripping a green bottle. Rain poured into my dying eyes. Damn this hurts. I held the bottle in front of the queen's eyes and spoke some of my last words "This bottle right here," I shook the bottle in her face, "is your fucking death." She reached out her hand in defiance "Stop!" I shook my head and made a tsk sound. The bottle popped open with ease. Out of the bottle flew a small green sphere that sparkled in the rain. The sphere flew into my hand and I felt the red mile snap into place. Slowly at first, the red mile began to drill, but it eventually turned into hurricane speeds. My abdomen burned and I was so close to death that I could slip away any moment. The red mile then stopped and retreated back into its bottle. The green sun slowly dissipated. With the red mile gone the Condescension and I fell the ground next to each other. I was basically already dead and she was quickly deteriorating. I heard her cough next to me, "I'm surprised a simple human like you could care so much about a twerp like Karkat. He really was a little shit." I smirked a little and gave a chuckle, "He was, but he'll never be worse than you. You snide bitch." We were now looking directly at each other, on our backs dying. I could see her grimacing face and how angry she really was. The rest of her troops were off fighting somewhere else, there was no one to save her. Slowly but surely, she reached over to me and began to wrap her fingers around my neck. As she sat there suffocating me, I didn't fight. We were both gonna die anyway, what was the point? My vision got blurry and I couldn't breathe and I...I don't want to die. It was too late though. "Fuck you." I heard. That wasn't my voice, or the Condescension's. Then I saw a trident come down and pierce through Her Imperious Condescension's skull. That was all I saw before I died.
(Wow I like killing people)

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now