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Wow. This kid has a lot of issues. I don't know what to say. I've never been really good at helping people when they're in a bad mood. It's either I like them when they're normal or not at all. I did kind of drag myself into this one though. Maybe I should back off a bit? Oh god help me....


I can't believe myself! This guy isn't even worthy of knowing my feelings, nevertheless seeing me cry! Stupid humans! He-he must have been manipulating me! That's it! Except...humans don't have mind powers. Why did I do this willingly? Why am I so stupid? He's just sitting there. He's not even saying anything!!!! "Well, I guess you should tie me back up now." My voice was cracking. This is stupid. "C'mon! Tie me up! Make fun of me! What's wrong with you?!" He was just staring. "Earth to human! I'm your prisoner remember!?" I started to cry a little more. Why isn't he tying me up like the stupid tyrant he is? Finally, he kind of snapped out of it. His mouth twitched a little as he talked "Karkat. As much as I hate you for trying to help Alternia, I get it. You're trying as hard as you can, I get it. But listen here Vantas, you can change. Ditch those losers in Alternia. Come with me; with us. You can have a new life in Earth-" "But the drones-" He stopped me from protesting. "Karkat we have numbers, we have people, we have walls. You have protection. Earth protects its people, you included. Please, you can change. I want to help you change. We're pretty alike, more than I'm willing to tell you and I want to be able to help." Help?

"Sure, I'll...give it a shot." He looked relieved "I really didn't want to have to tie you to a tree again." Well, maybe this will be easier than I thought. I no longer have to put much effort into abandoning him. We'll get the princess and I'll take off. Suddenly, Dave whipped his arm around my neck. "Listen man, If all this goes right I think we could be friends." I gave a fake smile and looked to him "Sure." Not. He began removing his armor so he could sleep on the ground comfortably. I did the same. What? You think I'd sleep in armor? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. "Over here buddy!" Dave yelled. "You don't have to yell I'm right over here." I said as I walked over to him. "What?" He patted on the ground for me to sit down. "C'mon, I need a pillow." Pillow? "What's a pillow?" He rolled his shoulders around before saying more "Listen man, I'm getting stiff shoulders. Your body will keep me comfortable. C'mooon." Siiiiiiiigh. I sat down where he was patting on the ground. Then he set his head down on my lap. I wasn't tired so instead I stared at the fire. It looked like dancers, the way the flames moved. Like fiery ballerinas, but don't touch them because they will slap you with their scorching heat. I've learned better. I heard snoring coming from the Earth knight in my lap. How long had I been looking at that fire? Oh well. I looked down at Dave. He kept his shades on this whole time, even when he was tying me and everything; how? Ah, who cares? I'll give him some credit. He did make me happy; even if just a little. Okay dude I'll give you that win. I put my hand on his shoulder and past his cape. Sweet dreams. (See Davekat Upd8. Vriskagram upd8 whatever. You're welcome.) 

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