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I woke up in the arms of an angry troll. I'm pretty sure this is not the same as when I fell asleep. He's wrapped his arms around me almost like he's terrified. "Kark-" "Kill....me. Traitor!" Sleep talking maybe? "Karkat." "Shut Up you traitor trash! You.." Dead silence. "Kaaaaaaaarkat!!" That's when he sat up really fast. "Vriska?" "Sorry Karkat, I'm not your spider vigilante friend." He looked offended. "Hahaha friend? No. She's horrible." He's not wrong. "Yeah, I know. After she joined our cause all she's done is nag and try to take control. She's a strong troll, but not a good leader." Karkat shifted on the ground fast. "Hello? Are you okay." "Yeah. I'm fine just-" He walked over to his armor and began putting it back on. He fell when he was getting his boots on. "Peachy." I shuffled over to my stuff too. I didn't fall though. That's lame. "Alright loser. Let's go." He rolled his eyes at me and trailed behind me. Every time I looked at him (which is very often; don't want him running off.) he was looking at the scenery. He was just enthralled with this one caterpillar. "Karkat? Oh look you found a girlfriend!" He wasn't even looking at me. His eyes wouldn't break with the nasty thing. "Karkat, that's just a caterpillar." I mean I guess it was kind of interesting; he was eating a leaf if that counts. "hmmm." Hm? What's wrong with this fool? "Dude, have you never seen a caterpillar?" He looked at me for half a second before moving back to the caterpillar. "Well...no. Not really. I didn't really leave the kingdom a lot. I was more of a 'Condy protection party'." I guess that makes sense, I mean if she really did want to keep him alive at the time. "Well welcome to the outdoors. The REAL outdoors." He looked around and began walking again. "It smells out here..."


Sloshing in the mud isn't exactly where I expected this day going. I was told that the whole way to the tower was flat, dry, land. Instead, here I am coming near the tower and covered in disgusting mud. That's not even the worst part. Vantas back there decided that he wanted to step into the mud...face first. So now all he's doing is complaining. "I CAN NOT BELIEVE-!" uuuuuuuuuuuuugh "Karkat can you not? Listen, I hate mud as much as the next guy, but you just take it to a whole new level of anger." I turned to look at him and he was knee-deep in mud, crossing his arms to shut himself up. According to the map that I studied before leaving, we should be there in just a few minutes. "So, Karkat. Do you have a clue of how this princess looks?" He nodded. "Of course! You don't? That's pretty stupid, you think you'd know what Peixes looks like. Maybe, without me, you would have taken a monster home instead of the princess!" :l "Haha, very funny. I'm pretty sure I can tell which one has huge bended horns on their head." I pushed a bush out of my path, releasing it into Karkat's face. "I'm going to destroy you." Someone's angry. "Oh really? I thought you liked leaves!" He just glared and kept following me. A couple of pushed branches later and we could see the tower. There were little monsters outside of it, but the real deal had to be inside. I hope the princess is still alive.

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now