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A bell rang as we entered the tavern. There were people at big tables laughing in unision. To be truthful, it made me kinda sick. People being kind to each other and not to me is slightly disturbing. Just look at their snooty noses and the spit flying out of their mouths as they cackle throughout the room. Who do you think you are? There was a lute player in the corner but you could barley hear him over all this other garbage. Dave gripped my hand and sat me down at a small round table. A troll woman with a busty chest and arms that looked like they could rip me in half came to take our orders. Dave just ordered us both giant chicken breasts and sent the troll lady on her way. "So, how do you like the place?" He said with a little sarcasm in his voice. I nodded my head towards a burly red haired man wrestling with an orange blooded troll on the floor "It's lovely." I scoffed. Dave leaned over the table and stroked his thumb a across my face, causing my face to go completely red, "Aw dude, I totally jacked up your face..." I rolled my eyes, "It's just a few bruises, you should see the other guy." Although, he still looked perfect. Fuck you gay thoughts. He removed his hand from my face and I felt a little disappointed. Fucking kiss me you stoic asshole. I can't stand  him. Everytime I touch him I just want him to fucking turn me around and kiss me all cliche like and to tell me he loves me and ahhhh I'm a mess. The burly troll lady dropped off chicken breasts the size of my head and then walked off, her black lips in a grimace. As I began to eat I felt a kick under the table. I ignored it at first but then it happened again. I checked under the table and nothing was there. One more kick and I whipped my head under the table. It was Dave, of fucking course. So, I started to kick back harmlessly. After a minute of kicking back and forth our feet just kinda got...tangled together? Finally, here's the cheesy shit I was talking about. We just left our feet there and continued eating like it was normal. I heard another ding at the door and watched as someone else walked in. 

Just what I needed, another Strider. Dirk Strider pulled up a chair to our table and just stared at us for a while. Dave quieted an eyebrow and threw some chicken skin at his brother "Did you need something goldy locks?" Dirk sighed at his comment, "impatient as always I see. I was gonna let you finish your food but since you're such a needy princess I'll tell you right now." I saw as Dirk leaned over to Dave and whispered in his ear for a good ten seconds. Once Dirk was done he got up, put the chair back where it was, and walked back out the door. Dave straightened his shades and began eating again. "What was that about?" I questioned. "Nothin important, really." I shrugged and took the last few bites of my chicken, feeling satisfied. "Thanks for the meal bitch." He threw some chicken skin at me now, "No problemo dickbutt." I swirled my finger around the edge of my glass of water while I waited for Dave to finish. He ate like a wolf so I was distracted from my cup. Next thing I knew, a cut on my finger had reopened. Some of my blood dripped into the water and dyed it a deep red. 

I stared at the water. It swirled around from the force of the drops of blood. Red. Red, of all colors. I took my hand and swiped the glass off of the table. It shattered when it hit the floor and the whole place went dead silent. No merry cheers, no lute playing, no grimacing buff waitresses. Silence. I got up and ran out before I could feel anymore of their judgmental stares. Stupid ass red.

When I pushed my way outside it was dark and the streets were crowded. It seemed like some sort of festival, with fireworks exploding in the air. The fireworks were red. Red engulfed the entire sky. I ran further and further from the tavern until I could hear no more voices. I sat on top of a hill, but the fireworks were still visible. I couldn't escape them, no matter how far I tried to run, so I gave up. I laid on my back on the grass. Grass is a lovely shade of green, did you know that? Green is such a beautiful color. The tree next to me is a lovely shade of brown. The berries on a bush near me are a lovely shade of blue. But, in this case, the sky above me is an overbearingly ugly shade of red. And then suddenly, as I turned over, there's another shade of red near me. The red embraces me tightly and pets my hair. It tells me everything is alright. It, no, he kisses my head and wipes my tears. Dave Strider is my fucking weakness, and I never want him to go away. I wrap my arms around him and sit there. The red fireworks seem dimmer nowadays d closely blend with the dark sky. Maybe they're running out finally. Maybe I was imagining them all along. Dave's voice was becoming louder and louder to me so that I could finally hear everything clearly, instead of a high pitched squeal. "I will never fucking leave  you Karkat, you hear me? Don't you ever fucking cry again. You'll never have to as long as I'm here. Karkat Vantas I am in fucking love with you and I know this sounds like the biggest bullshit ever but I'm not dicking around, I'm serious. I am in love with you so much that I just can't fucking help myself!" And with that he pulled away from me and held my face in both of his hands. His thumbs wiped my tears away again and then he leaned in towards me. White fireworks began going off in the festival below me. Cheering from the people of the kingdom could be heard from the distance. It looks like they were just getting the best fireworks out for the finale. As our lips touched I smiled genuinely for the first time in a while. I pulled away and laughed a real laugh for the first time in years. Now this is the cheesy shit I was talking about.

( yo. I finally got this shit done. It's almost finished !!! After this I'm debating upon a KageHina AU (OTP af) and a few other things. I've been really into haikyuu lately and I've read like every KageHina dj and I'm obsessed and I'd really like to write about this AU that I've found and AHHh. Also if you have any KageHina djs you'd like me to read please link them, I've run out. Alright see ya!)

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now