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I woke up with the light through the grate right in my eyes. I heard a few voices and looked closer. I then noticed a few heads peaking through the grate. They were troll children.One had huge horns and an orange sign, another with small horns and a purple sign, and another with a blue sign. They giggled in unison and scurried away seeing that I was awake. Trolls...with such different blood colors...laughing together? This place is the real deal, huh? I felt around me and no one was there. Dave had left the cell long ago because not only was his scent gone but the warmth from where he once was had disappeared. Fucking Strider. There was a tapping from the corner of the hall outside of the cell and a shadowy figure sitting in the well-known stool. "Hello Karkat." She smiled. Kanaya lifted herself out of the chair and wrapped her hands around the bars from the other side. "How's my angry little pupa today?" I glared at her and she just did an innocent little wave. Aren't I just blessed with her presence?  I picked myself up, feeling the cold of the stone floor. I strolled over to Kanaya and made a sarcastic smile. "Salutations Kanaya! Oh um just wondering if you know when I can get out of here?!" She slid her hand from behind her back and dangled the keys in front of me with an equally sarcastic smile. Why should I have to put up with this?! 

I dusted myself off while upstairs with Kanaya. I was pleased the moment my feet hit dirt. It was so natural and not stone. Tons of human and troll children ran in front of Kanaya and I as we walked around the square. "Karkat, please do not look so amazed. If this place is to work out as intended then you need to not act like humans and trolls with any type of blood color is different from the other." I shut my open mouth at that. I can't help it though! It's so grand! A flute player was dancing around by a bunch of children and they followed the red haired human with happy faces. There were mothers tending to the wounds of their scattered kids and human and troll caretakers  exchanging food recipes. It truly was a sight to behold. I suddenly caught a glimpse of red and sure enough as I turned towards it there was Dave Strider in all his glory. His back was turned to me and he was several feet away talking to a large group of people. Six to be exact. I recognized Rose and Dave and John, but the others were unknown. One had spiky blonde hair and a small skinny sword. Since his sword was smaller than Dave's it probably means he favors speed and mobility more than damage. It's my job to assess all of these new people as, Karkat Vantas, the brillian fighter and tactician. There was a girl smiling with blonde hair that flipped slightly at the end. She wore a dark blue rogue suit. She held several matriorbs in her hand and a giant red gun. The third unidentifiable one was wearing most...distasteful outfit. I could clearly see his legs and his baggage and I was n o t h a v i n g i t. The yellow suit resembled a banana but with no pants; he also looked very uncomfortable in it. He should probably change. This boy had hair similar to John's but the boy had waaay darker skin. It was tan like an islander or something. He had glasses and carried double pistols; I wonder how well he can shoot. Kanaya noticed me analyzing them and quirk end an eyebrow, then continued to urge me over to them. Rose was the first to notice me. She was faced slightly away from the group as she read while everyone else was talking. Her judgemental smirk made me uncomfortable because it reminded me of Kanaya's same black lips curved menacingly. Oh the horror. Rose tapped Dave's shoulder stop him from talking about whatever and then pointed to me. He had a moment of realization and then shouted "HEEEEY KARKAAAT!" And waved his arms high in the air like a fucking moron. I sheepishly waved back as Kanaya pushed me closer to the group. "Oh come on Karkat. Be social!" She whispered. The three unidentifiable kids exchanged looks of confusion and Rose just giggled and waved. I'm glad she's enjoying this!!! Dave smiled as I joined their little chat circle between him and the banana dude. Not the people I would've chose but okay. Dave pointed towards the boy with spiky hair and purple prince outfit. It was also disgusting, even more so up close. "This is my brother Dirk." His face faded into the same old stoic one. Then everything went dark and his face turned sweaty and heated. His red eyes were half lidded and he smelled of hormones. I then realized he was on top of me. His toned arms were placed next to my head and he began to bend down...then I snapped back into reality. Fuck why is he so h o t? Dirk replied with a "yo". "This is Jake English." He pointed at the banana kid. He waved slightly but I couldn't find it in me to wave back. Rose spoke up next, "And this-" she pointed to the rogue with the arms full of matriorbs "Is my sister Roxy Lalonde." Instead of just standardly waving like everyone else she just waltzed right up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and screamed "HEYYYY!" The Marriott horns in her arms were stabbing me in multiple places.   Dave spoke up again, "Actually Rose, Roxy is both of our siblings. Not just yours." Rose frowned, "you did the same thing with Dirk." Dave smirked, "Well that's because Dirk doesn't like you." We all looked towards Dirk for a response, but he did nothing. Rose pursed her black lips, "Fuck you Dirk." Roxy had a moment of distress and began to wave her arms around to settle down the family. She looked to me worriedly, "I'm so sooorry Karkat! We're not the most stable family but we try!" She turned back towards the three bickering siblings "Hey everybody calm down!!! Davey was just trying to be sarcastic and macho again it's fine everything's fine!!" And she went on saying things like that while the others argued. The Jake kid still stood best to me with a palm over his face, "I swear, we're cooler than this." I responded with "Are you really?" John looked horrified and slowly shimmied away. This is going to be a loooong day, per usual.

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