The One Who Knows

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The woman with the third eye. She who knows all. The one who knows. One of the sisters of the head knight of Earth. What question could she, of all people, have? She has the answers to almost everything, right? "So, Karkat." She looks over to me and moves her body the other way on the bench. "I would be grateful if you were to advise me on the charisma of a certain troll." Ugh. If she's talking about the Her Imperiousness then I have nothing. I barely ever see her and I know that she's one of the few people Rose can see through that ball of hers. She pulled the crystal sphere in front of her and began to slide the image of a burning forest away from our sights. She scrolled and scrolled until a video feed popped up. There was a troll. Many trolls, actually. But two imparticular caught my eye. One evil empress and one troll with bright green eyes and a long green dress. Kanaya. Rose pushed her fingers apart until they had zoomed in on Kanaya. "Tell me, Karkat, what is this ones nature."

"Why should I?" She looked unamused, like she already knew she'd win this battle. "Well, presumably, you care about this troll, right? And you are also choosing to side with us. Not only will a minuscule of information help us in preserving the trollian race, but it'll also help us get your friend here out of her current predicament." Current predicament? "What do you mean?" Then Dave spoke up, "We need someone to look after the mother grub once the Alternians and Earth go to war. We need one of the jade-bloods to look after her." Rose nodded her head in approval of her brothers summary, but she opened her mouth to add more. "We've been watching this Kanaya for about a month now. The only hours that I never checked were selective hours in the morning because those are the hours she uses to sleep or if I happened to snooze on the job. It's very stressful for me not to be awake at the same time as everyone else, but the eeriness means nothing. We've assessed Kanaya as a good candidate for our side of the cause. As for her current predicament, she's in the court block. An interrogation for information she may have on your whereabouts. It seems if we don't get her out of there soon, they could resort to more physical actions. So, again, before I can bring her here I must know a few things, is she able to sympathize with our cause and is she willing to hide for long periods of time? She'll be hidden away for safe-keeping." I thought for a second. I've never really considered these questions with Kanaya. It's never really come up in a conversation, but if it'll save her life then there's no choice..."Yes to both, just please get her out of there..." Rose nodded. She motioned the crystal ball closer to her face and touched the tip of her finger to the top of it. Kanayas face dissappeared and was replaced with an all blue sphere. "Hear that, John? Looks like it's clear. It'd be a pleasure for me to give you the OK on contacting Roxy." I heard the voice of the boy who first let me enter here over the ball. "Roger that, Rose!" The talking stopped and the line went silent, as well as the crystal returning to its original white color. "ROOOOOOOOSE!!!!!!!! I heard you had a captive down here and didn't tell me! How rude of you, I thought we were 8ecoming real good friends. Oh how you've 8etrayed me!" I heard someone call up the stairs in a familiar whiny tone. Her usual clanky boots echoed down the stairs. Since she left Alternia her outfit has changed considerably. Instead of her old dress spun by her ancestor, she wore a slender orange outfit that looked easy to run in, more her style in my opinion. Her outfit bore the same symbol as Rose Lalonde; a popular one, eh? "Oh come now Vriska, we are not that great of friends. I don't know what you're trying to prove." The traitor's face peeked out from the shadows of the stairway. "Oh come oooooooon Rose! Don't 8e such a 8oring little girl and just succum8 to your f8! Everyone's friends with me, remem8er?" Rose rolled her eyes "You know, now that you mention it I am getting a faint hint of that, yes." Vriska smiled proudly, "Of course you are!" It seems that Serket's arm and eyes have been repaired. The eye is covered with part of her glasses, showing off her eightfold with rubies, and the arm is made out of material I've only seen on armor. "Sup, Vris?" Dave slipped words out of his mouth for once. She dimmed her eyes into another pouty face, "Sup? Oh nothing is sup, it's just that I'm 8ored out of my mind!!!!!!!!"  At this point that little traitor hasn't seen me, I've been hiding in the darkest corner of my cell. Vriska turns her head over to the cell, only to see Dave..."So. Our prisoner is Dave, huh? That's even lamer than what I was doing 8efore this! Ooooooooh! What are we interrog8ing Dave about, hm? Can I use force?" Dave snickered in response, "Yeah Vriska, tie me up like a little piggy and make me sqeal!~" Vriska made the most repulsed face on Earth and retaliated with, "On second thought, I'll pass." Rose chuckled in the corner of the little conversation and finally pointed me out, leaving nowhere to run. She looked over to me and gasped, "Karkaaaaaaaat!" She said in a cheery tone before it went much darker, "why don't you come over here so I can rip off your limbs you SACK OF SOGGY SHIT OUT OF MY POSTERIOR GLOBES!!!!!!!!" I squished my self into the corner as far as I could. This is the end for me. 

(Once again there seems to be no posting pattern simply because I was dead sick for two days and towards the end of my recovery I was out of options and began to write)

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