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Try me, huh? "You...you asked about my relationships when we met and well..." I heard Daves voice on the other side of his back. "You want to know about mine, huh? There's not much to tell. I'm single." Single? Does that mean alone? "Yeah, sure, single, but in like what quadrants?" Dave went silent and then burst out in laughter. "Dude! Humans only have one quadrant!" What?! That's ridiculous! "What kind of purpose does that serve?!" Dave died down his laughter after a few seconds. " that's just it though...it doesn't serve a purpose. Our one quadrant is made entirely of love. Just one person having mad feelings for someone else. We only want eachother. We cherish our friends, but we don't choose favorites in quadrants. Actually, most of the time we end up falling for someone really close to us. Someone that we share a strong bond with that'll love us for the rest of our days. Someone we'll want to raise kids with and hold hand with and have sex with all in one. We don't need multiple people to individually prod at our feelings...your true partner is someone you hate, love, and cherish all in one." I was too busy listening to the soothing story to realize that I was crying. Not really sobbing, but the red was cascading down my cheeks. I don't really know why I'm crying. Maybe heat of the moment? Maybe because I realize just now that I'm in love...maybe it's because that the person that I'm in love with had to be so unattainably charming. Not troll love either...human love. Dave meets all of the requirements for a perfect match. I hate him, I love him, and I cherish him all at the same time. I haven't personally known him for very long yet we've grown so close. I know I might never be as close to him as his friends and that's what's making this so hard. "Karkat...none of your relationships back home sound like love and it makes me sad. It makes me sad to know that someone as beautiful and hilarious as you isn't loving every second of life and isn't being loved every second by someone else. You may have your moments when you get angry or annoyed but that's what makes your personality. It's what I like about you." He likes something about me huh? "Dave, I..." No, Karkat. Keep it in. "I...that's really beautiful, actually. Y-you're right. N-nothing I h-have back home is r-really, love." The stutter in my voice from my tight throat and tears shone through.

"Karkat? Are you...Are you crying?" I stayed silent. I felt shuffling and then a hand on my shoulder. Dave slowly turned me over completely to face him. When I made my full turn I stared at his features. He had no douchey shades on and I could see the entirety of his face. It was quite womanly if you ask me. The cheekbones were well-defined in the light, his face was quite skinny and quite when not threatening, freckles danced across his face where the glasses would normally cutoff a view of them, and his eyes...they were a bright red. They were brighter than my blood. I'd never seen anything like it. I'd never seen anything more freaky than me. It almost made me feel normal...in a good way. 

"Karkat." His voice sent chills down my back. "I want you to know that you never need to worry when I'm around. I'd never want to hurt you or scare you or anything like that. I swear on my life." That's when it started happening. Dave took his hand and put it under my chin, only to lift my head to his. Before I closed my eyes I saw his eyes half-lidded showing his long lashes and ruby red color hugging around his pupils. Our lips touched and there was a spark. I know it. I felt the bolt trail through my entire body and then leave out of my burning hot ears. There's no way I wasn't blushing right now. I knew for a fact Dave was because there's no hiding it on that pale skin of his. We held it for a long time before pulling away, but only for a second before going back in.


I'm not sure why I did it. To cheer him up maybe..? That's definitely not it. It's because I love him. I love him so damn much. Ever since that first night when I tied him to a damn tree I noticed how well we matched. We were practically the same. Both equally frustrating to the other. We smashed our lips together messily going in for the-what is it now?-sixth kiss. It was starting to get heated in here and I'm kind of getting worried. What if Karkat thinks I'm just using him for sex? I'm not! How do I tell him that I'm not? I'm now completely on top of him, blankets off, lips still colliding. When do I stop? How far do I go? How much will I regret if I go through with this? Shirts off, pants off, underwear on. Like its a checklist. We were both grinding against eachother. I don't know what I'm doing. Is this even what Karkat wants? Am I even worthy of this? The sound of a moan breaks me out of my trance, and I'm completely back in the real world, not blanking out. I notice that I've been leaving bruises on his neck and grinding on his body and I'm suddenly ashamed. I'm ashamed of going for this while in the heat of the moment, I'm ashamed for thinking that this is okay because my pleasure is overruling my brain, and I'm especially ashamed for not taking Karkat's feelings into consideration. I don't even know whether or not he hates me and here I am about to stick my dick into him. I'm a fucking idiot. I was still going down on him for a second, though. I had almost forgotten to stop when "Oh god, Dave..." Karkat moaned out my name and I realized that I shouldn't do this.

I suddenly stopped my advancements. Karkat looked up at me with his gorgeous red eyes and lust and yet...I still couldn't do it. "K-Karkat I" my voice came out raspy from my lack of breath from the...yknow..."I'm sorry but we can't do this. Considering you haven't killed me yet I know you can't hate me but still...this isn't right. We're in a cell in the ground, there's an obvious window directly above us where anyone could see or hear, and I'm not even sure I want to violate you like this..." He looked confused for a second and then nodded at me, releasing the grip he had on my back. We both slipped our clothes back on and then layed down back to back. I think we're both a little embarrassed but I get Karkat's reasoning. He probably thinks I'm just some freak that wanted to fuck him. I love him and he may not love me back ever, but I'll prove to him I don't just love his body...I love everything about him. I just gotta figure out how to do it.

((I know I posted really close together but that's because I really wanted to write this chapter tbh))

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now