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(Yes hello my names Reagan and I need help because I'm having severe writer's block)

(Also if any of you play Town of Salem my username is rmax02 hmu)


I began to get tired of my family again so I turned towards Karkat and grabbed his wrist. "Well the arguing was nice and all, but I really should be going now. So-" Dirk quirked an eyebrow at me, "and what about your training?!" I just shrugged and walked with Karkat. I was far enough to where I needed to yell my response, "It's not that I really need it though, amiright?!!!" My siblings and John and Jake had now disappeared from my line of sight. Karkat is still silent. "Heh, I was uh just kidding about skipping training y'know..." He didn't respond. "I was actually taking you there now. 'Was thinkin we could train together...?" He looked up towards me and nodded. He seemed to have a little more jump to his step now. This guy must really like training, huh?

I ripped my favorite and heaviest wood sword from the training wrack. The room was slightly underground and was  lit by a few small windows. You could see the dust in the room on the sills. Karkat looked curiously at the wood swords before choosing the lightest one. Me, carrying the number one fucking heaviest sword ever, just shrugged. Hey, preference is what the heart wants I guess. As long as he thinks he can beat me then I'll give him that little slice of hope. I lifted my piece of wood in my signature stance and he sighed at me. When he opened his eyes again they were fierce. I'm assuming he's ready.

He rushed towards  me with his sword. Just as I thought; he favors speed over force. If he's not hitting hard then it's not a problem because he'll just hit several more times to make up for it.  He bashed me in the face with the end of his sword. My nose started to bleed but I get one of those like every other day. He's gonna have to try a little harder. I wapped my sword into his side and he let out a squeal of sorts. Karkat fell to the ground for only a second until he got back up. Many scrapes and bruises later were still fighting. He's hit me more than I've hit him but we have an equal amount of damage. His left cheek is swollen and his eyebrow is cut; there's more that I can't see. I've sustained heavy blows to the face mostly. They should all heal within a few hours. I can feel that the area around my eye is bruised and my chest is heaving pretty hard. I've been hit a few times in the stomach but besides that I can keep this up a while longer. How long have we been here? An hour? Two? I think maybe three. The blood from my nose has long crusted along with the other side that had started bleeding long after the first nostril. I have blood in my eye from a cut at the top of my forehead but I don't care. I don't need to see, I just need to predict. I get up close and swing at Karkat with all my might. The blow gets him in the legs and knocks him to the ground. He starts to get back up but I give him a little half powered whap to the face. Checkmate. I put my hand out to pick him up, but he gripped my legs and pulled me to the ground. He quickly scrambled to his feet and pointed his tiny ass sword at me. He spit out some blood and what I think was a tooth and then whispered "I win." He proceeded to fall to the ground next to me.

"You're not as *huff* weak as I thought." He turned to blink at me "I *huff* beat your ass." I nodded "That you did." I smiled. What a piece of shit. I can relate. I lifted myself up and looked down at Karkat,  "I know it's a little late for lunch but how bout some early dinner?" He rolled his eyes at me and then smiled "you're paying. I don't have any money from this kingdom."


It's getting a bit darker out but the suns still shining bright. There are a few kids playing in the road and they smile with joy seeing Dave. "Dave! Dave! Were you out fighting again?! Who gave you those injuries?! Wow you're so coooool~!" Squeals a little red haired girl. Dave smirked and pointed to me "Truthfully,  this guy here beat me up. He actually won against me. He's waaaay cooler than me." The children looked towards me in amazement. A little brunette looked at me suspiciously "Who are you mister? I've never seen you around before..." I've never been good with children so I started to sweat a little. In my weakest voice I let out a "Karkat..." I saw a little boy with bright green eyes and blonde hair point towards my mouth. "Wow mister! You have red blood just like me! You're an amazing fighter if you beat Dave! Could ya teach me?!" I sighed a little maybe before another kid spoke up. This one really caught my eye. She was a little troll with short black hair. She gleamed up at me, "I want to be just as strong as you one day Mr.Karkat! If you can beat Dave then you can beat anybody! Dave teaches us all sorts of things to fight! I hope you'll teach us too with him!" Not only did her words hit me, but something else hit me too. On the girls face was a band aid. Seeping through the bandaid was magenta blood. I smiled the most earnest smile I could, "I'd love to."

Dave gripped my arm and waved the children off so we could be on our way. "Sorry about that. They all really admire me, though I'm not sure why." He rubbed the back of his head and I pulled his arm down, "I know why." I smiled.

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