Forty-Nine Sweeps

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-One sweep later-

A cerulean blooded pirate lays in wait for her kismesis behind a giant boulder. She feels the movement of the water as his boat approaches. She also hears yelling. A fight maybe? She jumps out of her boat to watch. Peaking out of the cave, our protaganist the Marquise Spinnerette Mindfang, saw something quite intersting. A slave woman was protecting her fellow slaves from Mindfang's kismesis and biggest competitor, DUALSCAR.

Dualscar gets his name from an incident involving a wwhale, but that's important because Dualscar's not that important. Currently, Dualscar is verbally abusing the brave troll who dared to defy him. The Marquise thought about her options and made the executive decision to take the courageous troll for her own. She'd make an excellent addition to her team of slaves. The Marquise had to act quickly to get that woman because she knew of Dualscar's short temper. Mindfang hoisted up the anchor and took off. She steered straight up to his ship, but in his anger he failed to take notice until it was too late. Mindfang blew a hole straight into Dualscar's ship. It wasn't enough to sink, but enough for Dualscar to take a fear to. He looked over at Spinnerette with hatred and turned away from the slave. The slave stabbed what looked like a makeshift shiv into dualscar's chest. Mindfang wondered where that woman learned how to make such a non-lethal shiv. Dualscar wailed in pain and it gave the Cerulean enough to board his ship. Mindfang kicked him to the ground and laughed evilly. "I see you've been mistreating your slaves again. I warned you that they would rebel." Dualscar was pinned down by her shoe bu managed to spit on it. "Glad that I have you to shine my shoes." She proceeded to kick him in the face for being insubordinate. The Marquise approached the slave and reached out her hand. The slave, formally known as the DOLOROSA, is reluctant but eventually gives up her shiv and grabs Mindfang's hand. Mindfang smiled at Dualscar and said "I'll see you again sometime." He looked over and smirked. "Sooner than you think." he said. Mindfang dismissed his warning and took the slave as her own.

Mindfang soon learned about this particular slave's past. Her name was the Dolorosa, mother of the mutant rebel who dared harm Her Imperiousness. Mindfang nodded her head in approval. "A fine slave indeed." Mindfang also started to develop feelings for the slave. They were so alike. Brave, beautiful, and hot headed. They then became matesprits. On one of their ridiculous arguments the Dolorosa marched upstairs. She leaned against the boat and looked into the moon angrily. She saw a ship approaching, but before she could warn Mindfang there was a hand over her mouth. It was in that moment that the Dolorosa was pierced through the stomach by Dualscar's legendary weapon. The jade blood spilt over the boat and into the water below. Mindfang quickly ran upstair once she heard the weapon. She was furious but failed to land an attack on the other troll before he jumped into his own boat, which had finally come near, and sped away. The Marquise gave her love a burial at sea and began plotting her revenge. Not long after a teal blooded troll received a well-paying job to bring the Marquise to court and kill her. The teal blood, NEOPHYTE REDGLARE, took the job. She boarded her giant dragon of a lusus and flew off. When Mindfang's whole fleet of ships was in sight she let the fire loose. Every ship was on fire and she located The Marquise Spinnerette Mindfang in no time, the panic on her face was evident. Neophyte let her dragon open it's eyes, blinding Mindfang for a moment and giving Redglare enough time to cut her arm right off.

Redglare stood in the court block with her current enemy. This won't be a very long trial. The cheers from thousands of trolls in the crowd echoes over Redglare's sign. The only thing that made Redglare uncomfortable was the evil and happy stare Mindfang was giving her. That's when a blue circle bearing Mindfang's symbol appeared across the heads of everyone in the audience. Redglare had not known about this highblood having lowblood powers. Redglare was hung by her own fans. Mindfang left with Redglare's cane as a prize.

Mindfang glanced at her new arm and Matesprit. The Summoner looked back at her before he raised his arm for the attack. The flag with the bright red symbol of freedom was held above the heads of millions of trolls. They all ran out towards the imperial army and the civil battle had begun. The Summoner and Mindfang rode out on Redglare's blinding lusus, ready to fight.

Mindfang died that day along with every other troll to fight on that field. Her Imperiosness returned to a tattered area. The only survivors were The Condescension and her fleet of battleships. They were out on a mission across the sea at one of their new colonies "Earth". The taverns of grubs underground had also survived. Her Imperiousness would raise them all to continue the race. She soon found a mutation in the grubs. A whole generation of them were born without shells or gray skin. Some war white and others were brown. Her Imperiousness would normally immediately order the culling of all of these mutants, but the lack of trolls made her keep them. She now had one generation of trolls and another of squishy mutants. The mutants would be known as humans and they'd all be in the slavery class. This went on for a long while until a group of humans run by seven deathly pale adults rebelled and escaped to the colony of Earth. Once the group of humans had settled their group in and found caretakers for their children they returned to Alternia. They returned for one purpose only. To kill the Queen.

The seven humans broke into the castle with their powerless bodies. The magical powers they once possessed were stripped from them and given to their offspring. Her Imperioussness was already waiting for them in her throne room. The fighting lasted for only a few minutes until all the humans were defeated. Her Imperiousness was in vital condition for quite awhile. These humans were ones of legend. The two brothers bearing the name Strider had their relatives named Dave and Dirk back at Earth. The two sisters bearing the name Lalonde had the relatives named Rose and Roxy. The cousins bearing the names Harley and English had the relatives named Jade and Jake. The father bearing the name Egbert, possibly the least threatening of all, left his son, the heir John. These children now had their parents powers to fight back against Alternia. With brute for presented by the Striders, to the intellect of the Lalondes, as well as the power of the English and Harley's, and the leadership of the Egberts, these children contain the only hope for defeating Alternia. They have acquired the descendants of the trolls who once worked for freedom. Vriska Serket of Mindfang, Tavros Nitram of the Summoner, Nepeta Lejion of the Disciple, Sollux Captor of the Psiioniic, Kanaya Maryam of the Dolorosa, and now Karkat Vantas of the Sufferer.

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