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The awkward shuffling was beginning to move closer to my position. It wasn't very sneaky. Probably armor; that's something I have experience with. All of a sudden I felt something knock my head. It was probably meant to knock me out, but my thick skull wouldn't let that happen. Instead, I wailed in agony and rubbed my head. There's no running. A blade was pointed at my throat in seconds. This is it; Earth probably sent an assassin to kill me. My life will end, my mission will fail, and Earth will be victorious. "Who are you? A spy from Alternia?" I looked up at the man. He was very serious; that's another thing we have in common I guess. "Me? What about you? Following me through the woods? Seems suspicious to me." His glasses gleamed down at me. "Answer me. Who are you? Are you a spy?" his voice was filled with venom. "I be no spy; why would I be wearing clanky armor if I was?" He thought for a second and laid his sword down in its sheath. "Are you a runaway then? There seems to be plenty of those coming to our kingdom now." This guy must be an idiot. He just gave me a lie all thought up. "Yes, I left because I do not believe in the hemospectrum." Well it's not all a lie "My old kingdom is horrible to those of my blood. I took their best armor and escaped through pure fighting instinct." I finished. "Your blood huh?" He took out his sword and gestured for me to hand over my finger. "Just making sure that you're not lying." He slit open my finger a bit. As normal, my red blood poured out. "I see. You can follow me. I'm currently on an important mission, but it shan't take long. I could probably have Jade take you to the kingdom."

"Jade?" I said. "Yes, Jade. I'm on my way there now." I have to get out of this. Sure, I could wait for him to leave the house and then kill his friend, but I can't waste time with this fool. "Actually, I already have a friend waiting for me. I'm supposed to get there by tomorrow morning. I have to travel all night to make it there." The perfect lie. Please leave me alone stranger. "Fine." He said. "Go. But if I find out you were lying, you better hope that we never meet again." I gulped a bit. He was quite tall and though he wasn't amazingly built, he could still probably best me in a fist fight. I couldn't say how he is with that sword of his. "What's your name troll?" He questioned. "Ecart Yuko." Of course I wasn't going to give him my real name! I'm not stupid. "And what's yours human?" He turned as he said it. "Charles Mason."


Of course I wasn't going to give him my real name! I'm not stupid. I have my suspicions. There's no way that this troll was hiding in the brush of the woods because he thought I was going to hurt him if he didn't do something horribly wrong. He must be on a mission for Alternia. But what? He seemed like he was in a rush. Could it be that Alternia was also making an attempt at the princess' tower? I can't waste as much time at Jade's house as I originally planned. I'll just have a meal and leave. She can hook me up with potions as I walk out the door. I pick up my pace towards Jade's home to make sure that the troll 'Ecart' won't follow me. "Jade!" I yelled as I entered. Maybe it wasn't the best idea because she was on top of me in seconds; ready to claw out my eyes probably. "Oh whoops." She said as she crawled away towards her brewing pot. "Sorry Dave! You just startled me a bit! Hehe.." I strolled over to where she had started to stir. "It's 'aight Harley. I probably should've knocked anyway. I forgot how paranoid you are out here." Her bright white dog ears went down in a pout. "I'm not paranoid! It's just not very often that I get visitors!" Yeah..we don't visit as often as we should. She used to have Bec, but there was an accident. She combined herself and Bec with one of her potions. There was no way to reverse it and she was pretty bummed. Everytime she looks in a mirror, all she can see is her horrible screw-up. I feel pretty bad for her, but at least she didn't gain a dog face or anything. Just the ears, claws, and some dog behaviors. Besides that she's still our old witch friend. Actually she's not old, but it makes her sound more cryptic and wise if we call her that.

"Okay whatever you say Jade. Got any grub?" I ask. She opens her mouth wide and says "Why yes, my dear knight. It isn't much, but I haven't had much time to hunt while I was gathering supplies for your potions. The last one is brewing right now." I looked over into the pot. The bright green light illuminated throughout the kitchen area. "That's gross. Is there anything else to eat?" She sarcastically laughed at me and handed me a bowl. "Very funny Dave. I already had some porridge ready for you." I gripped my spoon and dug right in, allowing Jade to talk. She laid five potions out on a table for me. "So, what do they do?" I asked with my mouth full of porridge. "Well, Dave. I'll explain them to you. Just sit back and relax." I kicked my feet up on her table and awaited the long explanation.

"This one-" She pointed to an orange bottle. "-can give you wings. But know that they don't last forever. Also, they're just like a projection; They won't rip through your clothes or armor, but an enemy can easily shoot you down. They will shatter like glass in a second if they're hit. Now, This one-" A blue bottle. "-has a huge pocket of wind in it. Courtesy of his majesty, my brother John. The wind is best used against enemies. As long as there is nothing blocking the wind, it should blow enemies pretty far back. It'll take them a while to get back towards you. The wind itself probably couldn't even hurt a bunny, but at least it buys you some time. Okay, this one's my favorite-" She points to a purple one "-this one allows you to read some one's thoughts for a limited amount of time. It's great if you get any prisoners, plus if the princess is on the side of Alternia, you could get information out of her without anyone knowing. This one-" A red bottle "-is the most powerful. It summons one red mile. Don't forget, no one escapes the red miles; not even its summoner. It could easily turn and go after you. Use with caution, actually I would suggest avoiding this one if you can. It could probably one shot a fool, but the power is uncontainable after being summoned. It must kill if you want it to disappear." Jade made her way over to the pot as I finished the last bite of my porridge.

"And this one-" She dumped some of the green slop into a glass bottle. "-is kind of an add-on to the red miles. It contains the green sun. If you open it then a small fraction of the sun will pop out and fuel the mile. If the mile is out of control and you open this then you are ABSOLUTELY DEAD. Got it?" I set my bowl on her counter before walking over to the table holding all of my new potions. "Thanks Harley. I owe you a quick visit again soon, but for now I really have to leave. I ran into a troll on the way here and I'm having suspicions that he may be on the same mission as me, or maybe spying." JAde looked disappointed for a moment, but let it go quickly. "Well then I guess you better go. Beat Alternia's butt Dave!" I gently swiped the potions into my bag. "See ya Jade. I'll come back soon. This mission might be dangerous, but it's got nothing on me!" She waved as I walked out the front door. "Yay, Dave!" Watch out princess, Your knight is on his way.

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now