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Shit. There's no way this could happen! How could this happened?! In my confusion I looked over to Karkat who was in the process of breaking his fist on the windowsill. His curses weren't stopping anytime soon si I decided to do some thinking. If she's gone, she could be anywhere. We know that she's nowhere near either kingdom; she would've been immediately recognized. It's unlikely that anyone would harbor her due to fear, so she must be on her own. From what I've heard, she enjoys company rather than being alone. That only leaves a couple of options . She must be the owner of some kind of establishment; one with plenty of visitors and-"HEY, you mind giving me some hints about what you're thinking over there?" Bluh, bluh, bluh, huge crab. I made a sigh, batted my eyes and created a sarcastic tone "Nothing honey, just doing MY JOB!" He squinted at me "Screw you, any ideas?" I strolled over to the window and looked out. "It's likely that she's running a business on her own. Karkat nodded his head to show "You're probably not too far off" Karkat grunted in defeat. Somewhere in the woods is a good bet. "Shall we head into the woods?" I asked. Karkat just began setting a grappling hook outside of the window. Puzzled, I asked what he was doing. "She got down this way, see?" He pointed towards an almost nonexistent rope made of clothes that goes from where we're standing all the way to the bottom. "Crafty." I nodded. Karkat and I began our descent down the grappling hook. The whole trip down consisted of me just shaking the rope while Karkat cursed my name. Once we reached the bottom Karkat smacked me and began searching. "If I were a princess with nowhere to go, where would I be?" I pointed in a random direction and began walking. It was dark out now and we needed a place to stay for the night. I'm not a HUGE fan of camp fires, so maybe there's an inn or a pub around here. Speak of the devil. "Over here chump." Karkat waved me over to the entrance. As soon as we opened the door we were greeted with the smell of fish. "Gross." The whole place had a homely feel; the orange glow from torches placed carefully around the pub. There were very few people in the place. The only inhabitants seemed to be a group in the corner of the fine establishment. They were all were wearing black cloaks and just didn't seem to be the owners of the place, but they were a little suspicious.

There was a rattling sound in the back of the pub, the owner maybe. There was a bell settled on the main counter if front of an opening into what is probably a kitchen. I nudged Karkat, "Shall we?" He smirked my way and smashed his hand on the bell. Out came a troll with long bent horns and a bright toothy smile, "Order up!" she giggled. Her bright fuchsia eyes stood out against her long black hair and long green and blue skirt. Her apron covered a black t-shirt which would normally have a troll's sign printed on at a young age. Instead, it was empty, but we knew exactly who she was. Karkat and I looked at eachother and then back to her and back to each other. She took one look at us and her pink eyes shone. Her fins started to protrude from her mess of hair showing anger. "Get the shell outta here. GET OUT!" Karkat and I began slowly getting closer to her. "Listen lady," I began, "We don't want any trouble. Actually, we need your help. We want an alliance." Peixes made a hand movement so fast that I couldn't tell what it was and then a giant golden trident flew off the wall and into her hands. It was only one-sided, unlike the queen's, but it'll get the job done. The cloaked figures in the corner began to file out of the place and scattered off into the woods. The princess began making a circle with us because every time we got closer, she moved the other way. "We're here in the name of the kingdom of Earth. We think that with your help we could destroy Alternia's blood caste system and take down Her Imperious Condescension." When I uttered those words, bright eyes stopped her terrifying stance and her fins retreated into her hair again. "What...?" I opened my mouth again. "I said we need your help to take down Her Imperiousness' tyranny and combine the Earth and Alternian kingdoms. It'll bring peace among the land. I've heard that that's all you've ever wanted, right? Peace?" At that she lowered the one-sided trident and began listening. "Please. We need you to bring peace. You're the only one that has the power to even begin to go against the queen." She dropped the trident and started to lean on the door to the outside of the pub. She didn't look like she wanted to run out just yet, but I was still diligent. She bgan to slump to the floor and held her head. "Peace huh?" she whispered. She then began to burst out laughing and crying at the same time. "You're not joking, right?" She said through sobs. "Of course that's all I've ever wanted....I just want everyone to get along. Tell me. If I help you can you garuntee everyone to come together?" The sad tears running down her face started to wear me down. I can't stand being around people when they're crying. Too much negative emotion. Karkat stepped up to answer in my place, "We're gonna try our best. Please, princess. You can come back here as soon as everything's over. We just need you now." The fishy princess was still crying, but this time she was smiling; happy tears. "I've made the executive desicion to come with you two to the kingdom of Earth. If war is what it takes to make peace then I'm very willing to join your cause." I made my way towards her mess of a self on the ground and stuck out my hand to help her up. With tears still running down her cheeks, we shook hands and began our journey back. I turned towards one of the windows in the pub and saw a red flash outside, then suddenly the whole plce started to crumble around us. I saw the princess panic in the corner. I pushed her out of the way of the rubble and she ended up outside the walls when they fell. I took my last breath before Karkat and I were buried.

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now