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After Kanaya said her good-byes, I headed towards the gate to the city. Purple-blooded guards began searching files for my reason for leaving the city. If it weren't for the sweet armor I was wearing, I probably would've been killed on the spot. I was eventually waved through the gate and it was locked securely behind me. There could be an attack on Alternia any day now. Earth is an unpredictable area. After this quest Earth will be captured and Alternia will regain control of their colony .

PO3 (Third person point of view ;;;;) )

Karkat made his way into the woods because it was the fastest way to the tower. However, don't be fooled, the journey there will take a day at least. Dave Strider also made his way to the woods to meet with his witch friend; Jade Harley. He was told to make it before sundown and to stay the night there, but we all know that he's not going to do that. He'll probably bail as soon as Jade passes out, which, will probably not take long. There was a quick shuffle in the woods and Dave swerved his head around to check for danger. The leaves were moving, but nothing too out of the ordinary. Even so, he decided to investigate.


I shuffled along slowly through the woods. I'll admit that I'm not very enthusiastic about going on this mission. Sure, it's amazing that I'll be bringing the greatest glory to the kingdom, and I should be really excited, but I don't get hyped up that much. It's an honor blah, you're saving the kingdom blah blah, this is only bestowed to those of highest honor you should be bowing more often blah blah blah. Like hell I will bow more. The things I do inside the gate are specifically put towards keeping myself alive. I don't worship that horrid place at all outside the walls. Waste of my precious time. My feet continued to walking in the same pattern; kinda like stepping stones. The ground was covered with leaves and the sunset was beginning. The crunched leaves behind me were starting the blow back at my heels; they wanted revenge. "Stupid leaves." I muttered. There was a whole cleared path through these woods, but the amount of trees around it is ridiculous. They shook with almost every step I took.

My armor was pretty loud and it efficiently clouded my sound absorbers, but I could still hear some one getting closer. I crouched down behind a tree furthest from the noise so that I'll be able the make an escape, if needed. Hopefully I don't get stuck on my knees this time, this armor always gets stuck on grass.

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now