Fifty Sweeps

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Fifty sweeps ago in a kingdom named Beforus, a young troll who was only about ten sweeps was leading one of his many meetings. You see, this troll wasn't like other trolls. His eyes glowed a bright red and his horns barely protruded from his scalp. Worst of all, his blood was unique to his kind, but served no purpose, for the troll held no real power but speech. He stood upon a large stage in a giant underground cave, preaching to over a thousand trolls. They all listened silently and cheered when necessary. The red troll began the most uplifting part of his presentation and his truest companions got closer behind him. All three of them placed their hands upon the cloaked preacher and stood in support.

The first was a yellow-blooded troll, freed from a life of ship duty by none other than the man he had placed his hand on. The yellow blood was to be a ship hand and live his days out in grueling pain. The red blood came to him for visions and inside looks on the ship holders. Eventually, that same troll would be the one to plan the yellow blood's escape. His name was the PSIIONIIC and boy was he happy. He was happy to be there to love and protect his best friend for the rest of their miserable lives. 

The second was a jade-blooded troll who lived a middle-class life working with the grub chambers before she came across the smuggling of a mutant troll. The troll was the size of her forearm and the man who was smuggling the child seemed very unfit. The jade blood took the child as her responsibility and left the adult troll to himself. She never did know what happened to him. The woman raised the mutant as her own. It was especially grueling because he didn't eat like normal trolls and no one had ever raised a troll before in thier generation. The jade blood's name is the DOLOROSA and she's looking down upon the troll she raised with bright eyes. She squeezed her hand a little tighter on his shoulder to show how proud she was and her child looked to her and smiled while still speaking. She was happy to be there to love and protect the beautiful troll she had raised as her own and to bring equality to all trolls.

The third was an olive-blooded troll who served as a maid of sorts. She wasn't a slave and after her work was done she'd be paid a small amount and then sent home. When she was only seven sweeps old she came across a boy in a gray cloak admiring the small amount of flowers set in front of the olive blood's tiny home. The olive approached the boy and started small talk without ever seeing his face. They talked for a good thirty minutes when an adult jade blood approached them. The olive blood knew her place and backed off, watching the jade blood whisk the boy away. The olive blood announced that they should come back tomorrow while she heard the other two trolls bicker while scurrying away. The two trolls did come back the next day, and the day after that, and every day after. Eventually there was an incident where the olive blood saw the color of the red blood's eyes and she was frightened, but soon got over it. The red blood talked of peace and frequently boasted about his great ideas. The olive blood listened diligently and eventually began to write them down. These same inscriptions were used in the red blood's first public speeches. This olive blood's name was the DISCIPLE and she looked up at her truest love from where her hand was placed. Their love would soon be known to surpass all of the quadrants and she truly did believe in that. She scribbled some things down on some stone while listening to her partner's voice. She only wrote the new things. She was happy to be there to love and protect the one who shows her the most compassion. She will do anything it takes to preserve the red blood's teachings and way of life through thick in thin. 

The SUFFERER looked out upon the crowds of his devoted followers and smiled while speaking. The thought of an uprising isn't that far away of an aspiration. All they needed was an army for defeating the mighty Condese and her fleet of high bloods. Equality would rain supreme. That's the day where every thing went wrong. The cave location was leaked from an outside spy and the whole cave collapsed. The trolls who were still alive were tried and most were executed. The main four were still alive at the time. They day had come for the execution of none other than the Sufferer himself. The trio of friends he had were brought outside to watch as scuff up there knees while being able to do nothing. All but the Psyiioniic were crying, he promised not to. The red blood was lead to a place to hang where his arms would be bound by his own symbol. Before he was locked in the Condescension came down from her throne to give her last regards. She stood right in front of the red blood and breathed in his scent. The Sufferer spit in her face. "Equality may be my goal in this life, but there will never be peace for someone who only brings suffering." The red blood swung his arm and stabbed a shiv into Her Imperiousness' gut. He had made that shiv in the cell the night before his execution. He twisted the thing into her and in the end she suffered internal bleeding, but remained alive. The Sufferer was immediately locked into his death by his own symbol. He sat completely still as his family wailed for him. He took death like a champ. He accepted his fate and realized he did all he could for a measly mutant. He paved the way for a revolution.

Executeer Darkleer stood before him and took his bow aback. The arrow was aimed straight for the red blood's head and when he let go the Sufferer went without a sound, much to the Condescension's disappointment. She would've loved to here him writhe in pain. As for the Sufferer's family, they lived horrible lives from there on. The Dolorosa was sold into slavery and passed around from high blood to high blood before her death by a stab wound. Her final owner was a cerulean blood who would soon be one of the biggest steps to freedom. The Psiioniic was made a helmsman for Her Imperiousness' battle ship. The Condese soon took a liking to this particular troll and with her special touch she made him have the same lifespan as herself. That lifespan wouldn't affect normal death and the helmsman eventually died during the vast glub. The Disciple was spared by the Executioneer and she lived her life in solitude using her vast collection of old speeches of her love to preserve his teachings in a cave. That cave would be the proof that the Sufferer really lived outside of legends. 

-To be continued-

((Aye I'm going into the past to give you a little look of how the kingdom came to be))

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