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It could be worse I guess. If I would've attacked that witch I could be a frog by now. "Hey Karkat." Ughhhh not again. "Hey, Karkat. Karkat Karkat Karkat Karkat-" AHHHHHUGHHHHH. I HATE HIM SO MUCH. "Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarkaaaaaaaaa-" "WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT? WHAT YOU NOOK-SNIFFING STAIN ON ALTERNIA?" He stopped at looked at me "I don't live in Alternia; that's for losers." AAAAAAAH KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KIL- "Karkaaaat." "WHAT ALREADY GOD." "It's beddy-by time honey." Yeah, right. If he thinks that I'm actually going to bed next to this sorry excuse for a fire then he's dead wrong. "Sorry, dear, but it seems I'm a little tied up at work right now." He laughed at me again. It seems like everytime I look at the little pit-stain, he's laughing. I want to break those filthy shades into a billion pieces and throw them in the fire. "Aw, c'mon my little mutant. Let's snuggle by the fire." "I hate you." "Ouch. That's gonna leave a little mark right on nowhere. You are just a little ball of anger. Do you even have feelings besides hate?" I scowled at him. He doesn't know me at all. How dare he make stupid suggestions! Of Course I have feelings! "Actually Dave Strider, I have all the feelings of normal circumstances. I have anger, happiness, sadness, jealousy, fear, love, hate, etc. It just seems like the only couple of those that you fill is anger and hate." He scooted closer to the tree he tied me too just to open his mouth again. "Are you suuuure? I didn't spend much time learning about troll romance while I was a slave in Alternia, but I'm pretty sure one of them is hate-love. Do you hate-love me Karkat? I wouldn't blame you honestly, I'm a catch." I felt my face get red with anger. "NO I DON'T WANT YOU IN THAT WAY. I ACTUALLY HAVE THAT QUADRANT FILLED SO YOU CAN JUST LEAVE ME ALONE UNLESS YOU WANT TO ANSWER TO HER." I'm not lying. Except I wish my kismesis wasn't who it was because I actually don't love her at all, and I can't be her rival; I'm too weak. It's just hate, but I don't have much of a choice. Honestly, I'm pretty sure she only has me in this quadrant because I'm pathetically connected to the people of Alternia. That's why she doesn't care whether or not I die. She could just find another mutant, yet for now she sticks with me. "Ooooh Karkat's got himself a hate-girlfriend. Is that how it is Karkat? You hate girls?" "Actually my matesprit and morail are girls too." "Awh Karkat. C'mon tell me! It's gossip timeee! Let's start with your moirail! Who is she? What's her blood color?" Ugh why not? "Alright Sir Strider, I'll play your game. My moirail's name is Kanaya Maryam. She's a jadeblood and pretty much one of the only people I care about. Is that what you wanted to hear. Did you want to hear how I feeeeel? You wanted to know if I had feelings right?" He thought for a second and had a confirmation with himself. He probably knows Kanaya. She's well-known for her clothing lines and for being part of raising the oldest mother grub. "Actually, I did want to know that you had feelings, but I'm also genuinely interested in your love life. Sounds interesting and I need something to entertain me out in these woods besides your constant anger." Genuinely interested huh? "Fine David. Shoot."

"Okaaaay so,,, who's your matesprit then?" He asked. Ummmm. "Okay so this one's kind of complicated. If my hands weren't tied around a tree I'd probably be rubbing the back of my neck for comfort. She's kind of a different case. Y'know how trolls have to fill pails to keep from being culled, but the only ones that are actually required is like a matesprit and kismesis. We both decided that we would be matesprits just to survive. We don't actually love each other, we're just friends but survival is necessary. I have plans with my life; I'm not completely useless yet. Her name's Terezi Pyrope; you've probably heard of her too." "Yeah, she's a great law-abiding citizen. So, that leaves kismesis." "Well Dave, that one is a little touchy so if you don't mind I'd rather not share." He looked a little disappointed. Maybe I should, but I could strike a deal with him if he's really that interested, but before I could even suggest anything, he read my mind. "I'll untie you for a bit for if you spill it." That's exactly what I was going to suggest. "Fine, but untie me before, not after." He moved behind the tree to release my wrists from their cages. "But don't get the wrong idea Sir Vantas, you are still my prisoner, don't try anything funky or you will go to prison when we get back." I rubbed my wrists when they fell to my sides. Red marks traced around my arms where those horrible ropes were just moments before. God, those things hurt. He sat next to me now, his head nearly on my shoulder. "Go on man, a deal is a deal." I smirked a little before continuing "A deal is a deal after all." I had to pause. I don't exactly know how to explain this. I never really had to, except for maybe when I was speaking to Kanaya. It is really a touchy subject, I wasn't joking.

"Alright, my kismesis is the one and only Imperiousness-" No snarky comments yet. Wow is he actually listening? "-she's horrible. I don't even love her at all. Hate, just hate. I can't be her rival either because she could literally kill me with a snap of her finger. I want her dead and she wants the same for me, yet she keeps me around. I can't exactly say why because I don't really know. At first I thought it was because I'm the best knight in the kingdom but then I thought no, because she could've trained any old troll and they could've been better than me in a heartbeat with their blood color advantage. I'm the weakest link. No cool lowblood powers, no cool highblood strength, just part of another useless batch of mutants destined for death. She doesn't care if I die, she even ordered drones to come after me if I'm not back in three days with the princess, which now is pretty much two and a half days. I'm surprised she didn't kill me a long time ago, but I have a small guess as to why not. It's likely because of my ancestor. Everyone knows who he was and maybe you haven't guessed by now so I'm just going to say it. My ancestor is the Sufferer; the mutant who dared defy the Condesce. After his execution his pity party disbanded and life in Alternia went by as normal, until the humans were mutated into society. They were the new slaves and low blood's lives began to get better. Don't get me wrong they still sucked, but they weren't all slaves anymore. When Alternia began colonizing around Earth is when the humans fought back. This was around the time we were both born probably. You know the story from there. I'm sure Her Imperiousness only keeps me around because I have sins to pay for my ancestor and because the people of Alternia want me to live and take a stand to the Condescension, much to her dislike. But, none of that will matter soon because I'll be dead. I won't have to put up with this anymore. Yeah, sure, I want to erase my ancestor's sins so that maybe some day one of my descendants can live and prosper in a better Alternia without anyone hating them for their ancestry. I want to be the best troll that I can so that the poor little mutant trolls that will be born with my blood color won't have to suffer and be hated just because they're related to the Sufferer. I wanted to be the one to outmatch the cons of being a mutant with pros. Maybe..give them a reason to live; unlike me in every way. I wanted to until I realized that I'm weak. There's never going to be anything to change that. I've reached my full fighting potential, I have no cool powers, my life span is only a little over a human's, I'm just a joke. I thought that maybe I could do something good by completing this mission, but here I am just going along with Alternia again. Destroying any chance I ever had at redemption. I'm nothing like my ancestor because I have done nothing but destroy the chances of anyone winning against Alternia by doing stupid stuff like this. And I-" What's this? Am I crying? Oh god of course I am! Of all the things to do in front of the enemy, I do the most pathetic one. I can't tell exactly how many tears I've shed but they've all landed on my hand. At least three. How didn't I notice until now? Wow, I really am clueless. 

(Obviously I've been writing too much lately. Please excuse my long paragraphs; usually I cut them off, but when I'm really into it I just kind of forget.)

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now