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I began unlocking the cell and grabbed my couple of knives from my belt. Karkat and I were know completely stripped of all defenses besides physical strength. The door finally creaked open and I walked inside. "Here." I said. I tossed one of the knives over to Karkat and he fumbled trying to catch it. "We're gonna spend a little time together buddy." 


What?!  If Dave thinks that I've betrayed him then why is he locking us in a cell together all night? And giving me a knife! I could easily kill him while he's sleeping! He must be testing me....Yes! That's it! He's testing me to see if he can trust me to come out of this cell. I could play along all night and get out in the morning or I could kill him, take the keys, and leave the kingdoms once and for all so that I don't have to be caught up in this war mess when it happens. Though, if Earth does end up winning then I can't come back after killing their head knight..and if Alternia wins then I'll definitely be culled for not bringing the princess to Her Imperiousness. I have no choice then..."Come on in Dave, I have nothing to prove to you. I'm as calm as a kitten." He smirked and sat down "Yeah, except when kittens touch water they screech, oh yeah and have you ever seen a hyper kitten biting people? Yeah, that's you." I just scoffed and sat in the corner. "You don't come near me and I don't come near you. Simple and easy if I do say so myself." Dave began scooting closer to me. "Stop." I said. He scooted closer. "STop." I yelled. He put his arm around my neck. "STOP." I shouted. I burst up out of his arms. "Can you just sod off? Yeah, that'd be great. Y'know...unless you want me to stab you because that's the vibe I'm getting here. " He laughed out loud towards me. I'm so confused right now...why does he always think I'm so funny when it's just me ridiculing him and keeping him at a distance? He's a weird guy alright. "You have a sick kind of humor Strider. Torturing people with your mocking tone and laugh." He looked up at me from the ground, "It's a pleasure to hear that from you Karkat. I'll be sure to work on my laugh for you." Huffing and puffing, I sat down in the opposite corner of the cell.  Silence.


Wow...this sure is awkward, huh? Maybe I should've thought of something to actually do in here..."So, how was the trip here?" I ask half-heartily. I don't actually care about his stupid little spiritual journey. "Well, nothing much. Lots of walking...and then lots of flying...." I squirmed around on the cold floor of the cell. "Fef told me that you found out that you were fated to die." Karkat looked down at the cement. Oh wait, was that bad? When he lifted his head again there was a single red stream down his face. What's weird about it wasn't that he was crying, it was that there was literally only a single tear, but the rest of his face was totally the same. The same scowl and grey face, not even any snot or bright red face. He just turned his head toward me and furrowed his eyebrows, "Thanks for mentioning it. I was trying to forget but it just seems that you are as insensitive as they come. Tell me, do you process anything before you say it?" The tear on his face was already dry and gone. He actually has control over his emotions? I mean, besides anger? Does he know how many people wish they could do that in most situations? What a blessing, really. "I didn't know it'd still offend you. Listen, I'm not like you. I get over that kind of stuff until late at night when I can't sleep. I try to remain indifferent about stuff to keep everyone else that I know in a positive vibe. You seem to just want to keep everyone in their place." Karkat rolled his eyes, "it's not like it's any of your business anyway. At least I put my feelings out there when I need to instead of keeping them in all the time like a tool." I scrunched up my face, "Tool? Excuse you Mr.Vantas!" He turned his head, "You heard me Mr.Strider." More silence. Geez, we need some poker cards or anything. The tension in here is so thick you could cut it with a knife. "Hey, so uh, any ideas on what to do in here all night?" He scoffed at me, "Y'know what? Sleeping sounds nice." 

"It's only like 3 pm."

"I hibernate. It's a thing trolls do." 

"First off, that's a lie. Second off, it's Autumn. Early Autumn."

"Tch." Would you look at that? Karkat cracked his first smile since I showed up. It's like a bright red glow among an otherwise dreary face. "Am I just imagining things or are you actually happy to be around me right now?" He paused a moment then shrugged, "It's better than being alone, I guess." The room began to get brighter as a new source of light began to descend down the stairs. Her bright orange dress fit tightly around her and then cascaded behind her like a wedding dress. Instead of a torch she held a single crystal ball with the image of a burning forest to illuminate her book that she read. At first, Rose seemed disinterested in what was happening with us, that was until I realized that there was no one else in this cell block, so she must have made the trip down here to see Karkat and I. With a flick of her wrist she slammed the book shut and pulled her hood off of her face to reveal her bleach blonde hair, same as mine. "Salutations sibling," she looked over to Karkat, "and of course our guest knight." She sat down on a nearby wooden bench. "John told me you'd be residing in this putrid cell, I have a question or two."

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