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It's almost time for my 'betrayal'. Except, now I really don't want too? But that's beside the point. If I don't, both Dave and I will be killed anyway. This is...for the best. Yeah. The monsters outside were no issue. We ended up slicing the demons to pieces. The troublesome part was finding the entrance. "Dude, where the fuck is this door? There should be a huge ass door around here somewhere?!" Dave ranted. I just kind of glared at him and continued the search. Once Strider has done my dirty work, I can ditch this lame search. Suddenly, my eyes caught sight of a dark entrance. It wasn't connected to the tower but maybe it could be a tunnel entrance. "Over here buttmuncher." I yelled and waved my hand for Dave to come over. With a hop in his step, that idiot made it to the entrance. "So, what's going on over here?" He questioned. "It's an entrance dipstick. I'll go first if you're too scared. You want me to hold your damn hand? C'mon stop wasting time." I headed into the cave, not even caring if Dave was following. I knew he had to be because his kingdom rests on finding this princess. It was dark in the tunnel so I couldn't see anything but I could just tell that it was gross. The smell was putrid, like a dead cat or something, and the sounds of dripping something ( I hope it's water ). The only light that made it seem like there was hope of getting out was at the end of the tunnel where there were stairs. So far so good. However, as soon as we get in that tower we'll be at the mercy of Pyrope's lusus, who was stolen the moment it hatched for this exact purpose. To keep the princess from ever leaving. Come to think of it, I'm not so sure what the princess looks like. I'm hoping to identify her by her eye color, but it's likely that they may still be mostly grey.  

The stairs were becoming closer and closer until we stood at the very beginning of the stairs. "After you m'lady." I mocked Dave. He just huffed and began is ascent. We made small talk the whole way up, but I'm sure that at the back of our minds, we were both wondering the same thing. Where's the winged beast that's supposed to be stopping us? Finally, I brought my voice down to a whisper when bringing up the topic of the dragon up to Dave . "There's something fishy going on..." He looked at me, face not moving. "You mean besides the obvious fish princess we're retrieving?" He didn't whisper one bit. "Dave. You need to be quiet. The beast could be anywhere." He nodded his head and continued his pace. We were silent the rest of the way up, staying vigilant. We reached the top of the tower and approached the door that Peixes was supposed to be behind. How is this possible? Is there a chance that the dragon didn't notice us? No way. What's going on? I scooted in front of Dave and pushed the door open. 

Nothing. No princess, no clothes, no bed, no nothing. She's gone. "No fucking way!" I huffed my way over to the wall and kicked it with all my might. Not the best idea I've ever had. "Yo, Karkat calm down. She couldn't have been taken by someone else. There's no way. If we're the first people to ever been sent for her then she must have...." We both made our way to the single window by where it seemed a bed was for the longest time; only the imprint remained. Out side the window was the giant skeleton of a dragon. There were still small pieces of flesh attached to the wings. "She just let herself out." Dave said very matter-of-fact like. I widened my eyes in surprise and wondered, "How long do you think she's been out?" We looked at the imprints from furniture. Dave looked back towards me and gave an approximate answer. "Seems about, two years, maybe three?" 

"Alternian please?"

"No more than one sweep"


"Where would she go?"

"No idea."

"Do you think she's dead?"

"No. She's the heiress of a strong kingdom. She's got plenty of power."

We both sat there in awe. She killed a blinding, fire breathing dragon all on her own. Of course Dave and I could do that within five minutes, but still. She's been locked in a tower most of her life, no training. Crazy woman. I NEED to find her

(Sorry it's been so long, but I'm in more of a writing mood now so heeeey.)

DaveKat Medievalstuck AUWhere stories live. Discover now