Chapter 1 - Something Ends, Something Begins!

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"It is the moment every Pokemon trainer across the world has been waiting for!" a woman was in the middle of a stadium, with a microphone in her hand. Her voice echoed throughout the stadium as she spoke and was even louder on the TV. "We are proud to announce that the construction of the Pokemon Battle Stadium has been complete and with that comes our very first Annual Pokemon Battle Tournament, right here in the Kanto Region! You and your Pokemon are cordially invited to participate, be sure to check for more details at your local Pokemon Center!" the woman finished speaking and the TV cut back to the show it was on, the advert ending.

Ash got up from the kitchen table with excitement and rushed out of the room. He fixed his red cap onto his head and threw his bag onto his back.

"Let's go Pikachu!" he shouted up the stairs.

"Pika!" Pikachu shouted back, rushing down the stairs and onto Ash's shoulder.

"Going somewhere?" Ash's Mom came out of the kitchen, with an inquisitive look on her face.

"I am going to sign up for this new tournament!" Ash replied with growing excitement. He moved around impatiently, wanting to rush off to the Pokemon Center.

"You've just finished your journey to Kalos, so this couldn't have come at a better time. Go have fun Ash" his Mom replied as she ever would, supporting Ash's wishes in becoming a Pokemon master.

Ash gave her a determined nod and then rushed out of the door, Pikachu hanging onto his shoulder the whole way. He rushed through Pallet Town and towards the open fields, passing all kinds of Pokemon on the way. Pidgey's flew across the clear blue skies and other Pokemon such as Rattata scurried through the grass. Ash continued through the forest, on his way to Viridian City. Pikachu felt nostalgic as they continued through the forest, the memories of being in Kanto flooding back to him. Ash saw Pikachu's expression and picked up on his feelings.

"It feels good to be back, huh Pikachu?" he asked Pikachu, continuing his focus on the path ahead.

"Pika!" Pikachu shouted out in excitement, getting a few shouts back from various Pokemon.

Then, the city came into view and they both became even more excited, rushing straight across the road and cutting through the city, getting to the Pokemon Center in no time. Ash stopped for a moment to catch his breath when he heard a voice.

"Well if it isn't little Ashy-boy" Ash turned to see Gary, his hands shove in his pockets. Gary was wearing his black shirt and purple pants, but he did not have his usual belt on with this attire, he looked more casual.

"Gary, what are you doing here?" Ash asked, finally catching his breath.

"Signing up for the tournament and winning it, birdbrain" Gary retorted, walking around Ash and opening the door. "You coming in or what?"

"Oh!" Ash jumped up and spun around. "Of course, I am!"

"Well, apparently anyone from any region can sign up, so I would expect some sort of qualifying competition first. This tournament is going to last forever I bet" Gary was using his head, thinking logically about the situation.

"Hmm," Ash rubbed his chin. "I think that it is probably going to happen, yeah. But it doesn't matter because the winner will be Ash of Pallet Town!"

"We both know I am better than you, even if I have been busy doing research" Gary replied, sensing Ash's never changing determination.

"We will have to see if we end up battling each other" Ash gave a simple reply. He was ready to battle anyone, but having one with an old rival such as Gary would be just as exciting.

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