Chapter 6 - Surrounded By Shadows

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With 3 days until the tournament, the excitement was really beginning to build. In comparison to any other tournament, when the spectators are the ones full of excitement and the tension builds throughout the competitors, this tournament was one for everyone to be excited and prepared. Although the tournament was scheduled to start in 3 days, the amount of entries would mean that qualifying competitions would need to be put in place. Every corner that Ash turned on his way to meeting Miette, after she had won the practice tournament and asked for a day out with him, he saw all kinds of Pokemon and one in particular that caught his eye.

"What is that Pikachu?" Ash asked, his eyes sparkling at the wondrous sight. He lifted his pokedex, wondering if it had been tricked out.

"Pika.." Pikachu said in amazement as Ash studied the Blastoise entry from Tierno in his pokedex. 

"It must be a mega evolved Blastoise, wow! So cool!" Ash realized he was getting sidetracked and eventually continued on. 

"I said 1pm sharp, Ash Ketchum!" Miette was waiting outside the Pokemon Center, with her arms folded and a big frown plastered on her face.

"Sorry, heh, I just saw a mega Blastoise and got kinda sidetracked, my bad" Ash laughed nervously, but then Miette smiled.

"A mega Blastoise?" She asked, as they walked down the street. "Pretty cool"

"I wish I could mega evolve one of my Pokemon. The professor spoke about the possibility of a mega Sceptile, but there doesn't seem to be any noticeable sceptilite around"

"That kinda sucks, I would love to see you battle with a mega evolved Pokemon" Miette admitted, keeping the same smile on her face the whole way.

"So where are we going?" Ash wondered, looking at Pikachu to see if he knew, but he just stared back at Ash.

"You are coming shopping with moi!" Miette announced, making Ash's face drop.

"I am? Aww man" Ash moaned. Miette turned around with a face scarier than the devil himself.

"You will be coming shopping with me Ash!" Miette replied angrily, making Ash feel nervous.

"Alright, alright" Ash sweatdropped, looking at Pikachu who was having the same reaction.

"Pika..." He said quietly.

"I know Pikachu...I know" Ash replied, probably not even knowing what Pikachu said anyway.

For the most part of the afternoon, Miette dragged Ash around various clothing stores, trying on various outfits and constantly asking for his opinion. Ash wasn't really into prolonged clothes shopping and Miette sometimes had to even wake him up and make him look interested. It wasn't the best day out, but soon enough they was having a drink outside the Pokemon Center, to end the day.

"I think I should be sorry for dragging you around" Miette said suddenly, surprising Ash. "I shouldn't force someone to do something they don't like"

"It's ok, I had alot of fun for the most part" Ash smiled, trying to keep Miette happy. It was common for Ash to say things like that, he wasn't exactly someone to make people feel sad.

"I had alot of fun too. I done this for my own reasons, but it was still fun" Miette smiled and then stood up from the table. "I better get going now, I asked Serena if she could meet me just outside the forest down the road.

"At route 1?" Ash asked as he too stood up. Miette nodded. "I am heading that way anyway, I live in Pallet Town so it is the most convenient way.

"Ok then, lets go!" Miette turned around and start running, with a little teasing giggle.

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