Chapter 39 - The Battles Continue!

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"12 of 32 competitors have made it through the tournament so far. What is in store for us all today? Well lets take a look at our next four matchers!" The announcer threw a hand at the big screen above her and all eyes flickered to it.

"Our first match, Dawn vs Nathan!" The announcer instantly moved on to the next match, to not keep the crowds waiting. 

"I am in the centre stage?" Dawn gulped nervously.

"The second match of today, Iris vs Lucy!" 

"Now, for our third match up, it is Erika vs Davina!" 

The announcer coughed into her hand, killing the noise like the next match was the biggest. "And finally, the fourth and final match of the day...It's Clemont vs Sarah! Good luck competitors" 

Everyone looked at one another and moved around to their respective areas. Ash and Brock stayed in the main stadium, Cilan went to the second stadium to watch Iris, Miette deciding to tag along and Serena went with Bonnie and Misty to watch Clemont. 

"That reminds me, where is May?" Ash looked at Brock, Pikachu also peering over Ash's shoulder to be involved in the conversation. 

"She decided to stay at the lodge for a little longer, said she would catch up" Brock replied without glancing over. He focused on Dawn and Nathan preparing to battle.

"You all know the rules!" The announcer threw her hand up and fireworks blasted out into the sky. "Let the battles, begin!"

"Piplup, I choose you! Dawn instantly brought out Piplup, without hesitation.

"Conkeldurr, you go first" Nathan had one hand in his pocket and while spinning around, he released Conkeldurr from its pokeball. The huge Pokemon looked down at Dawn's Piplup, who immediately gulped.

"Don't worry Piplup, we can take him!" Dawn clenched her fist with determination, but the suave Nathan flicked his hair to the side and smirked.

"I wouldn't be so sure" He replied, before taking his hand out of his pocket. 

Meanwhile, the other battles had also just begun. Iris was using Dragonite against Lucy's Charizard, a battle Iris knew all too well against Ash. 

"Thunder punch, lets go!" Iris shouted up to the sky, where Dragonite and Charizard flew.

Dragonite immediately charged up the electrical energy within its body, shifting the energy into its fist. Dragonite's face showed his fearlessness as he charged up at Lucy's Charizard, training paying off as Dragonite's speed was unmatched. The thunder punch sent Charizard straight into the ground, causing a small crater to form around Charizard, who was slowly getting up. 

"Dragonite, dragon rush!" Iris wasn't letting up, punishing Charizard fast and efficiently before it could move.

Dragonite's horns started to glow blue in colour as he flew down at Charizard. Then, out of the blue light, a dragon shaped aura surrounded Dragonite and he flew down like a rocket, exploding into Charizard. The once small crater grew in size, rocks smashing down against the now ruined arena.

"Charizard is unable to battle!" The referee noticed Charizard had fainted once the smoke cleared. The crowd gasped in shock, Iris's Dragonite had defeated Charizard in two moves.

Lucy huffed in annoyance, and brought out another pokeball.

"Time to stop playing nice" She scowled and then threw the pokeball into the air.

In stadium four, Clemont was way into his battle, with Sarah pressuring him.

"Haxorus, aerial ace!" She called out to her Haxorus, who swiftly glided against the ground, its wings glowing white. Garchomp slashed down against Clemont's Luxray, who immediately ducked his head to avoid taking major damage. 

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