Chapter 53 - Mental Strength

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Ash continued to stare at his friends, each one a shadow of their former selves. Alder, Cynthia, Lance and- that's when it clicked in Ash's mind. 

"Where is Diantha?" Ash said out loud, asking himself because no one was listening. 

Surprisingly enough, no one attacked him with their Pokemon.

"Ash?" Serena's sweet, innocent voice called out, making Ash feel hopeful. He looked up, to see a scowl on her face, her voice changing. "Do you honestly think anyone actually loves you? Not even your Mom loves you"

"You think we was your friends?" Gary mock laughed and then folded his arms. "You're just someone who is going to be all alone for the rest of their life. We was here because we took pity on you"

"You're a worthless trainer with no potential, no skills. You may as well just give up" Serena continued her verbal assault, making Ash feel different compared to his usual emotions. 

Ash didn't understand how he felt, because his emotions were all mixed up. Subconsciously, he kind of believed what they said, but he knew none of it was true, that it was just the control they was under. Ash tensed his head and focused hard, to stop them from polluting his mind, his Pokemon waiting in a semi-circle. 

"I may not have any friends, who even knows if that is true?" Ash spoke to the air, because the empty shells of his friends were not interested in his words.  Just before any of them could get really close, Ash took a few steps back, a little smile on his face. "Of course I know it isn't true. You guys have been by my side through thick and thin. This whole journey right here has been a roller coaster of a ride and I will be damned if you guys don't get through it with me"

With that, Ash returned his Pokemon, Pikachu sitting on his shoulder, sparks of electricity still showing up every so often. He then turned on one heel and took off into the forest. 

Ash continued to run until his feet burned, to make sure he was away from his friends. He ran through mud, splashed through puddles and clambered up hills in seconds, until he reached his peak and stopped to regain his breath. But, there was no breaks in dark places.

"You know, we could capture you at any time, right?" Parker, the most casual person Ash knew on the planet appeared next to him, hanging upside down on a thick branch. 

"You can try all you want" Ash challenged, instantly hopping back onto his feet, preparing to move. 

"Well then, let us try our very best" Parker clapped his hands twice and Lance came out of the clearing, like he had been there the whole time. 

"Charizard, I choose you!" Ash instantly decided, having no time to lose. One wrong decision and this is all over. I have to help my friends and my home. Ash hopped onto Charizard's back and Charizard took to the skies, flying high. Lance called out Dragonite and the aerial battle began. Ash made sure it ended quickly. "Charizard, dragon tail!" 

Charizard's tail became purple in colour and he stopped moving, making Dragonite catch up. Just at that moment, like a baseball bat to a baseball, Charizard smashed his tail into Dragonite, sending it plummeting back down into the ground, within seconds. 

Ash stayed on Charizard as they continued to search the skies. 

"We need to find that aircraft again, maybe we can do something to save everyone" Ash told Charizard, who grunted in response and swooped to the left, to review the landscape. Then, another Dragonite appeared.

"Flamethrower!" a basic response from Iris rang out. Although her command sounded like there was no energy in it, Dragonite sent a huge flamethrower Ash's way. 

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