Chapter 48 - Madness and Violence

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While the fight continued, another fight was about to brew between Ash's friends. The topic of conversation of course, being Ash himself.

"I hope Ash is okay" Miette sounded too hopeful. She looked down at the floor.

"So do I" Serena looked around warily, wondering if anyone knew about her and Ash at the moment.

"You girls are both lovestruck, ain't ya" Dawn mocked them with a grin, before Misty dropped the bomb on them all.

"You're all in love with Ash, right?" she said, taking a sip of water from the bottle in her hand.

May, Dawn, Miette and Serena all went red-faced, looking away from Misty. 

"Knew it" she tutted and then turned to the guys, who all stared blankly at the conversation. "Mind leaving for a moment?"

"Erm...sure" Cilan chose his words carefully and the guys slowly backed away and exited through the door. 

"How did you...know?" May asked, sensing the awkward tension around the group. They all knew Miette and Serena liked Ash, but Miette And Serena didn't know about May and Dawn.

"I saw you and I saw Dawn with Ash, your feelings were pretty clear from where I stood" Misty explained, watching as the others just looked around at each other.

Serena felt the most awkward, she gulped and Misty noticed it, eyes like a hawk.

"Got something to share?" she asked Serena, who sighed.

"A-" Serena hesitated for a moment and then let it all out. She explained everything that happened during the brief moment Ash and her had alone in the cave within Team Shadow's base, the feelings that only Serena had now being shared between the both of them. 

"I already knew this" Miette took her turn to sigh. "I was just waiting for you to say it"

Dawn turned to Serena, who looked back at them awkwardly. 

"I guess we always knew that you was going to be the one" Dawn spoke for the two of them, taking it pretty lightly. "Right May?" Dawn turned to face May, who was facing the wall. Maniacal laughter escaped her mouth and everyone in the room instantly knew something was wrong.

"This isn't right" she said in a crazed voice, spinning around in her chair, her eyes now red. "Me and Ash were meant to be. We was going to survive, in the darkness, together"

"You're wrong May!" Dawn gripped onto May's arms and shook her, but May moved to one side.

"You won't take Ash from me!" May, in her crazed state, leapt straight at Serena, who fell out of her seat in a panic.

"May, calm down!" Dawn grabbed onto May once more, holding her back as she viciously lashed out at Serena.

"Thief! You stole him from me!" she shouted at Serena. "No one loves you! Ash is just taking pity on your sad, lonely life!" 

"I know that isn't really the May we know in there, your words won't hurt me" Serena calmly replied before all hell broke loose.

May broke out of Dawn's grip and threw herself ont op of Serena, tugging on her hair, clawing, scratching everywhere. Serena threw her hands up and pushed May off of her, before scrambling to her feet. 

At this point, Misty and Dawn stepped in front of May and watched carefully, as her red eyes darted left and then right. 

"Hey gu-" Iris came in with bags of shopping and dropped them on the floor. "What is going on?"

"It's May, something is wrong with her" Dawn turned to Iris, giving May enough time to move around her and go for Serena again. Miette jumped in and tackled May, pinning her to the floor. 

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