Chapter 45 - Miette's Mission

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Rain continued to pour. Miette continued to run.

"Pika!" Pikachu, who now looked okay at first sight, continued to bound in front of Miette, with a panicked expression.

"We already know were their base is. We need to get Serena and Ash out and then stop this once and for all" Miette spoke inbetween sharp breaths, struggling to keep her balance as she kicked mud into the air with each step. 

They came up to a small path leading to the cave and met opposition almost instantly. 

"My my, one of Ash's very own crushes, right on our doorstep" Elizabeth hopped off the branch she sat on and landed by the tree, her Greninja appearing out of nowhere. "Why don't you leave this region before you get into too much trouble"

"Where is Ash and Serena?" Miette ignored Elizabeth's remarks and skipped straight to the questions.

"I can't give you that information, I will have to remove you myself" Elizabeth straightened up and glanced over at her Greninja. 

Pikachu lost his patience and acted on his own. Within seconds he was slamming his tail in the face of Greninja, the tail of Pikachu coated in iron. Pikachu immediately spun round, so he was facing the Greninja and then flipped, slamming his iron tail down once more. There was so much power behind it, that Greninja fainted on impact. Pikachu was not messing around.

"Pika!" Pikachu looked up at Elizabeth, anger in his eyes.

"Oh how cute, his Pokemon is getting upset" Elizabeth crouched down and smiled. "We could use a Pokemon like you on our team, such courage and strength..."

"You leave Pikachu alone" Miette warned Elizabeth, who just grinned.

"No Pokemon would ever hurt a human on purpose, I can do what I want" She replied coldly. 

Miette lost it and within two steps, she had her open palm in Elizabeth's face, slapping her so hard she done a momentary corkscrew and landed in the mud. Miette grabbed Elizabeth's hair and puled her face up, which was now full of mud.

"Are you going to tell me or are we going to have trouble. For years I have held in anger, I didn't see the need to react" Miette was so angry and Elizabeth continued to prod the bear with a stick.

"But since it is about the one you like, you have to be angry to save him, right?" She replied smartly, making Miette freeze. "Oh, did I hit a nerve?" She continued, before pushing Miette into the mud. Elizabeth got up and grabbed her pokeball. "Shall we settle this like Pokemon trainers or little kids?"

"I thought you would never ask" Miette replied, wiping the mud from her face. 

"Although I doubt your Slurpuff is much of a competition" Elizabeth commented while throwing her pokeball, another Greninja coming out. 

"Slurpuff isn't my choice, you see, there is something that Ash said a while ago" Miette replied. Then, she recalled Ash's words. "If anyone desperately needs any Pokemon, then you can borrow some of mine, is what Ash said" Miette knew that quote wasn't exact, but she had took him up on his offer. "Torterra, do this for Ash!" 

Torterra came crashing out of his pokeball and confusingly turned to Miette, who looked at Torterra and hoped. 

"Ash is in trouble, I need your help to save him!" Miette pleaded, hoping Torterra would listen straightaway. The nod Torterra gave was enough. Ok. Miette thought. Professor Oak gave me a list of his moves, I have been over them so I should be able to do this

"Greninja, water pulse" Elizabeth didn't seem phased by the huge Torterra that had just crushed half the trees around the cave. 

"Torterra, energy ball!" Miette focused hard, hoping she had remembered the moves right. Torterra executed the move with ease. As its mouth opened, the green ball of energy formed around its mouth and the ball was fired off at Greninja. Miette sighed with relief and watched as the energy ball cut straight through the water pulse and smashed into Greninja, a super effective move. 

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